RESOLUTION 83-3049 CITY OF HOPKINS Hennep1n County, M1nnesota RESOLUTION NO 83- 3049 BE IT RESOLVED by the C1ty Counc1l of the C1ty of Hopk1ns, M1nnesota, as follows' A Cond1tlonal Use Permlt lS approved for a Spec1al Use Fence 1n the front yard as stated 1n Sect10n 427.11(8) of the Zon1ng Ord1nance for the follow1ng Jon Schwartzman 1002 Second Street N.E All of Tract M and that part of Tracts Land P, Reg1stered Land Survey No. 561, F1les of the Reg1strar of T1tles 1n and for Hennep1n County, M1nnesota lY1ng Northeasterly of the follow1ng descr1bed llne Beglnn1ng at a p01nt on the Northwesterly llne of sa1d Tract P d1stant 66.79 feet . Southwesterly along sa1d Northwesterly llne from the most Northerly corner of sa1d Tract P, thence Southeasterly 1n a stra1ght llne to a p01nt on the South llne of sa1d Tract L d1stant 770.15 East of the most Westerly corner of sa1d Tract L Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t shall exp1re one year from date lssued except 1n cases where requ1rements of Hopk1ns Ord1nance 427.26(1), 427 33(1), or 427 39(1) are met CERTIFICATION I hereby cert1fy that the aforego1ng resolut1on lS a true and correct copy of the resolut1on presented to and adopted by the Hopklns C1ty Counc1l at a duly author1zed meet1ng thereof held on the day of February, 1983 as shown by the m1nutes of sa1d meet1ng 1n my possess1on. J. Scott Renne, C1ty Clerk h