SUPER BLOCK Date: March 29, 1985 .: FROM: C1 ty Councll J1m Kerr1gan SUBJECT: Spec1al1ty Block On 3/27 Scott Renne, Kev1n Locke and myself met w1th D1Ck G1lyard and J1m L1ndberg to d1SCUSS var10US lssues Wh1Ch w1ll have to be resolved 1n order to make the Spec1alty Block a real1ty. The follow1ng areas of concern were talked about br1efly: 1) Park1ng - poss1ble 10cat1on and f1nanc1ng 2) IRB f1nanc1ng of the proJect. 3) EX1st1ng owners on the block and how they f1t 1nto the plan. ~e purpose of the meet1ng was not to resolve these lssues, but rather to look at them on a broad scale and beg1n to explore the d1fferent opt1ons ava1lable. Dur1ng the next week, Scott, KeV1n and myself w1ll be prepar1ng a 11St of var10US alternat1ves ava1lable for publ1C part1c1pat1on 1n the proJect. In conJunctlon w1th th1S proJect, 1t should also be noted that L1ndberg/P1erce have contracted w1th Econom1cs Research Assoc1ates to undertake a market feasab1l1ty study. It lS ant1c1pated results w1ll be completed by the m1ddle of May. .