HUBBARD BROADCASTING FARVUE COMPANY OUTDOOR ADVERTISING A SUBSIDIARY OF HUBBARD BROADCASTING CO June 13, 1985 Mayor of Hopkins Members of the Hopkins City Cormcil 1010 South First Street Hopkms, MN 55343 RE: HUBBARD BOOAOCASTING ro1PANY' S HEIGHT VARIANCE RmUEST Dear Mayor and Members of the City Cormcil: Pursuant to Hubbard Broadcastl.ngs effort to obtain a variance on the hel.ght limitation for its proposed advertising sign on the MI.ll \'brk Property, 140 Washington Avenue South, in the Cl.ty of Hopkins, and in an effort to dispel SOIre of the concerns expressed by the Councll Members, KSTP is prePared to offer the following: Item 1: That the proposed advertising sign wl.ll be a Backlighted sign, and will be limited to copy proIIDting the Hubbard Broadcasting Companles, ie: KSTP Channel 5, KS95-FM, KSTP-AM radio stations and its programing. Item 2: That the varl.ance and pemt granted can be tl.ed to the length of the contract/lease executed between Hubbard Broad- castmg and Mr. Wl.lliam Ryerse, of MI.ll Vbrk, Inc. The consequences of Iteill 2 would be to linut the grantmg of the helght variance to Hubbard Broadcastmg only, thus prohibiting the sale of the sign to another Sl.gn or adver- tislng company. Item 3: That Hubbard Broadcasting will provide a directional arrow and the City name (Hopkins) attached, in an aesthetlcally pleasing manner, to its sign structure at the proposed site. It lS the mpe of Hubbard Broadcastmg that the above items will al- leviate the concerns expressed by the Council members and mpefully \^.ork toward a mutually beneficl.a1 compromise. Slncerely, ~K,D~ Arthur R. Dean Hubbard Broadcasting Inc. ARD: nno 111'>lINIVlRSlfYfNF ", MINNlAPOlI" M~~')r,411.(612lG?1 IIlll