MINUTES A regular Meet1ng of the C1ty Counc1l of the C1ty of Hopk1ns, M1nnesota was held on Tuesday October 1, 1985 1n the Counc1l Chambers of the C1ty Hall at 7:30 p.m. . Ae s e n t 'v ere May 0 r L a v 1 n , C 0 u n c 11 m em b e r s , M 11 be r t , And e r son, Red e pen n 1 n g and ~lrley. Also present were C1ty Manager, Rapp; C1ty Eng1neer, StroJan; C1ty Clerk/Assessor Renne; Publ1C Works Operat1ons D1rector, Beecher; C1ty Attorney, M1ller; Asst. C1ty Eng1neer, Anderson; F1nance D1rector, Schedler; Commun1ty Development D1rector, Kerr1gan; Adm1n1strat1ve Ass1stant, Genell1e; F1re Marshal, Magdal and Assess1ng Clerk, Weckman. I. Mayor LaV1n called the meet1ng to order at 7:30 p.m. II. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. M1lbert seconded the mot1on to approve the m1nutes of the September 18, 1985 meet1ng. The poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mrs. Lav1n, Aye. Mr. Sh1rley absta1ned, as he had not attended the meet1ng of the 18th. The mot1on carr1ed. III. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Redepenn1ng seconded the mot1on to approve the llcense appl1cat1ons # 391 - 399 w1th the date and t1me changed on # 391 to October 6, 1 p.m. 6 p.m. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The mot1on carr1ed unan1mously. '" Mr. M1lbert moved and Mr. Redepenn1ng seconded the mot1Qn to approve the d1sbursements, Prel1st #723 1n the amount of $296,049.72. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The mot1on carrled unan1mously. .' V. HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS The hear1ng was called at 7:40 p.m. The first part' of the hear1ng concerned project 84:05 - Waterma1n extens1on, M1nnetonka M1lls Road to Gethesemane Lutheran Church. After much d1Scuss1on, the Counc1l agreed that the undeveloped property should not be assessed at th1S tlme. Mr. M1lbert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the mot1on to assess only the developed property (Gethsemane, Rosewood, Chapelv1ew) at th1S t1me. The C1ty would pay the assessment on the rema1n1ng undeveloped property (Bursch, M1zpah) and assess th1S back at the t1me the property 18 developed. plus 7% 1nterest per year..... .the amount to be pa1d from the water fund, and adopt Resolut1on # 85-3216 adopt1ng the assessments. No cred1t would be cons1dered for spr1nkl1ng that was already 1nstalled. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The motlon carled unanlmously. On Project 84:02: Concrete alley west of 16th Avenue North, between 3rd and 4th Street North, Mr. M1lbert moved and Mr. Redepenn1ng seconded the mot1on to adopt Resolut1on # 85-3216 approvlng the proposed assessments. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr.Andel!'5'cbwr, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The mot1on carr1ed unan1mously. VI. PUBLIC HEARING - 1986 BUDGET/PROPOSED TAX LEVY Mr. M1l bert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the addltlon of $43,860 to the proposed budget and take fund balance. A poll of the vote was as follows: Shlrley, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, The mot1on carrled unan1mously. mot1on to approve the the amount out of the Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. ~. Page 2 " M1nutes of the October 1, 1985 meet1ng" VI. PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO. 85-3215 A RESOLUTION APPROVING 1985 TAX LEVY COLLECTIBLE IN 1986 Mr. Redepenn1ng moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the mot1on to adopt Resolut1on No. 85-3215 approvlng the 1985 tax levy 1n the amount of $2,406,000. The poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The motlon carr1ed unan1mously. VII. OLD BUSINESS: (a). RECONSIDER MARVY PARKING REQUEST Mr. Milbert moved and Mr. Redepenn1ng seconded the mot1on to cont1nue th1S 1tem unt1l the appl1cant can be present. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The mot1on carr1ed unan1mously. (b). SECOND READING- ORDINANCE # 85-556 "VACATING A PART OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK 3, WEST MINNEAPOLIS CENTER" Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. M1lbert seconded the motion to approve the resolut1on for the second readlng and order publlshed. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The mot1on carr1ed unanlmously. (c). DISCUSSION - ATTORNEY'S OPINION - CLUB LICENSE REQUIREMENTS Mr. Redepenn1ng moved and Mr. M1lbert seconded the motlon to refer thlS matter to the Clty Attorney to d1SCUSS w1th the cod1flers of our ordlnances an appropr1ate ordlnance to reflect the w1shes of the Councll regard1ng club llcenses. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shirley, aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The mot1on carr led unanlmously. (d). CONSIDER ACTION - VARIANCE REQUEST 354 ALTHEA LANE Mr. M1lbert moved and Mr. Redepenn1ng seconded the mot1on to table th1S 1tem unt1l the appl1cant 1ndlcates that he 1S prepared to brlng lt before the Counc1l A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye;Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mayor Lavln, Aye. The mot1on carr1ed unan1mously. VIII. NEW BUSINESS (a). VARIANCE REQUEST BY ST. THERESE TO ALLOW PARKING WITHIN THE 30 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AT 1001 - 1011 FELTL COURT Mr. Sh1rley moved and Mr. M1lbert seconded the motlon to approve the varlance as recommended by the Zon1ng & Plannlng Comm1ss1on w1th the cond1t1ons - (1) That the 15 foot var1ance go no further south than the closest p01nt of the bU1ld1ng to Feltl Court. (2). Landscape screenlng be1ng opaque 1n nature be planted 1n proximlty to the park1ng lot curb and be malnta1ned to the he1ght of 4 feet m1n1mum and to work out a landscape that would not "dead end" term1nate at the south. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The mot1on carr1ed unanlmously. . (b). ON SALE 3.2% BEER LICENSE REQUEST BY THE HOPKINS JAYCEES FOR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1985 - 6 p.m. - 11 p.m. - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5,- 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mr. Mllbert moved and Mr. Redepenn1ng seconded the mot1on to approve llcense request as stated above. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Page 3 "Mlnutes of the October 1, 1985 meet1ng" Redepenn1ng, unan1mously. Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The mot1on carr1ed (c) . GAMBLING LICENSE REQUEST - FAMILY PLUS, INC. Mr. Sh1rley moved and Mr. Redepennlng seconded the mot1on to adopt Resolut1on # 85-3217 denY1ng the llcense. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The motlon carrled unanlmously. (d) . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT EXTENSION - W. PITT ROLFE W. P1tt Rolfe was granted a Cond11tonal Use Perm1t for construct1on of an off1ce bU1ld1ng on September 18, 1984. The locat1on of the slte 1S on the northeast corner of 2nd Avenue South & 7th Street South. Since the Cond11tonal Use Perm1t was granted for a per10d of one year and construct1on has not yet begun, 1t 1S necessary to obta1n a renewal of the permlt 1n order to bU1ld. . Mr. M1l be rt moved and Mr. R e depenn 1ng approve a 1 year renewal of the Condlt1onal the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; motlon carr1ed unan1mously. seconded the mot1on to Use Permlt. A poll of Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The (e) . SCHOOL DISTRICT EXERCISE EQUIPMENT REQUEST Dlstr1ct 270 requested perm1ss1on to 1nstall phys1cal f1tness equ1pment on Central Park. The equlpment would be lnstalled on Central Park, spread out and placed adjacent to the asphalt walkway that clrcles the park. Mr. M1lbert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the mot1on to accept the offer of School Dlstr1ct #270 to furnlsh and lnstall a f1tness course on Central Park and to allow the school d1str1ct the use of the course 1n the same manner as the general publlC, and that a contract be prepared stat1ng that the school dlstr1ct w1ll ma1nta1n the qU1pment and hold the C1ty harmless for lnJur1es. (f). UMBRELLA LIABILITY INSURANCE PURCHASE Mr. Mllbert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motlon to approve the purchase of umbrella llabll1ty 1nsurance coverage. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye;. The mot1on carrled unanlmously. (g) REQUEST BY NSP TO PLACE OVERHEAD CABLE ON 4th ST. NO. AND ALLEY WEST OF 19th AVENUE. Mr. M1lbert moved and Mr. Redepenn1ng seconded the mot1on to approve the request. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The motion carrled unan1mously. (h) REQUEST BY MINNESOTA CABLESYSTEMS SOUTHWEST TO PLACE BURIED TV CABLE ON VAN BUREN AVENUE NORTH . Mr. Anderson moved and approve the request. A Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor unan1mously. Mr. Sh1rley seconded the motlon to poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. Lav1n, Aye. The motlon carr1ed Page 4 "M1nutes of the October 1, 1985 Counc1l Meetlng" . ( 1 ) . KSTP BILLBOARD The Hubbard Broadcast1ng Company offered to lnclude the name "Hopk1ns" on the1r b1llboard. Mr. M1lbert moved and Mr. Redepenn1ng seconded the motlon to request that "Hopk1ns" appear on the both sldes of the slgn, w1th red str1ps on each slde as recommened by the Zonlng & Plann1ng Comm1sslon, and that speclal event banners be placed on the red str1ps when permltted by the C1ty Manager. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Mllbert, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The mot1on carried unan1mously. (J). HENNEPIN COUNTY COMPOSTING RESOLUTION # 85-3214 . Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. M1lbert seconded the mot1on to adopt Resolut1on # 85-3214 approvlng partlc1pat1on of the C1ty 1n the J01nt Compost Program and authorlzlng the Mayor and Manager to slgn the Cooperat1ve Agreement. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Redepennlng, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Lav1n, Aye. The mot1on carr1ed unan1mously. (k). MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS TO THE ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Mllbert seconded the mot1on to approve the Mayor's reapPo1ntments of Davld K1rscht and Nelson Berg to the Zon1ng and Plannlng Comm1sslon....... .Comm1ss1on to expire July 1, 1988. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Sh1rley, Aye; Mr. M1lbert, Aye; Mr. Redepenn1ng, Aye; Mayor Lasvln, Aye. The mot1on carried unan1mously. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. M1lbert moved and Mr. Redepennlng seconded the mot1on to adJourn the meet1ng at g:55 p.m. The mot1on carrled unan1mously. Respectfully subm1tted, Jean Kaed1ng, Secy. .ES~ Ellen~Lav1n, Mayor .