10 AVE PARKING LOT CITY CENTER DEV"ELOl?~ENT CORFOR.A.TION ~INNESOT.A. HOFKINS February 10, 1983 To: Hopkins City Council Members From: Sheila Block and KeV1n Locke Re: Recommendat1on of des1gn firm for 10th Ave. Parking Lot The C.C.D.C. Board of D1rectors has rev1ewed the three proposals for redesign of the 10th Avenue Parking Lot, submitted to the City Counc11 at the January 26, 1983 meeting. All three firms appear to be reputable, competent f1rms. However, based on the evaluat10n criter1a 11sted below: 1. . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The firm or team of firms hired needs to have a var1ety of expertise, if all the problems associated w1th the 10th Avenue Parklng Lot are to be addressed. Landscape design Sk1lls are part1cularily lmportant since the appear- ances of the lot and accomodation of pedestrians are key 1ssues that need to be resolved. The controversy over altering 10th Avenue dictates that the chosen firm have strong credible traff1c engineering skills. Since the park1ng lot 1S just one component of downtown, solld under- stand1ng of downtown issues and planning issues 1S valuable f1rm characteristic. The quality of the f1rms proposal prov1des some 1ndicat1on of the firms qual1ty of work. General impressions, made by representatives from the f1rms dur1ng the informational meeting held by the City. Interest shown in work1ng on this project. The work each firm has proposed to do. The price each firm will charge for serv1ces rendered. It should be noted that the orig1nal proposals submitted, involved prov1ding more extensive services at prices of from $10-30,000. The firms asked to make a second submittal, were told that $5,000 was what the Clty would cons1der spend1ng for th1S project. the Benshoof, Brauer, Schoell-Madson team appears to offer Skllls and exper1ence best suited to the 10th Avenue Park1ng Lot design project. The C.C.D.C. recom- mends the selection of the Benshoof, Brauer, Schoell-Madson team. Slncerely, Kevln Locke, Execut1ve Director and Sheila Block, Presldent VOLUNT.ARY P:R.QG-RESS TOVV.A.R.DS COJM:JM:UNI:TY DEVELOPJM:ENT