PUBLIC EMPLOYEES REYIREENT ASSOCIATION . M E M 0 Date: February 26, 1985 To: John StroJan, Actlng Clty Manager From: George Magdal, Flre Marshal Subject: Pollce and Flre PERA fund Whereas the State of Mlnnesota, Department of Medlatlon has de~lared the posltlon of Flre Marshal wlth the Clty of Hopklns to be essentlal, In accordance wlth the deflnltlon of flre flghter In Mlnnesota State Statute Chapter 17ga.Ol, Subdlvlslon 6, and ordered the posltlon removed from the baslc unlt, I hereby request to be placed lnto the Pollce and Flre sectlon of PERA In accordance wlth State Statute 353.64, WhlCh states, "Any other employee servlng on a full-tlme basls as a pollce offlcer or a flre flghter on or after July 1, 1961 shall become a member of the PubllC Employees Pollce and Flre Fund." -. h 12 2<)() 74(,0 Publl( 1:lllployee... Hellrt'IlICIII ^......O( 1.111011 of l\IllIlIe~olcl 20 l C'IJ1I101 ~qudre BllIldllll.~ '):)0 ('('ddr Strect. ~l Paul :\.IIlIlH....Olcl ,);'101 February 19, 1985 Mr John E. Schedler, Flnance Dlrector Clty of Hopklns 1010 Flrst Street South Hopklns, MN 55343 Dear Mr. Schedler . In response toyourletter dated January 31,1985, we refer you to the deflnltlon of flreflghter In Mlnnesota Statutes, Section 353.64, SubdlVlSlon 3, WhlCh reads as follows: "Before a governlng body may declare a posltlOn to be that of a flre flghter, the dutles of the person so employed shall, as a mlnlmum, lnclude serVlces as an employee of a deslgnated flre company or person In charge of a deslgnated flre company or companles who 15 engaged In the hazards of flre flghtlng " If your Flre Marshal 15 engaged In the hazards of flre flghtlng, he may be a member of the Pollce and Flre Fund. If he serves on less than a full-tlme basls as a flreflghter, he could become a member of the Pollce and Flre Fund only lf a resolutlon lS passed by the governlng body declarlng that the posltlon held lS that of a flreflghter The effectlve date would be whatever date the unlt shows In the resolutlon as when he began flre flghtlng dutles. Should your Flre Marshal be placed ln the Pollce and Flre Fund for all serVlce, we would request a refund from Soclal Securlty of the deductlons pald to that fund and would apply the refund to the sum due PERA. An addltlonal sum may be due from the Clty In the way of employer contrlbutlons We trust we have fully answered your questlons, however, lf we can be of any further serVlce, please let us hear from you. Slncerely, PUB~fC EMPLOYEES RE~T ASSOCIATION A!;L2di,,',! /'4~~~ , Dorothy Ifarson .2-96 -7l.fqC{ ~.. ...~~.'t.<. "