Mayor & Clty Councll
Jlm Kerrlgan
March 21, 1985
Year XI (1985) Urban Hennepln County CDBG Program
At the Apr1l 2 Counc1l meet1ng, a publ1C hear1ng 1S scheduled to
cons1der the C1ty'S proposed use of ltS 1985 (Year XI) Urban
Hennep1n County Commun1ty Development Block Grant (CDBG) plann1ng
allocat1on of $113,293. As you w1ll recall, last year the
Counc1l elected to J01n w1th the County on th1S program, rather
than compete on our own as we had 1n the past.
To be a fundable CDBG act1v1ty, a project must address one of the
three HUD establ1shed program pr1or1t1es:
- benef1t low and moderate 1ncome persons
- el1m1nate slums & bl1ght
- Address urgent communlty need.
Overall, the CDBG Program lS geared toward
types of act1v1t1es as opposed to those 1n
f1eld, Wh1Ch are for the most part dealt
"br1ck and mortar"
the soc1al serV1ce
w1th through other
Enclosed 1S a copy of the County Statement of ObJect1ves Wh1Ch
1dent1f1es Urban Hennep1n County Commun1ty Development needs,
Wh1Ch should be addressed through the use of CDBG funds. Overall
these obJect1ves and needs 1dent1f1ed are cons1stent wIth those
of the CIty. For the most part, hous1ng related needs (l.e.
add1t1onal hous1ng and ma1nta1n1ng the eX1stlng stock for
low/moderate 1ncome) have always been a top prIorIty for the
The maJor1ty of CDBG fundlng rece1ved by Hopklns 1n the past has
gone toward hous1ng rehabll1tat1on. Slnce 1974 approxImately two
mllllon dollars has been spent 1n th1S effort w1th 155 hous1ng
un1 ts be1ng 1mproved. The Cl ty uses Sect10n 8 gU1del1nes 1n
determ1n1ng el1g1b1llty and thus the program d1rectly benef1ts
the low and moderate 1ncome. At the present t1me we have only
approx1mately $35,000 rema1'n1ng to be expended In thIS area.
Because of the Ilm1ted amount of dollars we w1ll be rece1v1ng
from the County th1S year, 1t IS the staff recommendat1on that
all the fundIng allocat1on exclud1ng 5% for adm1n1strat1on
(lnclud1ng necessary aud1ts) be programmed to contlnue the
Houslng Rehab1l1tat1on Program. One benef1t that we w1ll have
wIth th1S new fund1ng 1S that we wlll be able to offer the
program c1tyw1de. In the past we were restr1cted to the central
area of the CIty. Thus many IndIvIduals who are In need of
hous1ng Improvements, and have prev10usly not been able to
part1c1pate because of locat1on, w1ll now be el1g1ble.