MINUTES ~ . A regular meet1ng of the Hopk1ns Zon1ng and P1ann1ng Comrn1ss1on was held on Tuesday, January 25, 1983, at 7 30 PM, 1n the Counc11 Chambers of the C1ty Hall. Present Cha1r, Jeanne' Eddy, Comm1ss1on members Ber9, Folk, Janke, Klrscht and Tlck1e. Also present were Communlty Development D1rector Kerrlgan and Ass1stant Communlty Development D1rector Norrls. Item. New members Paul Janke and Davld Klrscht were lntroduced. Item Mrs. Tlckle moved and Mr. Berg seconded a motlon that the mlnutes of the November 30, 1982 meetlng be approved and slgned. Motlon carrled. No meet1ng was held In December. Case No. Hearlng on an appl1catlon by Jon Schwartzman for a Varlance to construct 83-01 a volleyball court on the north side of thelr bUl1d1ng In the front yard setback at 1002 Second Street N.E. Mr. Herb Margolls and Mr. Jon Schwartzman presented thelr request and plans to the Commlsslon. Durlng the dlScuss10n questlons on hours of operatlon, nOlse control, future expanslon were d1scussed. It was stated that the request was due to poor s011 condltlons, relocatlon of the court would be a hardsh1p to the operatlon and dralnage would be a problem. Actlon' Mr. Folk moved and Mrs. Tlckle seconded a motlon recomrnendlng to the Councl1 approval of a resolutlon for a Varlance In the front yard set- back as the lmpact on the area was not slgnlflcant. After dlScusslon the motlon and second were withdrawn. . Case No: 83-02 Mrs. Tlckle moved and Mr. Janke seconded a motlon recommendlng to the Councl1 approval of a resolutlon for a Varlance 1n the front yard set- back to construct a volleyball court, because of the drainage problems, land contour and so11 condlt1ons, thlS seems to be the only posslble place to put It. Mrs. Tlck1e and Mr. Janke votlng yea, Mr. Berg, Mr. Folk and Ms. Eddy votlng nay; Mr. Klrscht abstalned. Motion defeated. Hearlng on an appllcat10n by Jon Schwartzman for a Condlt1onal Use Permlt for constructlon of a Speclal Use Fence In the front yard at 1002 Second Street N.E. (Nautl1us Athletlc Center). Actlon Mr. Berg moved and Mr. Janke seconued a motlon recommendlng to the Councl1 approval of a resolutlon for a Condltlonal Use Permlt for a Specla1 Use Fence In the front yard for the purposes of securlty and to protect the premlses. Motlon carrled. Mr. Folk vot1ng nay; Mr. Kirscht abstalned. Hearlng to cons1der an app11catlon by F1agshlp Assoclatlon (Stelner & Koppelman) for a Condltlonal Use Permlt to construct an offlce-warehouse bU11d1ng at 1600 Flfth Street South, Lot I, Block 2, South Hopklns Industrlal Park. Or1glnal Condltlonal Use Permit approved 9-1-81, explred 9-1-82. Case No. 83-03 Mr. Tom Kordonowy revlewed the orlglna1 plans wlth the Commlsslon and stated that there are no changes from the or1glnal plans. Mr. Folk moved anu Mr. Berg seconded a motlon recommendlng to the Councl1 approval of the Condltiona1 Use Permit wlth reVlew In one year to see 1f there are any trafflc problems and wlth the restrlctlons of the orlglna1 permit that the drive-ln door on 16th Avenue not to be used by seml's, contlngent on an easement belng produced, parklng be enlarged to 9'x20' on westerly border and executlon of agreement between City and Spantek. Motlon carrled unanlmously Item' 1983 Caplta1 budget workp1an contlnued to the February meeting for dlScusslon wlth Mr Cralg. - - ~ Zonlng and Plannlng Comrnisslon mlnutes of January 25, 1983 continued. . Item: General dlScusslon with the Commlsslon regardlng Conditlona1 Use Permlts and Varlances and reasons for the granting of same. Actlon Mr. Folk moved and Mr. Klrscht seconded a motlon that the meetlng be adJourned. Motlon carrled. MEMBERS. ATTEST Jeanne Eddy, Chalr . . v