Ltr from finance officer
r=1 PEAT
Peat, Manuck, MItchell & Co
]700 IDS Centel
Minneapolis. MlI1ne~otd 55402
September 10, 1984
Mr. John Schedler
Flnance Offlcer
Clty of Hopbns
1010 Flrst Street South
Hopklns, MN 55345
Dear John:
At your request, we are hereby submlttlng our fee estlmate for the 1984
exmlnatlon and the proposed deadllne for such work. It lS our under-
standlng that we are to make an examlnatlon In accordance wlth generally
accepted audltlng standards as prescrlbed by the Amerlcan Instltute of
Certifled PubllC Accountants of the flnanclal statements of the varlOUS
fund types and account group of the C1ty of Hopklns as of and for the year
end1ng December 31, 1984. We w1lI schedule our work so that the aud1tor's
opln1on and our management letter can be dellvered by May 15, 1985. We
can further dlSCUSS the t1mlng and other matters at our October plann1ng
As 1n 1983, our fee w1lI be based upon standard hourly rates, plus re1m-
bursement of out-of-pocket and reproduct1on expenses 1ncurred. We est1mate
that the cost of our exam1nat1on of the var10US funds of the C1ty w1II not
exceed $11,000. Should we encounter C1rcumstanes wh1ch would requ1re
extens10n of our aud1t procedures beyond the normal scope ant1cipated,
we w1ll d1SCUSS such C1rcumstances w1th you 1n advance of lncurrlng any
slgnlflcant hours.
Our fee proposal represents less than a 5% 1ncrease from 1983.
We wlll plan to have our formal audlt plannlng meetlng In October at a
tlme that 1S mutually convenlent. We also plan to schedule lnter1m
fleld work prlor to December 31st.
Thank you for glvlng us the opportunlty to agaln serve the Clty of Hopklns.
Very truly yours,
Steven W. Lalble, Partner