RESOUTION 85-3199 ~- ~.- -~. ". CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION # 85-3199 A RESOLUTION APPROVING ELECTION OF CRAIG R. RAPP TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, Cralg R. Rapp, has notlfled the Clty Councll of hlS electlon to be excluded from membershlp In the PubllC Employees Retlrement Assoclatlon and has provlded thlS Councll wlth a copy of hlS wrltten electlon to do so, all as authorlzed by Mlnnesota Statutes 353.028. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns as follows: 1. The Councll makes the followlng flndlngs: (a) Cralg R. Rapp lS the Clty Manager of the Clty of Hopklns. (b) That posltlon lS provlded for In the ordlnances of the Clty of Hopklns. (c) He was duly appolnted to serve In that posltlon effectlve June 10, 1985. (d) The Clty Manager lS the chlef admlnlstratlve offlcer of the Clty of Hopklns. (e) Actlng under Mlnnesota Statutes 353.028, he has elected to be excluded from membershlp In the PubllC Employees Retlrement Assoclatlon, effectlve upon hlS flllng such electlon wlth the Executlve Dlrector of that assoclatlon. (f) In maklng thlS electlon, he has agreed that he wlll not at any tlme In the future seek any authorlzatlon to purchase serVlce credlt for any perlod of excluded serVlce. He has further agreed that th1S elect10n lS 1rrevocable. 2. Sald electlon lS therefore approved. 3. A certlfled copy of thlS Resolut1on shall be provlded to the Executlve Dlrector of sald assoclatlon. ADOPTED THIS the 18th day of June, 198~ IJl Slgnature of Mayor ATTEST: Slgnature of Manager (Seal) .. , , " -e~ . CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION # 85-3199 A RESOLUTION APPROVING ELECTION OF CRAIG R. RAPP TO BE EXCLUDED FROM THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, Cralg R. Rapp, has notlfled the C1ty Counc1l of hlS electlon to be excluded from membershlp In the PubllC Employees Ret1rement Assoclatlon and has provlded thlS Councl1 wlth a copy of hlS wrltten electlon to do so, all as author1zed by Mlnnesota Statutes 353.028. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Clty Councll of the C1ty of Hopklns as follows: 1. The Councll makes the followlng flndlngs: (a) Cralg R. Rapp lS the Clty Manager of the Clty of Hopk1ns. (b) That posltlon lS prov1ded for In the ordlnances of the Clty of Hopklns. (C) He was duly appolnted to serve In that pOSl tlon effectlve June 10, 1985. (d) The Clty Manager lS the chlef admlnlstratlve offlcer of the Clty of Hopklns. (e) Actlng under Mlnnesota Statutes 353.028, he has elected to be excluded from membershlp 1n the PubllC Employees Retlrement Assoclatlon, effectlve upon hlS flllng such electlon w1th the Executlve Dlrector of that assoclatlon. (f) In maklng thlS electlon, he has agreed that he wl11 not at any tlme In the future seek any author1zatlon to purchase serVlce credlt for any per10d of excluded serVlce. He has further agreed that thlS elect10n lS lrrevocable. 2. Sald elect10n lS therefore approved. 3. A certlfle~ copy of thlS Resolut1on shall be provlded to the Execut1ve Dlrector of sa1d assoc1at1on. ADOPTED THIS the 18th day of June, 1985. Slgnature of Mayor ATTEST: ..:!-~~ \i2~ Slgnature of Manager (Seal) l' ,