March 28, 1985
Mayor and Councll
Scott Renne, Actlng Clty Manager
Hopklns Rallroad Depot
On March 28, Blll Graham, Hennepln County Reglonal Rallway Authorlty (Phone #
348-6445) called regardlng the rallroad depot located on County Road #3. He
stated that Hennepln County had told Hopklns that the County would flX up the
bUlldlng currently owned by the Rallway Authorlty and used by the Chlcago and
Northwestern rallroad to house thelr resldent agent.
Mr. Graham sald that the bUlldlng lS In extremely poor conditlon. There lS
essentlally no foundatlon, the brlcks are falllng off the walls and the chlmney,
all wlndows and doors need replacement, etc. The C & NW Rallroad has petltloned
the State of Mlnnesota Transportatlon Regulatlon Board to remove thelr resldent
agent from the bUlldlng. If they vacate the bUlldlng, Mr. Graham sald that the
County, havlng no use for the bUlldlng, would have to board up the wlndows and
doors to prevent vandallsm.
Mr. Graham would llke to know the Councll's posltlon on whether the bUlldlng
should be rehabbed at a posslbly very hlgh cost (wlth the eventual posslblllty
.f' uSlng the structure as a "qualnt" passenger waltlng statlon for the LRT) or
f there are obJectlons to demollshlng the structure or lf the Councll has any
other ldeas for the property.