COMMUNITY CENTER CITY OF HOPKINS 1010 FIRST STREET SOUTH PHONE 938-8474 - -..:.;.:;.;~ HOPKINS, MINNESOTA !5!5343 -- INTER-OFFICE MEMO Jim Kerrigan DATE January 14 19J1. TO FROM SUBJECT Anne Norris Improvements at the Hopkins Community Center B~ds were sought for the follow~ng improvements at the Hopkins Community Center. -e 1. Provide and install labor and material to reduce the opening to the second floor (off of entrance to Community Center). 2. Provide and install glass front display cases along north wall in hall. 3. Provide and install coat and hat racks along south wall in hall. Bid packages were sent out November 15, 1982 for these ~mprovements. Mel's Remodeling was orig~nally awarded the contract for this work (1/5/82), but Mel left the state without completing the work. Subsequently, Firmus and I rewrote the specifications and went out for new bids. The following b~ds were submitted for the ~mprovements. Herb Anderson Construct~on 101 11th Avenue North Hopkins $ 9221.00 Air Seal Company 6701 Bloomington Avenue South Bloomington $ 9479.00 F~rmus and I have reviewed the bids and recommend that the contract be awarded to the low b~dder, Herb Anderson Construct~on. -- -- 1- Date: January 10, 1983 To: william P. Craig, C~ ty Mmager Fran: Jim Kerrigan Subject: Sul::mission of applicat~an to state for funding under EY83 Carmuruty Developnent Program At the January 18 Council rreetmg, I have scheduled a public hearing to cons~der the submission of an apphcatian for cansiderat~on of funding under the 1983 Mllmesota 9nall Cities Developrent Program. The activ~tles as well as the budget of $827,000 ~s identlcal to the program approved by the Hopkms Carmunlty Developnent CltlZens Carmi.ttee at a Public Hearing an August 25, 1982 and the Hopkins Clty Council on August 31, 1982 for sul::mission to HUD for funding. Those act~vlties including: 1. Camnercial Bulldmg Rehabilltatlon Program. 2. Residential Structure Rehabllitatlon Program . 3. Acquisltion of deteriorated structures (including demolition and relocation) . 4. Contingencles. 5. Administration. As you are aware, the city was notlf~ed last rronth that It was not selected for fundmg by HUD. Thus ~ are proposmg sul:nussion to the state for conslderation as they have taken over adminlstratlon of the Carmunlty Development Srna.ll Cities Program fran HUD beg1J1Iling this year. As official city approval has already been received for tins program, the Public Hearing process is basically Just a fonnality that lS required be met prior to sul:m1.sslon of the appllcatlon to the state. Sul:nusslon lS required to be made no later than January 31, Wlth those approved notifled sanetlffie In Aprll .