RETIRMENT ASSOCIATION ) ~. j \~\ PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION CapItol Square BUIldIng St Paul, MInnesota 55101 Telephone (612) 296-7460 Exhibit 28 APPLICATION FOR EXCLUSION FROM PERA MEMBERSHIP BY A CITY MANAGER La~s 1981, Chapter 254, SectIon 1, defInes a CIty manager as follows: ". . . (l) a person duly appoInted to and holdIng the pOSl tlon of CIty manager In a Plan B statutory CIty or In a home rule CIty oper- atIng under the 'councIl-manager' form of government, or (2) a person appoInted to and holdIng the posItIon of chIef admInIstratIve offIcer of a home rule charter CIty or a statutory CIty pursuant to a charter prOVIsIon, ordInance, or resolutIon establIshIng such a posItIon and prescrIbIng ItS dutIes and responsIbIlItIes. " I the undersIgned, a CIty manager as defIned, elect to be excluded from membershIp In the PublIc Employees RetIrement AssocIatIon. I ~lll not at any tIme In the future seek any authorIzatIon to purchase serVIce credIt for any perIod of excludable serVIce and I understand that thIS electIon IS Irrevocable I became a CIty manager as defIned under Laws 1981, Chapter 254, for the CIty of l-k r k l- V\ S on ] (A.\I\.L ~O \ t\ f) e) J s~19:-rr f (A,<? 4 ~ t~-t cl C; ~-l-L -t;t.. Street Address 1 I. k VI<\..5 '-Jt'll~ "')- C; 3 4- 3 ~ CIty, Sdate, ZIp Code (/11 LD 10 SubscrIbed and sworn to before me thIS 7f1! ~day of ....J ~ "I'--SL _'.3, ?;0s\-\ tlc-v'--~ Notary Publ1c of '0.~-)'lv"'.9-i v' . 19b'.:;, County My co s - l) --- ~~I . ~ ~~ J' SCOTT RENNE I (Seal~~~!\J~ NOTARY PUBLIC MINNESOTA 5 '~;'" H:NNtPIN cou~n ( ~ My CommlS;lon ExpireS Jan 30, 1987 . VWNIIV\IVVo/'IVVVI/VIIVV'IVVVIf\I\IVV\/'IIN " A COpy OF THE RE~OLUTION BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF YOUR CITY APPROVING YOUR EXCLUSION FROM PERA MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM. L--/ /'~..5-?J-