HONDA DEVELOPMENT Date: March 28, 1985 '0: Mayor & C1ty Counc1l From: J1m Kerr1gan Subject: Proposed Hopk1ns Honda Development The Ma1nstreet Econom1c Development Comm1ss1on have completed the1r 1n1t1al Hopk1ns Honda of the theater slte. Comm1ttee and the Zon1ng & Plann1ng reV1ew of the redevelopment proposal by One concern on Wh1Ch there seems to be a consensus 1S over the future reuse of the eX1st1ng Honda slte. As part of the1r plan they want to keep the1r present locat1on ~or auto body repa1r and used car sales. It lS felt that such a use does not f1t the long range plans of the downtown, and that a reta1l/commerc1al reuse would be more appropr1ate. W1th th1S 1n m1nd, 1t has been proposed that an agreement be drafted between the C1ty and Hopk1ns Honda Wh1Ch would fac1l1tate the eventual redevelopment of th1S slte. Such an agreement lS 1mportant 1n that 1t w1ll allow the C1ty to act1vely pursue .~velopment on thIS sIte and to faCIlItate ItS ImplementatIon should a edevelopment agreement be executed. In the letter from the Ma1nstreet Econom1c Development Comm1ttee dated March 26, a number of lssues are deta1led Wh1Ch 1t lS felt should be 1ncluded 1n such a document. Bes1des these 1tems, a t1me per10d should probably be deta1led 1n Wh1Ch the acqu1s1t1on process would be completed and the slte located subsequent to the execut10n of a redevelopment contract. If the Counc1l, after the1r rev1ew, determ1nes that the Honda proposal 1S appropr1ate for the theater slte, 1t 1S essent1al that act10n be taken to 1nsure that work on negot1at1ng and draft1ng the above agreement be undertaken as soon as poss1ble. The City Attorney w1ll also need to determine the overall legal1ty and enforceab1l1ty of such an agreement. .