SUPER BLOCK . DATE' April 12, 1985 TO. Mayor and Councll FROM: Kevin Locke, Jlm Kerrlgan, Scott Renne SUBJECT: Superblock The Superblock plan as presented on Aprll 2, 1985 has been analyzed (computer analysis enclosed). The assumptions behind the analysis are: 1) The cost of acquiring Burschs would be $1,000,000 for land and building. This preliminary estlmate is based on an appraisal Russ Bursch had done by Capltal Appralsals. The figure excludes furniture, flxtures, equipment, goodwill, or relocation. 2) Bond rate of 8.5%, wlth a 15 year term amortlzed over 13 years. 3) Land resale prlce of $4.50 per square foot. 4) The proJect would be completed as of January 2, 1987 for taxes payable in 1988. 5) The development is assumed to be a 130 unit hotel wlth 32,000 square feet of office and retail space with Burschs remodeled and integrated into the hotel. The completed market value is estlmated to be $7,600,000. As analyzed, the development supports public asslstance of about $2,500,000. (i.e. the project supports the level of assistance requested by B.R.G. with the exceptlons of IRB's). The City would provlde the developer with the cleared site at $4.50 per square foot or a total of $438,471 but not charge anything for the Burschs structure. The City would not aid in the cost of constructlng the parking ramp. A tentative tlme table is included ln the analysls. Our IRB questlonaires that we have recelved have been generally negative. Eden Prairle said that they may have $1 milllon to share ln a few months and some other citles have said they would wait until fall before absolutely declding no but it would appear to be very difficult to obtain $17.5 mlllion In IRB capacity for the Superblock and Specialty block. ... li BA~~t~SRE~l t? /~~LJUr:' "SlJF='E~~ BLOCI " F'ROf'USf'-)l_ F'HPISE 1 A .1 NANC I NG AL TCRNA T I VE: A (8. 5~~ BOI\ID:3) *~*~*~~**~***~~~*~*****~*****~~**~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~***~4~*~~*~~ PUBLIC COSTS cOI'm [ rIcms AOUISITION: RELOCATION: DEMOLITION: ADMINISTRATION: CONTINGENCY: F'AR~ ING RAMP FUND 1650000 95000 85000 91500 18:'000 o ANm '(SIS PEF~lOD: INTEF\'EST RATE: BOND AMORl PERIOD LAND {~I;:EA (:-3. F= " ) : LAND ~'RICE/SF: LAND SALE AMOUNT: RESIDUAL BLUG.VAl: TOTAL PROP. SALE: SUB-TOTAL ~104500 CAPITALIZED INTER. :'861:'9 EFFECTIVE TAX RA1~ BPlt3E r::M\/: CLEARED LAND VALUE FUTURE EI'1'J: CAPTURED EMV: INFLATION RATE(BV) INFLATION RATE(PP) YEARS 10 1ST INCR: TOTAL BOND AMOUNT :24906:'9 " 15 .085 1 :. 974:'8 4.50 4:'8471 o 4-:::.8471 .0411768 79:'80(1 4:'8471 7600000 6606~OO o o *********~******~*~******~****~*********~~~****~*******~***~* lAX INC~EMENT P~OJECTION ~********~******~*~******~********~**************************** YEAR BASE EMV ACT EMV CAPTURED EMV TAX INCREMENT JAN ~ JAN ~ 1986 99-:'800 438471 0 I) 1987 99:'SOo 7600000 6606:21)1) 0 1988 993800 7600000 6606::0r) :27~o~~ 1989 99:'800 7600noo 661J6~Oo ~7~t):2~ 1990 993800 7600000 6606:~0() ~7:\C)~:2 1991 99380() 760()OOO 66( )6~( H) ~7~o~~ 199~ 9<"l:'800 7600000 6606~n() :-~7:2():~: 199:' 99:'800 7600000 6606~oo ::7::i)~~ 1994 99:'800 7600000 6606'200 :::?~0:2~ 19c15 993800 7600000 66()6~00 ::7~()~~ 1996 99:'801) 7600000 6606:201) :27:2():2:2 1997 99:'800 7600000 6606~()0 ::7~()~~ 1998 99:'800 7600000 6606::':0(1 ::7~u~~ 1999 99:>8uO 760uOOO 66\ )6~()() ~7::()~~ ~OOO 993800 7600000 6606'200 :27~():~~ TOTAL BOND SUPPORTABLE BY TAX INCREMENl IN THE 5TH YEAR: (INCLUDES LAND SALE VALUE) BOND SUPPORTABLE BY AVERAGE TAX INCREMENT : :'5-:::.6~Cj' 1 ~4-:'6-::::9U **********************************~**************************~* ~60::883 lJOl\IlJ l-'AYMI::Nl SCHEDULE U1/"lm\ I l n.D 130I\lU: :20~=J"::: 1 68) ,YEAI~ F'AYMENTS =:===================~=:~=~:===~~=~~=~=-====:========~==:==~~=:_= BnL_PINCr: 1 01 AL F'RJN I1'~ lTF'~'~S r I {4 X lI'~CF< (HllE/,' ('J5(_} j 7Lj 19::36 6 :'A) 1 7'" 4_":BI.J.7l ::':1171)<1 ,d 1 ("l87 1744.::.4 0 liLJLJ~.4 1~m8 ~,.;;6K~9 9'2-;9'1 1 7 4j1-~.1~ 1 <J8(i '2h6B:~9 t o 0::"4 f3 16,S581 1990 ~66B~9 10876<i 1 ~5::3()60 1 <i91 ~66l3'2r;..) 1 1 81:) 1 4 H8El14 199'2 :; ~J [1 f3 :.:: C) 1 ~~8() 46 1 :':..3~l:J :. 199-:::, ::':66l:l'29 1389-:::,1) 1'27!::lSI<jl 19~14 '2668'29 150T',~1 1160'7u 1 (""I po::- ~668~<? 1 6-:'551 1 ()-:,:277 T7d 19'16 :668~9 1 T745-'::. 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