Improve and expand the Malnstreet organization
a Establish organization rules (size of cOmmIttees, method of
selection of members, terms of service, role of chair, agendas
for meetings, etc ).
b Complete organization of standing committees and define role
of each
c Seek additional participation In the program from businesses
and organizations In Hopkins
d Upgrade and expand the mail ing I ist to Include al I retallors,
businesses, downtown property owners, and others Involved In
the Mainstreet/CCDC organization.
e Undertake fund raising campaign.
f. Define development project review procedures and process.
Performance Measures:
a. Meet Ing attendance
b. Completion of rules and by-laws.
c. Establishment of reporting method and project review process.
d Increase in memberShip.
e. Funds raised.
f Written committee descriptions and chair training
Increase the oubllClty and advertisIng of downtown and Hopkins to
IncreaSe general public, developer/Investor, and business awareness.
a Regularly prepare newsreleases about downtown actiVities and distribute
to 10 c a I me d i a.
b Prepare a coordinated marketIng and advertisIng campaign aimed at
businesses, developers, and investors within and outSide of Hopkins.
c Place ads In major Minnesota business publications.
d Create Image and JOint local busIness advertising campaign
- 2 -
CrCilte and distrIbute Image materials
Sponsor events downtown to attract the general public
Performance Measures
a Number of bUSinesS InquIries
b Pedestrian countS on ExcelsIor Avenue
c Parking counts
d Scope of advertIsements placed
e Amount of coverage In media.
f Keep record or "scrapbook" of activities, actions, and media coverage
3. Expand on the qua) ity and number of promotional activities and events.
a. Sponsor an event each season of the year.
b. Increase the publiCity and advertising for events.
c. Tie downtown events In effectively with other community events.
d. Work with and involve other community organizations In events and program.
Performance Measures.
a. Number of events.
b. Attendance at events.
c. Amount of advertising and publicity received.
d. Acknowledgements received from other community organizations
Increase our efforts to attract new Investment, development and bUSinesses
Into the community, and aSSIst eXIsting bUSinesses to thrive and expand
Work especially with the maJor development projects already Identified
a. Prepare and distribute brochures on HopkIns In general, the loan program,
deSign assistance
b. Prepare materials describing downtown Hopkins development potential.
c Obtain market analysIs and surveys as needed.
- 3 -
d \.lark with City Staff to prepare specific pl<Jns for Implementing the
m<JJor developmcnt proJects currcntly Identified dOvlOtown ASSiSt In thc
prepar<Jtlon of requests for proposals (RFP's) and act as contact for RFP
responden t s.
e. Execute a bUSinesses reccrUI tment program
f Serve as contact group for developers and developmcnt Interests
Performance Measures
a Number of materials prepared and distributed
b Number of business and developer contacts
Continue to prOVIde deSign aSSistance to Loan Program ApplIcants to upgrade
the quality and Image of Downtown
a Prepare and distribute materials on deSign assistance and Ma;nstreet
deSign gUldel ines.
b. Sponsor deSign workshop.
c. BrIng attentIon to design issues and continue to review development proposals
from a deSign perspective.
d Sponsor and prepare deSigns for improvements to downtown publIc spaces
Performance Measures
a. Number of facade designs prepared and constructed
b Total number of Improved signs, window displays, front and rear building
facades changed
Generally work to Improve downtown Hopkins
a \.Iork closely with City Inspectors and Fire Marshall
b Keep Informed about traffiC and parking matters WI th the City Police and
Engineering departments.
c \.Iork WI th the the CIty Zoning and Planning CommiSSion and keep them Informed
of actiVities downtown.
d. Keep Informed about Met CounCI I, Hennepin County and adJoining cities
regarding ItemS effecting Hopkins.
Use the National Malnstreet Resource Team Report as the gUide for Malnstreet/
CCDC actions.
I ." 1(' ._~
f I I 111 II 1[:/-1 Jrlfi t'EL'1/1t Er-I!:.tll S
I . L" I .. r t. ( 1, rJf"'" cl -=- s t r- I -:< r I C 0'-' r. t., z. t If', ! () L Co t- Ion s .
.~. C'u,:;r"l,::r-l \ p,;r I I ng cour. t 5 r:,f ,:; 1 I dOt-Jro t al-m 1 at s
-.r'I(Sln<:s,,= IJr rJf?"elopE'(. contZn t form.
b.lnltlal contz.ct or Follo~"'-Llp
c. tl';tr,e
d.Flrm or 8usln~ss r.ame
e. r '= I r::pr.one number
g . I~<: t I or. r equ Ired
h.Actlon taker.
I.Fz.rtlcular Interest: space to rent.
purchase. major development project.
owner-occupant. or landlord.
j.Malllng address.
bUildIng to
4.Newsrelease and publICIty fIle.
b.Ulstrlbutlon lIst.
c.copy record
5.Artlcle and medIa coverage fIle.
6.Membershlp and partIcIpatIon lIst. Keep lIst of who dId
what for each actIvIty.
7.Attendance records for task force and general meetIngs.
8.Advertlslng fIle.
a.general descrIptIon of ad copy and artworf or photo
copv of ad.
7.Fund drIve records
a.Llst of events and attendance estImates for each.
..l L J
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1) .)~ :~lo!.) \;OJ.cCf'C ~:'J1. J.J\r~l. ::':'~lTl;, -';.....!;]11J1L,:I:
, <-_ c~ 0;: .J.dvcrt1:";1.~,-, 11l0':e: ~J.o,kll:::; 1ntc~e':.te(l 1n \/o::.'-:~ln[ on 2.
conccptu....:.1 cz..:;]Il.J.l~;n 1:2.vc !;;cn obta1ne<l. J\ comm1 ttee [;lade up of
; ~i.:.J~r~ [r 0 1 ~conol 'lC vcve10IJf,JC:1t an~ :.1_ 1:3 be1nc formed to
1:1-;"2_ V1e" <.:no :::;c1ect c.l cc::..n;:"'ldate. ';'ile C'orcept s110u1d be ready
b~ j<l11U~':'_ 1st.
,. flc..l1.:.n,: 11St of busH:es~es 111 i op:.1ns \1111 be purchased by
Ja..'1u<;.:':-:" 1st, 3.I1u mar::et C:.11alj'sls and re::earch \/111 be 1n1t.l2.ted.
2) 1~dvert1 slnc;:
Adve.ct.lS1ng \1l11 be;.ln 1n January, to run .In bus.lness and trade
publ.lca t.lO;:S 2..lJl!ed at deve lopers and the bus.lness COITlITIun.l ty.
3) Brochures:
rroduct.lon of the brochures, folder and business directory w.lIl
be~.ln ir- January. The process, includ.lng select.lng an artist,
\lr.lt.lng copy, photoGraphy and preparatlon wl11 take approximately
2 ~ontns. The mater.lals should be ready for d.lstribut1on by
t1a.cch 1 st.
4) .!orl:shop:
The advert.lsing \Iorl-;:shop \vill tal-::e place sometime after the
f.lrst of the year.
City Mainstreet/CCDC Support
BaSiC Operating Budget $ 39,990.00
Design Fund 10,000.00
BaSiC Development Promotion and PubliC Relations 24,000.00
EconomiC Development Promotion Program 39,611.00
Newsletter 5,300.00
The fol lowing basic operating costs are covered under this item:
Phon e
Answering servIce
OffIce Supplies
Heetlng Expenses
Office Space
Hoving Expenses (Phone,Slgn)
6,120 00
Di rector/ProJect Manager: $33,870.00
Funds for a proJect manager to coordinate and manage the varied
components of the Mainstreet Program
S a I a ry
MN Unemployment Fund
Basic Development Promotion and Public Relations. $24,000.00
Funds for a promotIon's coordinator to manage public relations,
help with events, coordinate advertising, prepare newsletter,
oversee design and production of brochures and flyers.
DesIgn Fund: $10,000.00
Provide funds for loan program facade design assistance program
and funds for small scale public space design prOJects (the
Pedestrian Walkway, for Instance)
Preparation of a monthly newsletter for distribution to downtown
businesses, property owners, CCDC and Hainstreet members
The purpose of the magazine advertis1ng is to reach
businesses and developers valling to locate in Hopkins.
BROCHURES: 86,191.00
We hope to print three brochures. The 4-color brochure
\ull concentrate on Hopkins itself, and all the advantages
of living, worklng and shopping here. Th1s \ull be
available to develooers, prospective businesses and placed
at the new hotel. The preparation charges are for
photography and color separations. The Loan Program brochure
vall go to anyone interested in the Loan Program and also
people thinking of locating their business on Mainstreet.
The Design brochure \rill go to people looking to renovate
their business and also to prospective businesses.
FOLDER: $1,000.00
The folder \nll be a 2-color, hard stock folder \tith the
Mainstreet Logo on the front in whlch to place all materials
which vall be left with developers, prospective businesses, etc.
The Business Directory vall show existing buildings on an
easy-to-read map, to sho~ people ~here things are located.
Inserts vall correspond vath the map to give names and types
of businesses. The directory will be available at the Tvan
West Chamber of Commerce, hotels and other locations.
WORKSHOP: $2,000.00
A workshop vall be available to all members of the HMP to
help them vrith advertising, display, self-promotion, etc.
There will also be time for individual merchants to get help
on their particular problems.
RESEARCH: '10,000.00
This money \ull be used to gather information on whatever
topics we feel necessary, such as 1ncome,spend1ng habits,
preferences of shoppers, etc. It will also be used to do
a Market Analysis.
HAILING LIST: $1,000.00
A mailing list will be purchased which 11sts all businesses in
Hopkins and the surrounding area. Tlus money will also be used
for mailing costs.