RESOLUTION 85-3189 CITY OF HOPKINS HennepIn County, MInnesota RESOLUTION NO. 85-3189 A RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO THE VACATION OF A CERTAIN REVERSIONARY CLAUSE CONCERNING RECREATIONAL PLAYGROUND USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY WHEREAS, Independent School DIstrIct No. 270 has elected to dIscontInue Its publIC use of certaIn property owned by It wIthIn the CIty of HopkIns and heretofore utllltlzed for recreatIonal playground and school athletIc actIvItIes, and WHEREAS, a substantIal portIon of the property IS subJect to a reversIonary clause to the State of MInnesota upon cessatIon of use for publIC recreatIonal and playground purposes, and WHEREAS, saId School DIstrIct desIres to seek a waIver by legIslatIon of the reverSIon In order to sell saId property at prIvate sale to WhICh the CIty of HopkIns belIeves ItS consent IS necessary, and WHEREAS, saId property IS heavIly used as an actIve and passIve recreatIonal resource for the CIty of HopkIns WhICh IS In the best Interest of the CIty to retaIn and encourage. NOW, THEREFORE, It IS hereby resolved by the CIty CouncIl of the CIty of HopkIns as follows: That the legIslatIve representatIves of the CIty of HopkIns be requested to avoId and dIscourage any attempts to vacate the reversIonary clause restrIctIng usage of the property In order to contInue utIlIzatIon thereof for recreatIonal, athletIc and play- ground actIvItIes. J. SCOTT RENNE, CIty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor JERRE A. MILLER, CIty Attorney