RESOLUTION 85-3195 '. -e CITY OF HOPKINS Hennep1n County, Minnesota Resolut1on No. 85-3195 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL AMENDING THE 1990 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF HOPKINS UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES 462.351 TO 462.364 WHEREAS, the P lann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1 ty of Hopk1ns approved the 1990 Comprehens1ve Plan on September 9, 1980, based on statutes, the Metropol1tan System Statement, extens1ve research, and analyses 1nvolv1ng the 1nterests of c1t1zens and publ1C agenc1es, and WHEREAS, the 1990 Comprehens1ve Plan was approved by the C1ty Counc1l on September 16, 1980, WHEREAS, safer, more res1dent1al, w1ll promote the use of such Comprehens1ve Plan w1ll 1nsure pleasant, and more econom1cal env1ronment commerc1al, 1ndustr1al, and publ1C act1v1t1es the publ1C health, safety, and general welfare, a for and and, WHEREAS, s a1 d Plan w1ll prepare the commun 1 ty for ant1c1pated des1rable change, thereby br1ng1ng about slgn1f1cant sav1ngs 1n both pr1vate and publ1C expend1tures, and, WHEREAS, the Comprehens1ve Plan has taken due cogn1zance of the plann1ng act1v1t1es of adjacent un1ts of government, and WHEREAS, the 1990 Comprehens1ve Plan lS to be per1od1cally rev1ewed by the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Hopk1ns and amendments made, 1f Just1f1ed accordlng to procedures, rules, and laws, and prov1ded such amendments would prov1de a pos1t1ve result and are cons1stent w1th other prov1s1ons 1n the Comprehens1ve Plan, and WHEREAS, the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on has comprehens1vely stud1ed an amendment to the Comprehens1ve Plan and has conducted a publ1C hear1ng on Apr1l 30, 1985 to cons1der a change 1n 1tS 1990 Comprehens1ve Plan and approved such change, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the C1ty Counc1l of the C1ty of Hopk1ns that the 1990 Comprehens1ve Plan as prev10usly approved by the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on and C1ty Council lS hereby amended by amendlng the 1990 Comprehens1ve Plan at the followlng locat1on: That part of the West 233 feet of the South 433 feet of that part of the NE~ of the SE~ of Sect10n 24, Townsh1p 117, Range 22, lY1ng North of the centerllne of Excels10r Avenue and Lo ts 9, 10 and 11, Block 5, Parkr1dge, lY1ng north of a llne parallel to and 300 feet north of the northerly llne of Excels10r Avenue. The land use for sa1d area to be Bus1ness D1str1ct (B-2, 3) 1nstead of Res1dent1al (R-l C,D). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that approval of the amendment lS cont1ngent upon approval by the Metropol1tan Counc1l. Adopted by the Hopk1ns C1ty Counc1l on th1S 22nd day of May, 1985. J. SCOTT RENNE, C1ty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor JERRE A' MILLER, C1ty Attorney