CITY COUNCIL AS HOUSING COMMISSIONERS , , \. I' , CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Pursuant to M~nnesota Statute 8 462.425 of the Mun~c~pal Hous~ng and Redevelopment Act of the State of M~nnesota and by v~rtue of my off~ce as Mayor, I hereby appo~nt the follow~ng named members of the Counc~l of the Clty of Hopklns to serve as Commlssloners of the Houslng and Redevelopment Author~ty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota for terms of flve (5) years or untll the term of offlce as a Councll member exp~res. Commlssloners shall hold offlce untll thelr successors have been appolnted and quallfled. COUNCIL MEMBER, ELLEN LAVIN, COUNCIL MEMBER, DONALD J. MILBERT, COUNCIL MEMBER, JAMES SHIRLEY, COUNCIL MEMBER, ROBERT ANDERSON, MAYOR ROBERT F. MILLER, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s~gned my name as Mayor of the C~ty of Hopklns, M~nnesota, caused the off~c~al corporate seal of sald Clty of Hopklns to be lmpressed hereon on thlS 19th day of March , 1985. ATTEST: _J , 2)(() V- l( .C2.--if"- ~~ J. Scott Renne, C~ty Clerk CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Pursuant to M~nnesota Statute 8 462.425 of the Munlclpal Houslng and Redevelopment Act of the State of M~nnesota and by vlrtue of my off~ce as Mayor, I hereby appolnt the follow~ng named members of the Counc~l of the Clty of Hopk~ns to serve as Commlssloners of the Hous~ng and Redevelopment Authorlty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota for terms of flve (5) years or unt~l the term of offlce as a Councll member explres. Commlss~oners shall hold offlce untll thelr successors have been appolnted and qual~f~ed. COUNCIL MEMBER, ELLEN LAVIN, COUNCIL MEMBER, DONALD J. MILBERT, COUNCIL MEMBER, JAMES SHIRLEY, COUNCIL MEMBER, ROBERT ANDERSON, MAYOR ROBERT F. MILLER, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s~gned my name as Mayor of the Clty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota, caused the off~clal corporate seal of sald C~ty of Hopk~ns to be lmpressed hereon on thlS day of , 1985. Robert F. M~ller, Mayor ATTEST: J. Scott Renne, Clty Clerk