MINUTES A meetlng of the Ci ty Councll Tuesday August 20, at 7:30 p.m. of the Clty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota was held In the Councll Chambers of the Clty Hall. on Present were Mayor Lavln and Councllmembers Shlrley, Anderson, and Redepennlng. Mr. Mllbert was absent. Also present were Clty Manager, Rapp; Clty Clerk/Assessor, Renne; Clty Attorney, Mlller; Admlnlstratlve Asslstant, Genellle; PubllC Works Operatlons Dlrector, Beecher and Street and Sanltatlon Department Superlntendent, Roblnson. I. Mayor Lavln called the meetlng to order at 8 p.m. II. Mayor Lavln read a proclamatlon, namlng the week of September 17 - 23 as CONSTITUTION WEEK. I II. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shlrley mlnutes of the August 6th meetlng. A Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. The motlon carrled unanlmously. seconded the motlon to approve the poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. IV. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Redepenning seconded the motlon to approve the payment of dlsbursements, on Prellst # 720 In the amount of $105,503.20. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The ~otlon carrled unanlmously. VI. OLD BUSINESS (a). MARVY PARKING REQUEST ACTION: Mr. Rapp lnformed the Councll that the appllcant asked that thlS ltem be contlnued. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shirley seconded the motlon to contlnue thlS ltem. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. (b). VARIANCE REQUEST - 354 ALTHEA LANE ACTION: Mr. Rapp lnformed the Councll that the Attorney for the appllcant requested that thlS ltem be contlnued to the meetlng of September 18. Mr. Redepennlng moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to contlnue thlS ltem to the September 18, 1985 meetlng. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. VII NEW BUSINESS (a) . HOPKINS RAILROAD DEPOT . Mr. Ken Stevens of the Hennepln County Rallroad Authorlty appeared before Councll. Mr. Stevens reported tha t any expendl ture of money for lmprovement or acqulsltlon of property lS on hold pendlng the completlon of a serVlce needs assessment belng conducted by the RTB. He stated that the Rallroad Authorlty lS wllllng to make sure the bUllding lS safe and that lt lS not an "eyesore". Palntlng and general upkeep wlll contlnue to be done. The Rallroad Authorlty does not wlsh to accept llablllty for the Jaycees (who offered to flX up the bUlldlng). Mr. Stevens stated that lf the Clty had a deflnate plan In mlnd and wanted to present it to the Rallroad Authorlty, the Authorlty has the power to act on proposals such as thlS. Staff had not been able to get into the bUlldlng to assess the conditlon of the lnterior and therefore,could not make a suggestlon as to what mlght be done wlth the depot. ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to contlnue thlS ltem untll staff has made a complete lnspectlon of the bUlldlng. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motion carrled unanlmously. , Page 2 "Mlnutes of the August 20, 1985 Councll Meeting" (b). CLUB LICENSE - MEDALIST CLUB ACTION: (c) . ( d ) . ACTION: (e) . ACTION: e (f) . ACTION: ( g) . . Mr. Jim Slmon of the Medallst Sports Club appeared before Councll to dlSCUSS the dlscrepancy between The Clty Ordlnance and the State law relatlve to club llcenses. The Clty Ordlnance requlres that a club must be 1n eXlstence for twenty years before they are ellglble for a club llcense. State law requlres only a 5 year eXlstence. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Redepennlng seconded the motlon to refer thlS ltem to staff for further lnvestlgatlon. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lavin, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. RESCHEDULE SEPTEMBER l7, 1985 MEETING Mayor LaVln requested the reschedullng of the September 17th Councll meetlng because of the Rosh Hashanah hollday. Mr. Shlrley moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon to reschedule the September 17th meetlng to September 18 at 8 p.m. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carrled unan1mously. CONSIDER REQUEST TREE/BRUSH EQUIPMENT PURCHASE Staff requested approval of the CounCll to expend $14,000 from the General Fund contlngency to purchase a used Prentlce loader to be used for plcklng up brush & trees. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to approve the purchase of the used Prentlce loader to be pald from the General Fund contlngency. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. RECYCLING Staff lnformed the Councll of recen t s ta te SOlld waste management WhlCh wlll lmpact metropolltan area. Staff recommended that ci tywlde program for recycllng, simllar to the underway in the Park Valley nelghborhood. 1 eglsl a tlon regardlng the cltles In the the Clty pursue a p il 0 t program now Mr. Shlrley moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon to dlrect the staff to pursue the further posslblllty of a cltywlde recycllng program. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. 3.2 BEER LICENSE - JAYCEE'S Representatlves of the Jaycees appeared before council to request a 1 day temporary on-sale 3.2% beer license for September 6, 1985 In order to hold a fund ralser between 9th and lOth on Malnstreet. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Sh1rley seconded the motlon to approve the appllcatlon ( In one slte only) as recommended by the pollce department. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carried unanlmously. IRB Allocatlon Staff lnformed Councll that the Clty recelved a 1.9 mllllon dollar IRB entltlement for 1985. The deadllne for commltment of these funds lS August 31.However, a letter of lnterest can be submltted to the State along wlth a 1% deposlt, to retaln all or a portlon of the allocatlon through October 3l. W. Pltt Rolfe prevlously approached the Councll requestlng an IRB Bond to flnance construction of an offlce bUlldlng at 635 - 2nd Avenue South. The Clty of Savage has req ues ted t ha t wet ransfer all 0 r a por tlon 0 f our all oca tlon to thelr Clty through a J01nt powers agreement. Page 3 "Mlnutes of the August 20, 1985 Councll Mlnutes" ACTION: Mr. Shirley moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon to Spl1t the allocatlon between W. Pltt Rolfe and the Clty of Savage, $850,000 to W. Pltt Rolfe and the remalnder to the C1ty of Savage, and schedule a publlC hearlng for the prelimlnary resolutlon on the IRB for W. Pltt Rolfe for September 18. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motion carrled unanlmously. (h). RESOLUTION # 85-3208 "RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS" A list of lmprovements of curbs and gutters, concrete alleys, tree removals, etc. was furnlshed to the Councll along wlth the above resolutlon for approval to levy the assessments to the approprlate propertles. ACTION: Mr. Shlrley moved and Mr. Redepennlng seconded the motlon to adopt the resolution levYlng the assessments. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motion carrled unanlmously. (1). RESOLUTION # 85-3209 "A RESOLUTION ORDERING AN ENGINEER"S REPORT ON A STORM DRAINAGE AT 305 - 21ST AVENUE NORTH" ACTION: The pe tl tloner, Clty actlon to property. Steven Roberts, 305 -21st Avenue North requested correct a storm water dralnage situatlon on hlS ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Redepennlng seconded the motlon adoptlng Resolutlon # 85-3209 and acceptlng the engineer's report. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. (J). RESOLUTION # 85-3210 " RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS AND PREPARATION OF PLANS" Pursuant to Resolutlon 85-3209 wlth reference to the tnstallatlon of storm sewer, Councll was requested to order the lmprovement made accordlng to plans and speclflcatlons of the Clty Englneer. ACTION Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to adopt Resolutlon # 85-32l0 orderlng In the storm drainage. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Mlller, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. e (k). APPROVAL OF EASEMENT AND COST SHARING AGREEMENT - STEVEN ROBERTS In conjunction wlth the above two ltems, it lS necessary that the property owner agree to furnlsh the Clty wlth the necessary constructlon and permanent easement to permlt the Clty to enter prlvate property to construct and malntaln the storm sewer. In addltlon the property owner would agree to pay the portlon of the cost of the project WhlCh would repalr the surface of the yard. ACTION: Mr. Shlrley moved the e as emen t and the I appllcant. Anderson, Aye; Lavln, Aye. The and Mr. Anderson seconded the motion to approve cost sharlng agreement, subject to approval by The poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor motlon carrled unanlmously. (l) . Request by N. W. Bell to place burled cable on Lake Street NE . Northwestern Bell requested a perm1t to place all of the present aerlal telephone llne between Blake Road and LOU1Slana Avenue underground. The cable would be placed In October - November, 1985. Overhead cable would be removed after all the changeovers of serVlce are completed. . -, Page 4 " Mlnutes of the August 20, 1985 Councll Meetlng" (m) . ( n) . eCTION: (0) . ACTION: . A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. ZONING AND PLANNING APPOINTMENTS Mayor LaVln recommended the reapPolntment of Paul Janke to the Zonlng & Plannlng Commlsslon. Mayor LaVln moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon to reappolnt Paul Janke, 57 Monroe Avenue South, to the Zonlng and Plannlng Commlsslon. (Term to explre 6/30/87). A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. PARK BOARD APPOINTMENTS Mayor LaVln recommended the reapPolntment of Eugene Maxwell, 337 - 21st Avenue North and Tome Hance, 218 Herman Terrace to the Park Board. Mayor LaVln moved and Mr. Shlrley seconded the motlon to reappolnt Tom Hance and Eugene Maxwell to the Park Board. (terms to explre 6/30/87). A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. THEATER TOWER Dick Stanley appeared before the Councll to request a loan of $5,500 to be used to remove and store the theater tower untll May. He explalned that Jlm Grlggs of LeRoy Slgns offered to haul t he tower to h lS pI ace of bus lness and s to re t he tower there untll sprlng. Fund ralslng efforts ralsed $350 and Rudy Luther offered a contrlbutlon of approxlmately $2,300, leavlng a deflclt of $5,500 to remove the tower. D1Ck Stanley proposed to repay the Clty wlth fund ralslng efforts. LeRoy Slgns would charge $7,980 to take down the tower and store lt untll sprlng. The Councll was concerned that there was no one who would be responslble for the loan. Mayor LaVln expressed a concern that the fund ralsers were not able to ralse enough money to remove the tower and store It..........what would happen In the sprlng when addltional money of much larger sums would be needed to haul the tower back to Hopklns to erect the tower In a locatlon that has not yet been determlned. Mr. Anderson expressed a concern that there were too many questlons unanswered as to what would be done wlth the tower and dld not feel that the citizens of Hopkins should be asked to pay for a tower that may well have to be cut up and sold for scrap In the sprlng. Mayor Lavin expressed a further concern that, once the Clty advanced the money toward the tower, the fund ralslng efforts would be impeded. Mr. Shlrley moved and Mr. Redepennlng seconded the motion to advance $5,500 for the purposes of removlng and storlng the Hopklns Theater tower untll May 1, 1986, wlth no storage costs and no addl tlonal costs for returning the tower to a Sl te in Hopkins and no additlonal costs for dlsposal of lt, should the fund ralslng efforts fall. No funds to be released untll an agreement wlth LeRoy Slgns lncorporatlng all condltlons plus LeRoy Slgns belng responslble for the structure whlle lt lS stored In thelr faclllty. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Nay; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Nay. The motlon dld not carry. Page 5 "Mlnutes of the August 20, 1985 Councll Meetlng" ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Redepennlng seconded the motlon to adJourn the meetlng at 10:15 p.m. The motion carrled by a unanlmous vote. ATTES~~ Ellen Lavln, Mayor Respectfully Submltted, f I --/,// . ~~ /1~ A.L~~-<-f' 'Jean Kaedlng, Secy . .