Th~s ordinance shall be known as the "CATV Relief Ordinance."
The C~ty has granted a cable television franchise through
the adoption of city ordinance code sections
the Cable Communications Ord~nance (hereinafter called the
("Franchise"). The cities of Eden Prairie , Edina ,
Minnetonka and Richfield (the "Other Cities") have
adopted slmllar ordinances, all wlth the same franchise Grantee.
Through the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission ("SWSCC"), a
joint powers organlzation, the City and the Other Cities have
undertaken to supervise Grantee's compliance with these ordlrtances.
Since the adoptlon of the Franch~se Grantee has constructed and
is operatlng a cable communicat~ons system in City and the Other
Cities. Grantee has approached the Clty ind~cating that it is
experiencing serious financial d~fficulties and would be unable
to pay the franch~se fee due and payable on November 1, 1984.
Grantee requested a temporary reductlon of its Franchise
obllgat~ons to allow for its flnanc~al recovery.
Clty authorlzed the SWSCC to reVlew Grantee's request and make
recommendations for an appropr~ate response. SWSCC retained
a financial consultant to asslst In analyzlng Grantee's f~nancial
cond~tlon, held several publlC meet~ngs, and conducted a thorough
reVlew of Grantee's request. SWSCC determlned that Grantee ~s
exper~enc~ng ser~ous f~nanc~al d~fflcultles caused by such
adverse factors as h~gher than antlclpated construct~on and
operatlng costs, lower than projected market penetratlon, in-
ability- to obta~n long-term f~nancing at projected rates and
other lndustry, econom~c and technologlcal changes. SWSCC also
concluded that Grantee cannot secure needed ref~nancing of its
long-term debt, cannot contlnue to provlde the present level
of serv~ce and cannot become an economlcally vlable enterpr~se
unless the City grants a per~od of rellef from some of the
requirements of the Franchise.
SWSCC recommends that the City grant temporary amendments
to the Franchlse, reducing the franchise fee payable now
and in the future, eliminating the required performance bond,
and modlfYlng the provisions for local programming. In
return, Grantee would execute a Performance Agreement pro-
vidlng a means for monitorlng Grantee's financial condition,
assurlng an adequate level of local programrnlng, and providing
for certain other matters related to Grantee's requested
The City has reviewed SWSCC's recommendations and has considered
the option of requlring full payment of the past due franchise
fee through use of Grantee's letter of credit, performance bond,
and parent company performance guarantees. Grantee represents,
however, that if the City and the Other Cities seek payment of
past due franchlse fees through resort to such securities, thls
would only make it more difficult for Grantee to solve its
flnanclal problems and would be counterproductive to any effort
to provlde rellef to Grantee.
In adopting thlS ordinance the City relies upon the represen-
tations of Grantee and seeks to provide a means by which the
publlC can continue to recelve approximately the same level
of servlce while affording Grantee a reasonable opportunity for
financial recovery. The ultimate purpose of this ordinance is
to secure, at a later time during the Franchise term, the full
public benefits provided for ln the Franchise.
ThlS ordinance does not permanently amend any provision of the
Cable Comrnunlcations Ord~nance (the "Franchlse") but provides
that certaln provisions of that ordlnance are modifled for a
perlod of tlffie as provided ln thlS Relief Ordinance. Except
as expressly mod~fled in thlS ordlnance, the provlsions of the
Franchlse remaln ln full force and effect.
Subdlvision 1. The deflnlt~ons in the Franchise also apply
to thls ordlnance.
Subd. 2. In addition, the following words and phrases shall
have the meanlngs glven them:
(1) "Existing indebtedness" means an 518,000,000 loan made
to Grantee to Toronto Domlnlon Bank of Toronto, Capada under
loan documents dated Aprll 1, 1982.
- 2 -
(2) "Franchlse" means the Cable Communications Ordlnance
as now or hereafter amended.
(3) "Local Programming Obligations" means, for the purpose
of th~s ordlnance, Grantee's obligatlons under the Franchise
and the Offering for cablecast access, communlty access and
local orlginatlon programming.
(4) "Performance Agreement" means a contractual agreement
between Grantee, Clty and SWSCC providlng a means for monltorlng
Grantee's financial condition, assurlng an adequate level of
local programming, and providlng for certain other matters
related to Grantee's requested relief.
While this ordinance is in effect the obllgatlons of Grantee
are modlfled to the extent provided in this sectlon.
Subdivlslon 1. Franchise Fees - Percentage.
Commencing with Grantee's fiscal year 1985 the annual franchise
fee is reduced from 5% of Gross Revenues to 3%. Such annual
fees shall be pald to City In equal quarterly payments on or
before the flrst day of each of the months of November, February,
May and August next following the end of Grantee's fiscal year.
If thlS ordinance terminates during any of Grantee's fiscal years,
the franchise fee shall be restored to the rate of 5% of Gross
Revenues at the end of the calendar month in which terminatlon
occurs. The restored rate of 5% and the reduced rate of 3% shall
be appl~ed respectlvely to the Gross Revenues collected only ln
the months during WhlCh each rate was in effect. The fees .
accruing at the restored rate shall be pald in accordance with
the terms of the Franchlse. The fees accrulng at the reduced
rate shall be pald ln equal quarterly installments in accordance
with the terms of thlS ordlnance.
Subd. 2. Past Due Franch~se Fees. The 1984 franchise
fee in the amount of S 38,169 payable on or before November 1,
1984 shall be deemed fully d~scharged and pald if, but only
lf, Grantee pays the sum of $22,901 to the C~ ty, in four
equal payments on or before June 1, June 15, August 15 and October
15, 1985.
S~bd. 3. Letters of Credlt. The City Council may by
resolution reduce the required amount of the Letter of Credit
below 550,000 lf ln lts sole dlscretlon lt determlnes that a
lesser amount ~s reasonable and adequate to protect the public.
It may thereafter, by resolut~on, requlre the amoupt of the
Letter of Credlt to be lncreased or fully restored to the amount
of 550,000. Grantee shall comply w~th th~s requlrement with~n
- 3 -
, .
s~xty days after wr~tten not~ce has been given by the Clty.
Subd. 4. Performance Bond. The Grantee may dispense
with the $300,000 performance bond required by the Franchise.
The City Council may thereafter by resolution requlre that
such bond, or a slmilar bond in a lesser amount, be provided
by Grantee. Grantee shall comply with this requirement
wlthin sixty days after written notice has been given by the
Subd. 5. Local Programming Obligations. Grantee shall
expend at least 1% of its annual Gross Revenues each fiscal
year in fulfilling its Local Erogramrning obligat~ons under
the Franchise for publlC, governmental, and educational access,
but it shall not be obligated to expend more than that amount
for such access. That amount shall not include any costs of
operation or adm~nistration not dlrectly related to the pro-
vis~on of local programm~ng. This expend~ture shall be in
complete sat~sfaction of Grantee's total Local Prograrnmlng
Obllgatlons durlng the period of this ord~nance.
The provisions of this ordinance, and the relief herein granted,
shall cease to be effective, automatically, upon the occurrence
of the earliest of any of the follow~ng events:
Subdlv~slon 1. Fallure of the Grantee to complete
refinancing its Existlng Indebtedness by December 31, 1987
ln accordance wlth Article II, Section 4 of the Franchlse.
Subd. 2. The end of the next month after Grantee has
collected cumulative Gross Revenues ~n the amount of one
hundred m~lllon dollars as measured from September 1, 1984.
The determ~natlon of cumulative Gross Revenues shall be based
upon audited f~nanclal statements for perlods for WhlCh they
are ava~lable and upon Grantee's operatlng reports for per~ods
for WhlCh aud~ted statements are not then avallable. Grantee
shall prov~de C~ty wlth its financlal statements and financlal
operating reports promptly after they are prepared.
Subd. 3. March 1, 1992.
Subd. 4. Payment, discharge, or satisfactlon of the
Existing Indebtedness, except through ref~nanclnq as provlded
ln Artlcle II, Sect~on 4 of the Franchlse.
Subd. 5. Payment, discharge, or satlsfactlon of the
lndebtedness arlslng from the reflnancing provlded in Article
II, Sect~on 4 of the Franchise.
- 4 -
Subd. 6. Failure of the Grantee to restore or replace
the full required amount of the Letter of Credit as prov~ded
in Article VIII, Section 4, paragraph H of the Franchise.
Subd. 7. Fallure of the Grantee to pay the fees as
requ~red ln Section 5, Subd. 2 of this ordinance.
Subd. 8. Failure of the Grantee to restore, replace or
increase either a Letter of Credit or bond wlthin sixty days
of wrltten notice by the City, as prov~ded in Section 5,
Subdivlsions 3 and 4 of this ordinance.
Subd. 9. A holding or determinatlon by any court or
agency that any term, condition or provision of thlS Rellef
Ordlnance is invalid or unenforceable, as a result of any action
taken by Grantee or anyone acting on Grantee's behalf seeking
such determinatlon.
Subd. 10. Sale or transfer of all or substantlally all
of the System to a person or entity other than a parent,
subsidlary, related corporat1on, aff~liated corporation, partner
or j01nt venturer of Grantee or any parent of Grantee.
Subd. 11. Termination of the Franchise.
ThlS ordinance may also be terminated for cause, under the
same procedures for term~natlon as are conta~ned ~n the
Franchise, for the following reasons:
Subdivlsion 1. All grounds for termination provlded ln
the Franch~se, except to the extent that Grantee's performance
obl~gat~ons are modlfled in this ordinance.
Subd. 2. The purchase by Grantee, its general partner,
or any parent, subs~d~ary, aff~llate or other related
corporation of Grantee or its general partner, of a cable
communlcat~ons system or any part thereof or lnterest there~n,
located wlth~n the seven-county metropolltan area as defined
~n Mlnnesota Statutes, Sect~on 473.121, Subd. 2. For thlS
purpose the def~nltlon of a cable communlcatlons system shall
be as that term is currently deflned by the Board.
Such a purchase shall not be grounds for termination of this
ord~nance, however, if the Grantee demonstrates to the
reasonable sat~sfactlon of the Clty that the purchase (1)
wlll not lmpalr the operat~ng cash flow or financial posltion
of Grantee and (2) will involve lndependent f~nancing of the
purchase wlthout resort to the assets of the System.
- 5 -
. ll.f'
Subd. 3. Fallure of the Grantee to comply with any
of the provisions of the Performance Agreement.
No request by the Grantee for any further rellef from the
requ~rements of the Franchlse, lncludlng a request for an
extenslon of the term of thlS ordlnance, shall be consldered
by the Clty unless that request lS made ln wrlting prlor to
September 1, 1990. The C1ty shall have no obllgatlon what-
soever to cons~der or grant any such request, and any response
to such request shall be at the sole dlscretlon of the City.
ThlS ord~nance shall be effectlve ~n accordance wlth the
provlslons of Art~cle XIV of the Franchlse lncludlng dellvery
to the Clty of the acceptance, oplnlon of legal counsel,
guarantees and other documents as requlred by sa~d Artlcle
XIV; provlded further, however, that it shall become effectlve
only lf all of the Other C~tles adopt an ord1nance slmllar to
th1s ordlnance withln 90 days after adoptlon of thlS ordlnance.
Also, thlS ordlnance shall not become effectlve until Grantee,
City, SWSCC and the Other Cltles have executed and dellvered
the Performance Agreement and contractual documents attached
thereto as exhibltS.
Passed by the Clty Councll of the Clty of
Mlnnesota th1s
22nd day of
, 1985.
yor "-
J. Scott Renne,
C1ty Clerk
Clty Clerk