MINUTES .~ . " Page 2 BIDS: ACTION: II M1nutes of the Apr1l 16, 1985 Counc1l Meet1ng" Tabulat10n of b1ds for tree removal for 1985 Mr. Sh1rley moved and Mrs. Lav1n seconded the mot1on to award the contract to Ceres Tree Company. After further d1Scuss1on, the mot1on and second were w1thdrawn. PERMITS: ~CTION: Item 85-53 ACTION: Item 85-54 .CTION: Item 85-58: ACTION: Item 85-59 ACTION: e Mr. Anderson moved and Mrs. LaVln seconded the mot1on all b1ds for tree serVlce. A poll of the vote was as Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Anderson, Aye; Mayor M1ller, Aye. The motlon unanlmously. to reject follows: Aye; Mr. carried The Counc1l requested that the Clty Attorney look at the Edlna Ordlnance and come back to the Councll w1th an Ordlnance that would prov1de glv1ng the homeowner 20 days 1n Wh1Ch to remove the tree and 1f not removed, the Clty then could phone several tree removal compan1es (WhlCh the Clty would have on record) to have them come ln and bld to take the tree down. The City would then select the lowest b1dder to take the tree down. Untll that Ord1nance 1S passed ,the C1ty w1ll operate under the old system of notlce, but w1thout a contractor. The C1ty w1ll then select a contractor to take the tree down. Request by Northwestern Bell to rebu1ld one telephone serV1ce manhole on 11th Avenue South approxlmately 50 feet north of 5th Street South. Mr. Mllbert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the mot1on to approve the request, but to have staff check to see lf they can get a bypass through unused property Wl th an easement to allevlate some of the trafflc problems and also w1th the condlt1ons spec1f1ed 1n the attached memo from Gordon Anderson. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lav1n, Aye; Mr. , Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carr1ed unanlmously. Bankers Realty Group - Slte plan for Superblock. Counc1l 1nstructed staff to work wlth Mr. Parkhlll to order an appra1sal of the Bursch property and to start the development contract procedure. They also asked Mr. Parkhlll to return w1th a f1nanc1al package subject to the Clty'S bUY1ng Bursch's. Th1S would be taken up at the meet1ng of May 7. Appllcatlon for Condltlonal Use Perm1t by Zlon Lutheran Church, 241 - 5th Avenue North for slgn (cont1nued from last meet1ng) Mr. M1lbert moved to contlnue th1S 1tem. lack of a second. The mot1on dled for Mrs. Lavln moved and Mr. Sh1rley seconded the mot1on to deny the appl1cat1on for a Cond1t1onal Use Permlt. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Nay; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled. Deed restr1ctlons on port1 'on of Maetzold Fleld. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Mllbert seconded the motlon to': II draft a Resolut1on ( # 85-3187) asklng the State Representatlve to not proceed w1th the b1ll clearlng the tltle. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lav1n, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor M1ller, Nay. The motlon carrled. L1St of Elect10n Judges for May 21 elect1on. Mayor M 111 er moved approve the IlSt of Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Anderson, Anderson, unan1mously. and Mr. Anderson Judges. A poll of Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Aye; Mayor Mlller, seconded the mot1on to the vote was as follows: Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Aye. The motlon carr1ed .... -, Page 3 II M1nutes of the Apr1l 16, 1985 Councll Meet1ng" Item 85-60 Petltlon by Joel Company for stablllzatlon of the banks of Nlne Mlle Creek adJacent to 612- 11th Avenue South ACTION: Mr. Mllbert moved and Mrs. Lavln Resolutlon # 85-3188 orderlng an of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, motlon carrled unanlmously. seconded the motlon to adopt Englneer's Report. The poll Lavln, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The Item 85-61 Landflll lease - Lambert Landscaplng & Sod ACTION: Mr. Mllbert moved and Mrs. Lavln seconded the mot1on to refer thlS ltem to the Zonlng & Plannlng Commlsslon. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-62 Gambl1ng Laws ACTION: Mrs. LaVln moved and Mr. Anderson < econded the motlon to refer thlS matter to the Clty Attorney for an Ordlnance keeplng gambllng restrlcted to those places domlclled ln Hopklns ln the same natures as those prev10usly llcensed, and extend the moratorlum on gambllng untll the new Ord1nance lS ln effect. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The mot1on carrled unanlmously. Item 85-63 More lead tlme on agenda ltems. Mr. Mllbert moved that the agenda be dellvered a day earller, lee Thursday lnstead of Frlday, startlng June 1. The motlon dilled for lack of a second. Mr. Mllbert moved that the agenda be dellvered a day earller beglnn1ng June 1. Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon. The poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Nay; Mayor Mlller, Nay. The motlon carrled. Item 85-64 Hopk1ns Rallroad Depot ACTION: Mr. Mllbert moved that thlS ltem be referred to the Jaycees or another organlzatlon for a posslble proJect. M~ Mr. Sh1~uey secomdetl the <mot~on~l, The mot1on and second was wlthdrawn. Mr. Milbert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon that the Clty respond to Mr. Graham's letter, saYlng that we would llke to have the bUlldlng rehabbed. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Item 85-65 Clty representatlon on Raspberry Fest1val Comm1ttee ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mayor Mlller seconded the motlon to appolnt D1Ck Wllson to the Raspberry Commlttee. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavln, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. Council asked that the subJect of slgn ord1nance relatlng to commerclal uses ln a resldentlal dlstrlct be taken up by the Zonlng and Plannlng Commlsslon. e The Councll declded to renew and update thelr statement regardlng Hennepln County's proposed recovery faclllty and transfer statlon system and Anderson attend the publlC meetlng and make a publ1C concernlng Hopk1n's posltlon 1n thlS matter. preVlous resource have Mr. statement "'. " ,~ page 4 II Mlnutes of the Aprll 16, 1985 meetlng" It was also suggested that Ken Roslund, Clty Manager of Edlna be lnformed of the meetlngs and that a copy also be sent to our representatlve on the Metropolltan Counc1l and Dott1e Rletow. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Shlrley moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon that the meet1ng be adJourned. The motlon carrled unanlmously. The meetlng adJourned at 11:25 p.m. ,~ R;1pectfullY submltted, /~ ~C~C-'~~! Jean Kaedlng, Secy. .