CASE # 53-02 . January 18, 1983 Case No 83-02 Appl1cant. Jon Schwartzman (Naut1lus Athlet1c Center) Location: Second Street N.E. - East of Massey-Ferguson Request: Cond1t1onal Use Permit to construct fence 1n front yard setback STAFF COMMENTS: Kerr1gan - Norr1s . 1. The appl1cant 1S presently under cons1derat1on by the Comm1ss1on for approval of a var1ance to construct a volleyball court 1n the front yard setback of h1S slte on Second Street N.E. In conJunct1on w1th th1S request he 1S also ask1ng approval of a Cond1tional Use Permit to allow h1m to construct a fence 1n his front yard. 427.11(7) does not allow construct1on of a fence 1n the landscaped port1on of the front yard. However, 427 11(8) states that "fences for spec1al purposes and fences d1ffenng 1n constructlOn, height or length may be perm1tted 1n any d1strict in the C1ty of Hopkins by the 1ssuance of a Cond1tional Use Perm1t approved by the Zon1ng and Planning Comm1ss1on and by the C1ty Counc1l upon proof and reasons submitted by the appl1cant and upon the slgning by sa1d bodies that such spec1al purpose 1S necessary to protect, buffer or 1mprove the prem1ses for Wh1Ch such fence lS 1ntended. Such spec1al fence perm1t, 1f 1ssued, may st1pulate and prov1de for the he1ght, locat1on, construction and type of spec1al fence thereby perm1 tted " 2. At the present time a 6' cyclone fence does eX1st along the west and north sldes of the front yard. Bas1cally, the Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t 1S concerned w1th the cont1nuat1on of th1S fence to the east between front yard property llne north of the bU1ld1ng and the park1ng lot The appl1cant has stated that the fence would be basically for secur1ty of the site.