RESOLUTION 85-3201 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, Mlnnesota RESOLUTION NO. 85-3201 MELVINA RESOLUTION- AN RESOLUTION DELINEATING AND DESCRIBING BAKED SPECIALTIES AND SETTING PENALTIES FOR DEVIATION FROM ETHNIC STANDARDS IN THE PREPARATION THEREOF WHEREAS, throughout the cultural fabrlc comprlslng the humble genesls of Hopklns, there lS lntrlcately woven throughout, the cultural threads of Bohemla, MoraVla and Slovakla; and WHEREAS, early resldents possesslng these natlonalltles dlsplayed an lnordlnate Sklll and proflclency In the cullnary dellghts of knedlecy, Jternlce and kolacles, and WHEREAS, these bakery goodles were greatly deslred and qUlckly consumed by all members of the local prOVlnCej and WHEREAS, a fully blooded and pedlgreed Czech known as Melvlna Larson has called to the attentlon of Councllman James Shlrley of the pernlclous practlce of false and mlsleadlng labellng upon lmltatlon and defectlve frosted goods as authentlc kolacles. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that lmltatlon products lacklng the Bohemlan seal of approval be forever banned and otherWlse prohlblted from the Clty of Hopklns. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the penalty to be lmposed upon vlolatlon of thlS Resolutlon by any lndlvldual shall be suggested to taste the real product. Adopted at a regular meetlng of the Councll of the Clty of Hopklns held June 18, 1985. J. SCOTT RENNE Clty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE A. MILLER Clty Attorney