STAFF STUDY \, '.. .~. CITY OF HOPKINS ~.l~"'_ r 1010 FIRST STREET SOUTH · HOPKINS, MINNESOTA 55343 · 612/935-8474 MEMORAlJDUM DATE: Feb. 18, 1983 TO: Bill Craig FROM: Butch LaBerge SUBJECT: Staff Study - Honeywell Signal Request - Transm1ttal Please find attached, the item you requested on this subject. I would be happy to discuss Sgt. Johnson's report with you at any time. You should also be aware that Mr. Bob Marquardt, Honey- well Plant Engineer, yesterday requested a quote of costs for off-duty police officers to direct traffic there. He was supplied with the basic information of cost per hour, benefits, City overide, etc. I did not advise him that we may not be able to provide such manpower however. . I:eCEnber 6, 19 82 '10: OVide L. LaBerge, Superintendent of PoliCE FROH: Sergeant C. C. Jdmscn SUBJEcr: Attached Letter of Request Fran Mr. Rebert C. Becker of Heneywell to City Hanager Bill Craig About Posslble Perredies to Prevent Pedestrlan Accidents at the Three Honeywell pedestrian CrosswaJks on 2nd Street N.E. I. PROBIEM Atterrpt to determine wrnch, if any, of the four rerredies rrentioned in the letter fran Honeywell, dated 11-23-82, have merit. Also atterrpt to detennine if there are other rerredies not rrentiened in the letter. II. ASSUMPl'ICNS A. Vehicular traffic has increased substantially en 2nd Street N.E. SinCE Excelsior Avenue closed as a through street. B. Motorists are usinq 2nd Street N.E. to avoid railroad train traffic that confrcnts them on Comty Road 3 and also en. North Blake Road. C. Sore of the traffic on 2nd Street N.E. may subside wren Comty Road 18 opens in 1984. D. Motor vehicle/pedestrian accidents can be prevented if drivers and pedestrians obey the exsisting laws and make proper use of the traffic control deviCES that have been installed at the three Honeywell pedestrian crosswaJks. E. There may be inadequate warning signs indicating that there are pedestrian crosswaJks ahead east and west of the Honeywell building on 2nd Street N.E. F. The Hopkins Police I:epartment accident records do not shav a large amount of accidents in the Honeywell area of 2nd Street N.E. III. FAcrs BEARING CN THE PROBIEM . A. Regarding the seccnd paragraph of Mr. Becker's letter which states, "There have been several car accidents in this area as well as C<Illplaints fran pedestrians that they have nearly been DID over". The pedestrian struck on 11-17-82, was the only one in thirty-five months. Our accident records for 2nd Street N.E., between Jackson and Tyler Avenues, are as follavs: MemorandurojHoneywell Pedestrian Crosswalks I:ecerober 6, 1982 Page 2 1. 1980 shONs two (2) personal injury accicents and nine (9) property damage accidents and no pedestrian accidents. 2. 1981 shONs one (1) personal injury accident and seven (7) property damage accidents and no pedestrian accidents. 3. 19 82 (through Noverrber) shavs four (4) personal injury accidents and six (6) property damage accidents. It also sha.vs the cne (1) pedestrian accident described by Mr. Becker that occurred en 11-17-82, our case number 82010250. B. Regardinq Item 1 of Mr. Becker's four rerredies Before we go any further we should define too differenCE between "offical traffic control cevices" and "traffic control signals". 1. State Statute 169.01, Subdivision 4, Offical Traffic Centro 1 LeviCES "rreans all signs, signals, markings and ceviCES not inconsistant with this chapter plaCEd or erected by authority of a public body or offical having jurisdiction, for the pmpcse of regulating, warning or guiding traffic" . This is what Honeywell nON has at t:l'Eir three pedestrian crosswaJks. See attached Annex B. 2. State Statute 169.01, Subdivision 42, "Traffic ccntrol signal rreans and device, whether manually, electncally or rrechanically operated, by whidl traffic is alternately directed to stop or penni tted to proCEed". This is what Honeywell wants as I mderstand it. See attadled Annex B. C. Bearing ill mind that there is a difference between a deviCE and signal as explained above, we are led to: 1. State Statute 169.21, Subdivisien. 1, which states "c:bey traffic centrol signals. pecestrians shall be subject to traffic ccntrol signals at intersecticns as heretofore ceclared in this chapter, but at all other plaCES pedestrians shall be accorded privileges and shall be subject to the :restrictions stated in sections 169.21 and 169. 2/." . . 2. Subdivisicn 2, Rights in AbsenCE of Signals. "Where traffic control signals are not in plaCE or in operation the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way slaving davn or stepping if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian crossing the roadvay wi thin a crosswalk. But no pedestrian shall suddenly leave a cw:b or other place of safety and walk or rilll into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is inpossibJe for the driver to yield. This provision shall not apply under tre ccndi tiens as ot:l'EIWise proviaed in this subdivision". The pedestrian traffic at Honeywell is controlled by 169.21, Subdivision 2, because they have instalJed devices and not signals. My interpretation of 169.21, Subdivisien 2, is that pedestrians can not go into the crosswa1k if there is a vehicle so clcse that it is impcssible for the driver to yield. Memorandtml;'Honeywell pedestrian CrosswaJks I:ecerober 6, 1982 Page 3 . If pecestrians follON the edict set out in 169.121, Subdivisien 2, there would be no pedestrian accidents. 3. State Statute 169.06, Subdivisien 3, states that "all traffic control deviCEs shall confonn to the State manual and specifications". This rreans that mmicipali ties have to use guidelines set forth by the State of Minnesota Highway Camussicn. See attached Armex C. 4. Please see attached Armex F in red. This map is fran Honeywell and has been reduCEd in size. Please note the distanCE between the cresswalks. The cresswaJks are shONI1 as B, C and D on this map. Also, please see a white envelcpe attached marked G in red. This contains nine (9) pictures of the Honeywell area. There are explanations on the back of each picture. If traffic control signals were installed, there would be three signals Wl thin 610 feet. D. Regarding Item 2 of Mr. Becker's four rerredies 1. Caution lights east of the green lot and at Menroe (west) reflecting reduCEd speed zone, 15 MPH. Caution lights east and west of the pecestrian crosswalks are a good idea. I will refer to this later in this report. The 15 MPH zone would have to be approved by the State Highway Coomissien. We only have one speed zcne under 30 MPH nav. We have a 20 ~'1PH zone on Monroe Avenre South by the Harley Hopkins School. E. Regarding Item 3 of Mr. Becker's four remedies 1. Speed burrps at appropriate locaticns This would make the City of Hopkins liable for possible civil suits by: a. :Motorists damaging their emaust systems and 1ID.dercarriages b. SnavplON operators who sustain damage to their pIONS c. Motorcyclists who lese control because of tre burrps . 2. There are no speed btlItps on any public streets or highways in the State of Minnesota that I am aware of. F. Regarding Item 4 of Mr. Becker's four renedies 1. Hopkins PoliCE contln'lE to mcn.i tor traffic and effectiveness of traffic control deviCES. We have used radar in the Honeywell area when there is sufficient manpONer' We have mcn.i tored the pedestrian crosswalks also. Meroorandum;'Honeywell pedestrian CresswaJks :cecerober 6, 19 82 Page 4 The fact that there has been only one pecestrian accident in 35 months indicates to rre that the exsisting pedestrian cnntrol deviCES, the dihgenCE of the pecestrians and occasional selective enforcerrent by the poliCE has been effective. I don't want to minimize the fact that there was a pedestrian recently struck however. OUr accicent map does not shON that the Honeywell area is a high accident area ccnsideri:lg the number of vehicles using the area. G. Honeywell j s currently wOJ::king a dayshift, Menday through Friday, fran about 0600 to 1800 hours. They have sane staggered shifts and a few peO? le there at night. For the most part this is a MJnday through Friday, 0800 to 1630 qJeration. 8.5 hours a day t.irres five days a week rreans there are peaestrians using the pedesi:rian crosswa]ks about 42.5 hours a week. There are 168 hours in a week. Honeywell pedestrians are uslng the pecestrian crosswaJks about 25 perCEnt of the week. Generally speaklng, this rreans 2nd Street N.E. is used by the public 75 percent of the _ week and 25 percent of the week is shared by Honeywell errployees and the public. H. 2nd Street N.E. at Tyler is a dangerous area because the direction of the road manges abruptly there. 'Ihe angle of change appears to be about 30 cegrees. There is a sag in 2nd Street N.E., east of Tyler, that prevents pedestrians in the mest easterly crosswal"k;: from seelng vehlcles in the sag area. VehlcleS cx:rning from the east can not be seen by pedestrians in the east crosswalk until the vehicle is about 123 paCES fran the east crosswaJk. Please see Armex G, picture 2, to further describe this sag area and the vision prcblem. 1. I talked to the elaer~ female who struck Diane Barnard on 11-17-82. She is 76 years old and bordering en senility. She was issued a ci taticn for disregarding a traffic control device. J. There are no flashing amber lights over the middle pedestrian crosswaJk at Honeywell at this time. . I investigated an injury accident that occured at the middle crosswaJk at Honeywell in :cerernber of 1981. At that tine, the driver, who had driven in to the rear end of the truck, who had stopped for the pedestnan crosswaJk, told TIe she thought t:l'Ere were only two cresswaJks because she only saw two sets of flashinq anber lights as she came from the east. IV. DISClJSSICN A. There are many pessilile rerredies to prevent pecestrian accicents ann motor vehicle accidents in the Heneywell area. They are as folla.vs: 1. Rerredy 1 proposed by Mr. Becker, traffic control signals to replaCE the existlng deviCES. ~'Emorandum/HoneY\'lell pecestrian CrosswaJks I:ererr.ber 6, 1982 Page 5 This may be to expenslve. This will also cause traffic back-up to a larger degree than we already have. 2. Rerredy 2 proposed by Mr. Becker, caution lights east and west of Heneywe 11. This appears to rre to be a good idea. I feel that words in blad<. letters on white background, illuminated 24 hours a day, should be "CAurICN 3 PED. CROSSINGS AHEAD." ThlS caution sign could be affixed to the sarre post as the caution light. 15 HPH zone is unreascnable and should not be pursued. 3. Rerredy 3 prIOposed by Mr. Becker, speed bUI1I>s. Speed burrps are unreasenable and should not be considered for previously rrentioned reasons. 4. Rerredy 4 purposed by Mr. Becker, that the Hopkins PoliCE have been and will continue to meni tor traffic and control deviCES ill this area. We will do this. 5. Skyways or pedestrian bridges over 2nd Street N.E. at exsisting pedestrian cressvlaJks \vould be the ultimate in safety. I have not checked with planning and zoning or bui lding ordinanCES to see if this is pennitted. This miqht be to,expensive. 6. Four way stop signs at Tyler and 2nd Street N.E. and also at Jackson and 2nd Street N.E. This would slON traffic davn but subject motonsts to five (5) stops wi thin two blocks. This dces not seem practical. 7. PlaCE fixed, offical type signs, black letterin~ over white background, at the exsisting pecestrian cresswaJks that would state "NO PEIESTRIAN'S SHAIL SUDIENLY lEAVE THE CURB OR Ol'HER PIACE OF SAFETY AND WAIK OR Rill INTO THE PATH OF A VEHIClE WHICH IS SO CWSE THAT IT IS IMPCSSIBIE FOR THE DRIVER TO YIEID". This might be condensed to say "PEDESTRIANS- YOU MUST YIELD" or similar wording. These signs should be illuminated 24 hours a day if possible. 8. Hcneywell management could try to educate the Honeywell errployees by adding a photocopy of State Statute 169.21, Subdivision 1, 2 and 3, to the errployee' s paychecks at a future date, just to let the pedestrian knav that he is responsible. . 9. Honeywell rnanagerrent could pessibly devise other rrethods of informing their errployees of their responsibili tes in the crosswalks. 10. We do have exsisting pedestrian warning device signs that are dlamond shaped, yellON background, Wlth a simulated person embossed on the sign. One of these signs is east of Monroe Avenue North for eastbound traffic. The other sign is east of Tyler Avenue about 25 feet and is for westbound traffic. These signs should be illuminated at night to be more effective. M:mlorandum/Honeywe 11 pecestrian Crosswalks I:eCEIOber 6, 19 82 Page 6 A steady white light shining en these exsisting SlgnS will have SCIre value. 11. "PED. XING AHEAD" could be palnted on the street Wlth white palnt, east and west of the Honeywell area en 2nd Street N.E. V. CCNCLUSICNS A. One pecestrian accident at the Hcneywell peoostrian cresswalks is ene too many. B. Our records indicate one (1) pedestrian accident in the last 35 months. C. Assuming there are about 500 errployees at Honeywell OrdinanCE, qoing back and forth, we have 1,000 pecestrians cressing a day. There are 20 working day a menth. This neans there are 20,000 crossings a month. Multiplying 20 ,000 crossings a mcnth tines 35 months we find that we have had 700,000 pedestrians cross the street at the three crosswaJks. We have had only one pedestnan struCk. in 700,000 crossinqs. I personally think this is an exCEllent record. The pedestrians at Honeywell should be congratulated for this record. D. Accident statistlcs for the past 35 months were discussed earlier ln this report. To sununarize them we shav the one pedestrian accident en 11-17-82, seven (7) perscnal injury accidents in tre 35 month period and twenty-two (22) property damage accidents in that time. E. We must bear in mind that 2nd Street N.E. has becare a very busy street. F. Rerredies proposed by Mr. Becker have been analyzed prevlously: 1. This would be very expensive and cause traffic back-up at peak hours 2. Caution lights have merit. 15 HPH speed zone is tmreascnable because pedestrians are using the crosswalks approximately only 25 percent of the tine. Also, the highway camnissien would probably not approve this typ9 of speed zone. 3. Rerredy 3 has no nerit as previously explained. 4. Rerredy 4 is an ongoing filllction of our poliCE oopartment. G. The responsibility lies with the pedestrian. He/she should be educated as to what hlsjher responsibllity is and constantly reminded of hisjher responsibi li ty. H. The current financial deflcit of the State of Hinnesota will be passed on to the City of Hopkins. This will most likely negate any expenditure by the city for traffic slgnals in this area Memorandurn;l:Ioneywell Pedestrian CrosswaJks Lererrber 6, 19 82 Page 7 VI. AcrICN RECCWmIED A. Honeyv..rell management supply their errployees with written information on pedestrian and motorist responsibilities as described in State Statute 169.21, SubdiV1.sion 1, 2 and 3. Subdivision 3 has not been discussed previously. This refers to crossing between intersections. OUr offiCErs have observed violations of Subdivision 3 and have issued vernal warnings to violators. B. That black letters on white backr01.md SlgnS be plaCEd on the north and south side of each cresswaJk (six (6) total) explaining pedestrian responsibility. This should be a slcgan such as "PEIESTRIAN - YOU MUST YIELD! " These signs should be i llununated if pessible. C. The City of Hopkins paint "PED. XING AHEAD" on the surfaCE of 2nd Street N.E., east and w::!st of the three existing. crossvlalks. This painting on the street should be at least 200 feet fran the crosswaJks. D. That Honeywell and/or the City of Hopkins erect flashing arrber lights about six feet off the gr01.md, approximately 300 feet east of the most easterly crosswaJk and 300 feet west of the most westerly cresswaJk. Belew these flashing arrber lights (an the sane post) there should be a black and white sign that says II 3 PEIESTRIAN crosSINGS AHEAD". I errphasize three because curr€Iltly we have three pecestrian cresswalks there but enly two have flashing overhead amber lights. E. Honeywell consider placing flashing arrber lights over the middle cresswalk similar to those nav in serviCE at the west and east crosswalks. F. That the poliCE departnent CDntinue to monitor pecestrian and vehicular traffic in the Heneywell area. See Armexes attached as follCMS: A. State Statute 169.01 that cescribes pedestrians, local authorities and intersectiens B. State Statute 169.01, Subdivision 41 and 42 which describe offical traffic control deviCES and traffic control signals and the differenCE between the two C. State Sta,tute 169.06, Subdivlsion 3, which talks about traffic control deviCES cenfonning to state manual and specifications D. State Statute 169.21, Subdivisicn 1, 2 and 3. This describes pedestrian and driver responsibi li ty . E. This is a photooopy of the accident report involving the pedestrian struck on 11-17-82 (case number 82010250) . M9nDrandum;licneywell pedestrian CrosswaJks December 6, 19 82 Page 8 F. A .reduCEd photocopy of the diagram of the Honeywell area with an index showing distanCES between crosswalks and certain streets. G. An envelope a::ntaining ffine (9) pictures taken of the Honeywell area with explanations en the back of each picture. Honeywell 23 November 1982 Mr. Wll Ilam Cral~ Clty Mana~er Clty of Hopklns 1010 Flrst Street South Hopklns, MN 55343 Dear Blll: On 17 November 1982 at about 8:30 a.m. we had a serlous personal lnJUry trafflc accldent on 2nd Street Northeast at the crosswalk near the north- west end of our bUlldln~. A west bound vehlcle struck one of our employees In the crosswalk. The result was a broken le~, faclal laceratlons and posslble other lnternal lnJUrles. There have been several car accldents recently In thls area as wel I as complalnts from pedestrlans that theY have nearly been run over In the 2nd Street Northeast crosswalks. As YOU are aware, we have prevlously requested that trafflc condltlons be monltored and that approprlate remedles be applled to prevent the very klnd of accldents descrlbed above. It lS our Posltlon that these approprlate remedles lnclude the followln~: 1. Pedestrlan-actuated trafflc control at eXlstln~ flasher control led crosswalks (our orH!:1.nal request when flashers were l.nstalled). Include WALK - DON'T WALK sl~nals for pedestrlans; contlnuous yel low flashers, steady yet low to clear the trafflc and steady red to stop trafflc - equlPped wlth approprlate tlmers, and 2. Cautlon Ilehts east of the ereen lot and at Monroe (west) reflectln~ reduced speed zone - 15 M.P.H. (see map attached). 011/1.-..../. I ~ I", J If. 'If 11Cc.~ ~ ltr1.~ Ii (I' ~"tc.:l. 3. Speed bumps at approprlate locatlons. 4. Hopklns pollce contlnue to monltor trafflc and effectlveness of trafflc control devlces. After YOU have revlewed our recommendatlons, please respond ln wrltlne. We conslder thlS an ureent sltuatlon and wll I appreclate your lmmedlate attentlon. I~~'{ ({-21 ~ I i) ~N d.~) . 1)) /tV {()v-ct , ;....,L~~ ,,,,"\.k:... J , ') . c {, f <- '>t...-<..<- 6K~ <..~~~ <. ~\. '--~ -....- Slncerely yours, HONEYWELL INC. ~Y.l.A-vJ<-"' cl~-t <J~ c./~'j. /; ---: ~ ../ ,... { ~_:; c /:. c Robert C. Becker Chlef. Contracts Counsel RCB/JCS Attachment DEFENSE SYSTEMS DIVISION HONEYWELL INC 600 SECOND STREET NE HOPKINS MINNESOTA 55343 TELEPHONE 612/9316511 3510 3511 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC REGULATION ]69.01 0)1 cop art - y.... Subd 24 Pedestrian. "Pedestnan" means any person afoot V' Subd 25. Driver. "Dnver" means every person who dnves or ]S m actual l'phys]ca] control of a veh]c1e Subd 26 Owner. "Owner" means a person who holds the lega] tItle of a vehicle, or m the event a veh]c1e IS the subject of an agreement for the condl- tIona] sale or lease thereof with the nght of purchase upon performance of the condItIons stated m the agreement and with an ImmedIate nght of possessIOn vested m the condition a] vendee or lessee, or m the event a mortgagor of a veh]c1e ]S entItled to possessIOn, then such condltlOna] vendee or lessee or mort- gagor shall be deemed the owner for the purpose of thiS chapter Subd 27 Police officer. "Police officer" means every officer authonzed to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for vlo]atlOns of traffic regulatIons V Subd 28 Local authonties. "Loca] authontles" means every county, -,...... mumclpa], and other local board or body havmg authonty to adopt local police regu]atlOns under the constItutIon and laws of thiS state, and the Regents of the Umvers]ty of Mmnesota, wIth reference to property owned, leased, or occupIed, by the Regents of the Umverslty of Mmnesota, or the Umverslty of Mmnesota Subd 29 Street or highway. "Street or h]ghway" means the entire wIdth between boundary lines of any way or place when any part thereof IS open to the use of the public, as a matter of nght, for the purposes of veh]cular traffic Subd 30 Private road or driveway. "Pnvate road or dnveway" means every way or place m pnvate ownership and used for vehICular travel by the owner and those havmg express or Implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons Subd 31 Roadway. "Roadway" means that portIOn of a highway Improved, designed, or ordman]y used for vehlcu]ar travel, exclUSive of the slde- walk or shoulder even though such sldewa]k or shoulder IS used by persons ndmg bicycles or other human powered vehIcles In the event a highway mcludes two or more separate roadways the term "roadway" as used herem shall refer to any such roadway separately but not to all such roadways collec- tIve]y Subd 32 One-way roadway. "One-way roadway" means a street or road- way designated and sIgn-posted for one-way traffiC and on whIch all vehicles are reqUIred to move 10 one mdlcated directIOn Subd 33 Sidewalk. "Sidewalk" means that portion of a street between the curb hnes, or the ]ateral hnes of a roadway, and the adjacent property hnes mtended for the use of pedestnans Subd 34 Laned highway. "Laned highway" means a highway the roadway of which IS diVided mto two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular traffIc Subd 35 Through highway. "Through hIghway" means every hIghway or portIOn thereof at the entrances to whICh vehICular traffic from mtersectmg hIgh- ways IS reqUIred by law to stop before entenng or crossmg the same and when stop sIgns are erected as proVIded 10 thIS chapter V Subd 36 Intersection. "IntersectIOn" means (a) the area embraced wlthm f'.... the prolongatIon or connectIOn of the latera] curb lines, or, If none, then the latera] boundary lines of the roadways of two hIghways whIch Jom one another, at, or approxlmate]y at, nght angles, or the area wlthm whICh vehlC]es trave]mg upon different hIghways Jommg at any other angle may come m confhct (b) Where a highway Includes two roadways 30 feet or more apart, then every croSSIng of each roadway of such diVIded hIghway by an mtersectIng high- way shall be regarded as a separate IntersectIOn In the event such Intersectmg highway also mcludes two roadways 30 feet or more apart, then every croSSIng of two roadways of such hIghways shall be regarded as a separate IntersectIOn i " . ,de deSigned g-machmes, ,de deSigned fry any load le or load so _0. power by a motor n the towmg Ithout motive n by a motor ItS load rests n which com- or other resl- upport of the e of which 10 non-reSIlIent or property gme, e]ectnc upon ralls, e_ vehicle ley WIres but ompound or rpose of pro- stlve umts or n IgnitIOn by y part of the Igh]y heated g destructIble ]lqUld which y a tagllabue oner" means commissioner r through hiS t" means the ent referred s duly autho- -" ' , >. ,- '. . 169.01 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC REGULATION (- f:- 351):.-Y Subd 37 Crosswalk. "Crosswalk" means (1) that portIOn of a roadway x... ordmanly IOcluded wIth the prolongatIOn or connection of the lateral lInes of sIdewalks at intersections, (2) any portIOn of a roadway dl<;tmctly IOdlcdted for pedestnan CroSSIO& by lInes or other marklOgs on the surface Subd 38 Saf~ty zone. "Safety zone" means the area or space offICially set apart wlthm a roadway for the exclusIve use of pedestnans and whIch IS pro- f..-.... tected or IS so marked or mdlcated by adequate signs as to be plamly VISIble at all times set apart as a safety zone Subd 39 Business dbtrict. "Busme~s dlstnct" means the temtory contlgu- 'f....- ous to and Includmg a hIghway when 50 percent or more of the frontage thereon for a dIstance of 300 feet or more IS occupIed by bUIldings m use for busmess Subd 40 Residence district. "Residence dlstnct" means the temtory con- tiguous to and Including a hIghway not compnsmg a busmess dlstnct when the property on such hIghway for a dIstance of 300 feet or more IS m the mam , . ~ Improved wIth reSIdences or reSIdences and bUlldmgs In use for busmess r.~\~ ~ -l~ ~ Subd 41 Official traffic control devices. "OffICial traffiC control deVIces" ~ ~~ ~vJ means all sIgns, sIgnals, markmgs, and deVIces not IOconslstent WIth thIs chapter ~ "\t'" placed or erected by authonty of a publIc body or offICIal havmg junsdlctIon, for the purpose of regulatmg, warnmg, or gUldmg traffIC ~ Subd 42 .Traffic control sh!:nal. "TraffIC control sIgnal" means any deVIce, vJ" yip. ~>-I whether manuaIly, electncaIly or mechamcaIly operated, by whIch traffiC IS alter- -'I.. ~y,;:.t\ ~ nately dIrected to stop and permItted to proceed \)J Subd 43 RaIlroad sign or signal. "Railroad sign or Signal" means any sign, SIgnal, or deVIce erected by authonty of a publIc body or offICIal or by a railroad and mtended to gIve notIce of the presence of raIlroad tracks or the approach of a raIlroad tram Subd 44 Traffic. "TraffIC" means pedestnans, ndden or herded ammals, vehicles, street cars, and other conveyances, eIther smgly or together, while usmg any hIghway for purposes of travel Subd 45 Right of way. "RIght of way" means the pnvllege of the Immedi- ate use of highway Subd 46 Gross weight. "Gross weight" means the unloaded weight of a vehIcle or the unloaded weIght of a truck-tractor and semI-traller combmatlOn, plus the weight of the load Subd 47 Custom service vehicles. "Custom servIce vehIcles" means all vehlcles used as weIl-dnIlmg machme, wood-sawmg machme, cement mixer, rock crusher, road grader, dItch digger, or elevatmg grader, and Similar service eqUIpment Subd 48 Motor vehicle dealer. "Motor vehicle dealer" means any person engaged m the busmess of manufactunng or selling new and unused motor vehIcles, or used motor vehIcles, or both, havmg an establIshed place of busmess for the sale, trade, and dIsplay of such motor vehIcles, and havmg m hiS posses- sion motor vehicles for the purpose of sale or trade Subd 49 Truck. "Truck" means every motor vehicle deSigned, used or maIntaIned pnmanly for the transportatIOn of property Subd 50 Bus. "Bus" means every motor vehicle deSigned for carrymg more than ten passengers and used for the transportatIOn of persons, and every motor vehicle other than a taXicab deSIgned and used for the transportatIOn of persons for compensatIOn Subd 51 Bicycle. "Bicycle" means every deVice propeIled solely by human power upon which any person may nde, havmg two tandem wheels except scooters and SimIlar deVices and mcludmg any deVice generaIly recogmzed as a bicycle though eqUIpped With two front or rear wheels ;;.,. ',' ~I I I' ," '" '-.... ~i r ~-'t" c , IJ~'P .-t ",', c 1:...' '. I. ,,- :' "- '< ~, '.: 1 (", 0';<l1<:),. ,} ..)I .-:"...; .;~\ 16906 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC REGULATION 3516~ 169.06 SIGNS, SIGNALS, MARKINGS. SubdivIsion 1 Uniform system. The commissIOner shall adopt a manual and speCIfications for a uniform system of traffic-control devIces consistent wIth the provIsIons of thIs chapter for use upon hIghways wIthin thIs state Such UnI- form system shall correlate with dnd so far as pOSSIble conform to the system then current as approved by the American ASSOCIatIon of State Highway OffI- CIals The adoptIOn of the manual and speCIficatIons by the commIssIoner as herein provIded IS speCIfICally exempted from the proVISIons and reqUIrements of sectIons 15 0411 to 15 0422 and acts amendatory thereto Subd 2 Placement and mamtenance on trunk highways. The commiSSIoner shall place and maintain sllch traffic-control devices, conforming to the manual and speCIfICatIOns, upon all state trunk hIghways as he shall deem necessary to mdlcate and to carry out the provISIons of thIS chapter or to regulate, warn, or gUIde traffIC The commISSIoner may construct and mamtam sIgns at the entrance of each CIty, whIch sIgn shall have placed thereon the name of the cIty and the population thereof The commISSIoner may construct and mamtam other dIrectional sIgns upon the trunk highways and such sIgns shall be Uniform The commISSIoner may authonze variatIOns from the manual and speCIficatIOns for the purpose of IDvestIgatlOn and research mto the use and development of traffIC control devIces When such authOrized variatIon pertains to the regulatIOn of traffIC, notIce of the mtended regulatory purpose shall be publIshed m a qualI- fIed newspaper of general CIrculatIon m the area where the research IS being conducted No other authonty shall place or mamtam any traffIc control devIce upon any hIghway under the junsdlctIon of the commISSIOner except by the latter's permIssIOn Subd 3 Placement and maintenance by local authorities. Local authOritIes m thelT respective JUrisdICtIOns shall place and mamtam such traffIc-control devices upon hIghways under theIr JUriSdIction as they may deem necessary to mdlcate and to carry out the proVISions of thIS chapter or local traffiC ordI- nances, or to regulate, warn, or gUIde traffIC All such traffIc-control devIces hereafter erected shall conform to the state manual and speCIfIcations Subd 4 Obedience to and required traffic-control devices. (a) The dnver of any vehIcle shall obey the InstructIons of any offICIal traffIc-control devIce applIcable thereto placed m accordance With the proVISIons of thIS chapter, unless otherwIse dIrected by a traffIc or pohce offIcer, subject to the exceptIons granted the dnver of an authOrized emergency vehIcle m thIS chapter (b) No provISIon of thIS chapter for which offICIal traffIc-control devIces are reqUIred shall be enforced agamst an alleged VIOlator If at the tIme and place of the alleged VIOlation an offICIal devIce IS not m proper pOSItIOn and suffICIently legIble to be seen by an ordmarlly observant person Whenever a partIcular sec- tIon does not state that offICIal traffIc-control deVIces are reqUIred, such sectIOn shall be effectIve even though no deVices are erected or m place (c) Whenever offICIal traffIc-control deVIces are placed m pOSItIon approxI- mately conformmg to the reqUIrements of thiS chapter, such deVices shall be pre- sumed to have been so placed by the offICIal act or directIon of lawful authority, unless the contrary shall be establIshed by competent eVidence (d) Any offiCial traffic-control deVIce placed pursuant to the proVISions of thiS chapter and purportmg to conform to the lawful reqUIrements pertammg to such deVIces shall be presumed to comply WIth the reqUlrements of thiS chapter, unless the contrary shall be establIshed by competent eVidence Subd 5 Traffic-control signals. Whenever traffIC IS controlled by trafflc- control SIgnals exhlbltmg different colored lIghts, or colored lIghted arrows, suc- cessIvely one at a tIme or In combmation, only the colors Green, Red, and )( 169.202 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC REGULATION p- 3540 " Hi<;tory: 1955 c 606 s 1, 1959 c 521 s 4, ]961 c 65 s 1 169.202 BLIND PERSONS CARRYING WHITE CANES. SubdIvIsIon 1 Limitdtion on carrying. It shJ.II be unlawful for ,my per<;on to carry a whIte pamted cane unless Said person IS a blind person Subd 2 Blind pedestrians have right of way. Any person operatmg a motor vehIcle m thIs state shall brIng such motor vehicle to a stop and gIve the rIght of way at any mtersectlOn of any street, avenue, alley or other public hIgh- way to a blind pedestrIan who IS carrymg a cane predommantly whIte or metdlllc m color, WIth or WIthout red tip, or usmg a gUIde dog, when such blInd person enters Said mtersectlOn Subd 3 [Repealed, Ex1971 c 27 s 49 ] History: 1945 C 369 s 1-3, 1949 c 391 s 1-3, 1971 c 70 s 2 " !' . NOTE See also section 256C 03 169.21 PEDESTRIANS. SubdiVISIOn 1 Obey traffic-control signals. PedestrIans shall be subject to traffIc-control sIgnals at mtersectlOns as heretofore declared m thIS chapter, but .' at all other places pedestrIans shall be accorded the prIvIleges and shall be sub- Ject to the restrIctions stated m sections 169 21 and 16922 Subd 2 Rights in absence of signals. Where traffic-control sIgnals are not m place or m operatIon the drIver of a vehIcle shall YIeld the rIght of way, ...J slowmg down or stoppmg If need be to so Yield, to a pedestrIan crossmg the l' roadway wlthm a crosswalk. but no edestnan shall suddenl leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run mto the path 0 a ve IC e w IC IS so c ose that It IS ImpOSSIble for the dnver to YIeld ThIS provIsIon shall not apply under the condItIons as otherwise proVIded 10 thIS subdIVISIon When any vehIcle IS stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any unmarked crosswalk at an mtersectlOn to permIt a pedestnan to cross the roadway, the 'v dnver of any other vehIcle approachmg from the rear shall not overtake and /\ pass the stopped vehIcle It IS unlawful for any person to drIve a motor vehIcle through a column of school chIldren crossmg a street or hIghway or past a member of a school safety patrol, whIle the member of the school safety patrol IS duectmg the movement of children across a street or hIghway and whIle the school safety patrol member IS holdmg hIS offICIal sIgnal m the stop pOSItIon Subd 3 Crossing between intersections. Every pedestnan crossmg a road- way at any pomt other than wlthm a marked crosswalk or wlthm an unmarked crosswalk at an mtersectlOn shall YIeld the nght of way to all vehIcles upon the roadway Any pedestnan crossmg a roadway at a pomt where a pedestrIan tunnel or overhead pedestnan crossmg has been proVIded shall YIeld the nght of way to all vehIcles upon the roadway Between adjacent mtersectlOns at whIch traffIc-control sIgnals are m opera- tIon pedestnans shall not cross at any place except m a marked crosswalk Notwlthstandmg the other provIsIons of thIS sectIOn every dnver of a vehIcle shall (a) exerCIse due care to aVOId collldmg WIth any bIcycle or pedes- tnan upon any roadway and (b) gIve an audIble sIgnal when necessary and exer- cIse proper precautIon upon observmg any chIld or any obVIOusly confused or Incapacitated person upon a roadway Subd 4 Use rIght half of crosswalks. Pedestnans shall move when practi- cable upon the nght half of crosswalks .L I RESTRICTIONS CLASS NOT COMPLIED - o WITH 0 - 17 LAST _ ~ ~e- I-- b18 ~ - 2 L I TRAFFIC ACCIDENT REPORT INO VEHS I NO "lLEO I NO 1_":::. - (FOR POLICE USE ONLY) J 0 I V"R I DAY OF WEEK T "M~. )6 I COUNTY I~ /I J7 8;/ t-Jr'4vt.: 5Qq V Ic/5(X 0;: IJ6rv"vt:?~ 0 ~:: ::U~Y5EA5' j;;'3.s:~R OR St;~ Sf: N- E ~ ) D9T1ERSE]~~~:H ;sSYS rIft>' STREET(UVAY;J'TS 8~s;;:;:;:t /it/. N. I :ERENC~O:T__. __-' I 'NT lQ( Al (..Ulll~ IN 'UA I ;PUBlIC PROP DAM ,. . 17 OAn OF f;, ....CCIOENT Ir.AQNTH.,_ -.OAY 01 H'T RUN 0 orf{~ jJY ,";;s g: ~~ OF >- J Z o w I/) ELEM ::> I/) a. o 0: o u. I STAn UNIT NO 1 VEHICLE 1 ia oi?"~C~7~ :M:R r~?d -, <;p~ - 17 1 ~ fiRST NAMe' MIDDLE lAST ~ 6' L /l Dy<;"" Ir,#/t 13fJ; L )!E V S NUMBER AND S1AEET - -d ,/ sT, S7 Y -- UNIT NO 2 - 0 VEH 2 )gj PED 0 BIKE DRIVER LICENSE NUMBER 2 I STATE ~ /Y) IILP FIRST NAME MIDDLE LAST tSEX I INVALID __ LICE NSE r MIDDLE I RESTRICTIONS NOT COMPLIED o WITH 0 lAST D;/jrJE NUMBER AND STREET /ytJ'1 ti?h rJDDLpfl R Sl, P~t.L.L- !Y7;NrJ r D~E OF;;~ /s & IF I ~~~:~~ : ~WNEA 2 MIOOLE ~ NUMBEA AND S~ ~ R CfTY ~ ZIP CODE D R I V E CITV I 0t /I/'J,Je. TIc Ifn~/l/IJ;2f) :tI1~ L-- 1St; I CA~ 5RIP Ie;; CITY f~ ;//;;;5' S3,-3iJ 3' CLASS ('-0 STATE ZIP CODE STAT! ZIP CODE ...- S s /Os ..---- 5 1'>) I ^" tV - DATE OF BIRTH - 3 I P If) {", FIRST NAME OWNER - 1 ~ S/trY} ? 4..5 'tJ/Z I IA~oc- DRlvc02- NUMBER AND STREET - 6 3 5 Am t.F tf)$ CITY STATE r liP CODE ~A-cY? G 6).5 DIP I t/ &cP'2- VEHICLE TYPE I YEAR AND VEHICLE MAKE {qc, g rHci/Il/;'b-7 YEAR I. STATE OF ISSUE <7? /71 ;/VrV ,. o~) ~ REAR END ~ LEFT TURN +-+-- J+-- ~ O~KING ~ OFF AD LEFT +-- J VHE VEHICLE TYPE ~ LJI-! ;Ti- ~ I N0/0CCUP I.} ~'rE NO 5 r 6 I RIGHT TURN I 81 HEAD ON ~ INTERSECTION ~ J..--..:::J RIGHT A NGLE --to- ,.. -+ +- COLOR YEAA ANO VE~ YEAR rTATE OF ISSUE ;"', ( T( I"' ) l ;:;l~ LICENSE PLAT!: NO ~J - 14 I - 15 I I ~ 16 1 COLOR I-' e- 20 ri8id .sIc ~= 21 il DAMAGED UNIT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 ~}.,_~_T_O!_~_. 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J 7 ___ ,;) .!::-- S /' ,. ---- I',~ Lv E-S/ DVt. 1 rJO ---- In r'Y' C /" / c~ NAMES OF INJURED PERSONS/WITNESSES 24 25 26 27 28 29 A p - Ii /) ,- A")~ ,""TH-l,?J/W TR: Rt??";~~D Iyt!, VAI1VDl<...?H PNS- 5/. P/'itL L . /7)/4'/1/;, -->> ICS- o tf?vD'''''';~-V 1/. BE5E/Y7~ H-77t-;-<rn9-\V- :>1 70 L.YO;'A Ai/;- E -51. m.t-.t-""-tt3;)-.D.?v~ OfFlCEA S AANK AND ~A"E / / R::t 7/?v LJ>'1 H..J J/..:tL'lEy .K;Jv5 A5SJSTlNG BA~ NO p", J::?c;- '-- ~ ;<k..- ~c I- 4- C' c IC' "" A v ( _-;;/.: 1;- CPLI,N p." J '" HJ./ S <-,J S 6 F- ~b F B . c E BADGE NO CITY DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY RECOMMENDATIONS o ENGINEERING SIGN 6 lip PIC,:"".s o OTHER l~l o 0 STATE PAl SHER DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY HERE CfTY o PHYSICAL OR o DR EXAM OR ~ LOCAL J-I v ?r-f'\. 5' o 0 STATE PAT SHER o TH R - - 22 I - 23 4;-,.. '"'\ -- , , ~~, 1 ....~ c::- '-- r '~\ \./ I/) w r-.. g \, U J <{ U o J 30 '\ ffi '" ;I o ~ 5 .. .. ~ 0 '" '" o .. ~ f o 0 '" c c " ; ~ ~ ~ 0K\NS POLICE DEPARTMENT ICR * 82010250 DATE 11-17-82 TIME 0825 hrs OFFENSE P. I. & M. V. - Pedestrian Accident FOLLOW-UP [ ] INFORMATION [ ] SUPPLEI-1ENTAL [X] ============================================================================ COMPLAINANT [ ] DRIVER VICTIM [xl WITNESS [ ] 26 YOA DEFENDANT [ ] Dlane Jeanette Barnard NAME ADDRESS 1847 RandoJph St., .#195, Sto DOB/AGE Paul, M'J 55l~PHONE:RES BUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NARRATIVE On November 17, 1982, I was at Blake .and EXCElsior when I got a call alxmt a pedestrian being hit at the Honeywell Plant. I arrived approximately 20 seconds later and fomd t:l'E pedestrian, Diane Barn.ard, si ttmg in an upright position In the middle of the road near the west crosswaJk into the Heneyv.ell.OrdinanCE Plant. She had la08rations on her . faCE and was bleedlng fran the faCE. There were many people tending to her, and a person there .told me bhat ~ velucl,e that stIDd( her was a white Impala Chevrolet that had gone west cn 2nd St.. NE. .and that an unkno.vn person was chasmg the hit & run vehicle. Approx:i..Jnqtely 2 minutes after I axrived t.h= suspect, a Mrs. to the scene from the west and stopped at the accident scene. I then reCEived her driver's license fra:o- pEr and asked her l;e she was the perso~ who had struck the pedestrian. She said that she was. I then turned her driver's license over to Offi08r Harley KJoS who ~ote. the aCClc3ent report. I tlien taJked with the only witness that I could bnd. His name was Rodney H. Beseman of 2180 Lydia Ave. E., St. Paul, MN 55109, hare phone 770-8869. work phone 932-2302. He is continued DATE OF REPORT INVESTIGATING OFFICER \ \ \ Page two 820l025Q a driver for Red ONI. He told ne that he was eastbound on 2nd St. NE. and told rre that he had a good view of the ~ccident. He said that the pedestrian was walking from north to south within the crosswalk. He said the white Chevrolet that struck the pedestrian was westbound on 2nd st. NE. and that as the car hit the pedestrian she was thra.vn through the air in a 'Westerly direction. He said that he S2M the white car cmtinue on to tre intersection of 2nd st. NE. and Jackson and stop for a few seconds and then ccntinue on to the 'West. He told ne that he estimated the speed of the vdlite Chevrolet at about 20 to 25 rnph. He also told me that the point of inpact was about three feet north of the center line of 2nd St. NE. Officer Earl Weckman and I did rreasurements I in bhe" area of the accident as follcw: 1. The wldth of 2nd St. NE. at the crosswaJk involved is 44'ft 4"i_ns. fran curb to curb. 2. The crosswalk is 8'ft 9"ins. fran outside to outSl()e. 3. Diane Bernard was thra.vn by impact to a point that was 13' ft \\'est of the rr.ost westerly edge of the redestrian crosswalk. She was directly ln the ffilddle of 2nd St. NE. 4. It is exactly 99' ft frcm the west curb line of Van Buren Ave. to tre east line of the pedestnan crosswalk where this accldent occured. ThlS pedestrian crosswalk is the most westerly of the three pedestrian crosswaJks at the Honeywell Ordinance Plant. . In reviewing my notes I fmd that I forqot to mention the witness, Hr. Beseman, estlmates that the point of linpact is about 3' ft north of the center line and withln most 'Westerly crosswaJk. as p;revlously descrlbed. Also the phone number for Diane Bernard at hane is .#699-3527, wo,rk number at Honeywell is 931-5761. There was a doctor Chris J. Johnson, who lives at 460 5th Aye. N., phone 938-3869 at the scene of the acclOent. OffiCEr Weckman told me that Diane Bernard was carplam.ing c;f sore hips and blurred vislon and at one t.irI)e I heard her ask, "What happened, was I hlt by a car." Off HEr Kjos and I will get tcgether later and make a diagram of the accident scene. I t should be noted that the crosswaJk f lashers were working v.7hen I arrl ved on the scene. Sgt. Calvm C. Jo1mson/cg 11-17-82 UJ . \ ~ 'JI .J], -i. II .... ~ '-,~ ~ N j~ ~ - ~ ~ )~~ r:> ~ :t. '^ t 11 ~ l1}V} ~! ~ :'! ~ ~ t' I.~: ( v' ~ ~ ~. ~?::: -.. f' ~ ~ .....w ut '" ~ :\: . ih" J ti '- \If......, i'l ~ fil v,' 11\ (0 f) .. ~ \)!b~ i ,., \\1\ " " ")tt1 1) ",I ~'~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ t- 't: C); . ~ (J\ ~ ~ 9...; \~ ~ I C , II, ....... )(\N ~11 ~~ Jf%i t'l ~ tTJ ~ . \\ ~ ~ ~ n-. fA i ..JJ -II :\\-\::)~ ~ 'i\ - <:>~ -.~. o ';j <b ,~ \\\ ~"" ~ ~ (\, \ ~ .- ,.- ~ , l'I 7'\. ~ :t:. ~ Q '1 If\ 9J ~ ~ ~ ~r-~Q , ">'<s~~ ~ ~ :tl (. C ;1 ~ ~ (t\ ~ r:J 1 ~ Vlh.) /3U-{;aY rt:11). ~ ----- ')-... 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