PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION )' 7' WHEREAS, The Jaycees and Jaycee Women provlde leadershlp tralnlng and personal development to men an women between the ages of 18 and 35, and WHEREAS, The Jaycees belleve that "servlce to humanlty lS the bestwork of Ilfe", and WHEREAS, Each year the Jaycees recognlze young Mlnnesotans who wlll become tomorrow's leaders,and who have contrlbuted slgnlflcantly to thelr communltles; and WHEREAS, Ten 0 f the c andl da tes are chosen as the Ten Outstandlng Young Mlnnesotans (TOYM); and WHEREAS, The Hopklns Jaycees/Jaycee Women wlll sponsor the 1983 TOYM competltlon on February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 1985; and WHEREAS, The theme for the 1985 TOYM weekend lS a raclng theme of "Jaycee 500". NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That I, Bob Mlller, Mayor of the Clty of Hopklns, do hereby proclalm the weekend of February 1 - 3, 1985 to be "TOYM '85 Weekend In Hopklns; and do urge all our cltlzens to support thls slgnlflcant and worthwhlle Jaycee program. i Robert F. Mlller, Mayor January 2, 1985