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THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of
1983, by and between the CITY OF MINNETONKA, 14600 Minnetonka
Boulevard, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343; the CITY OF HOPKINS,
1010 First Avenue South, Hopkins, Minnesota 55343; and the
CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK, 5005 Minnetonka Boulevard, St. Louis
Park, M1nnesota 55416,
During the 1980 session, the Minnesota Legislature directed
the Metropolitan Council to conduct a feas1bi11ty study of the
use of light ra1l trans1t in the Metropolitan area. As the
result of studies conducted by the Metropo11tan Council and the
Urban Mass Transportation Administration, an area, designated
as the Southwest Corridor, was ident1fied as worthy of additional
study for l1ght ra1l transit. The development of the Southwest
Corridor would 1mpact the cities of St. Louis Park, Hopk1ns and
M1nnetonka. Because of the potential impact, the Cit1es have
agreed that it is in their best interests to monitor studies
and analysis of agencies assessing light rail transit and to
specifically assess the impact of such a system on each of the
C1ties. To accomplish this assessment, the C1ties have agreed
to enter into a J01nt powers agreement pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes 471.59.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings
hereinafter stated, the Cit1es of St. Louis Park, Hopkins and
Minnetonka agree as follows:
1. Statement of Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement
is for the Part1es to j01n together in a coordinated effort
to gather information and analyze the impact of light rail
transit proposals on development, transportation systems, costs
to the Cities, the env1ronment, demographics and on other aspects
of community service and growth.
A more complete statement of purpose is set forth in Attach-
ment A, incorporated herein and made a part hereof.
2. Funding. To accomplish the purposes of this Agreement,
each City agrees to contr1bute an amount of money not to exceed
Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00).
Such funds shall be used primarily to secure the services
of qualif1ed consultants and shall not be used for the purpose
of paying for staff time or expenses of any employee of any of
the parties for work done in conJunction with this Agreement.
Such funds shall not be used for the purchase or lease of
real or personal property.
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Any personal serV1ce contracts made under this Agreement
shall conform to the requ1rements app11cable to such contracts
of anyone of the part1es.
All receipts and disbursements shall be fully documented
and complete accountabi11ty therefor shall be provided.
3. Organizat1on. Each City shall designate a Council
member and 1tS C1ty Manager to serve on an Executive Committee.
The function of such Committee shall be to meet, at least
quarterly, to effectuate the intent of th1s Agreement. Follow-
ing each meeting, the Comm1ttee shall report the results thereof
in wr1tten form to the City Council of each party.
The Comm1ttee shall be authorized to expend funds in accord-
ance w1th Sect10n 2 of th1s Agreement.
The City of Minnetonka shall be designated to receive and
disburse all funds. Monies received shall be deposited in a
separate account and accounted for separately from other funds
of the City. A detailed record of all receipts and disbursements
shall be ma1ntained. All books ma1ntained in reference thereto
shall be open for 1nspection at reasonable t1mes by any party.
Funds shall be accounted for in the same manner as other public
fund s .
4. Term1nation. This Agreement may be renewed at the
exp1ration of 1tS term upon the same terms and cond1tions as
set forth herein upon written concurrence of all parties with1n
th1rty (30) days a~ter expiration date.
This Agreement may be term1nated by any party upon fifteen
(15) days written notice to the other parties. In such event,
all part1es shall be equally liable for expenses 1ncurred.
After all such expenses have been paid, any balance rema1ning
shall be d1stributed to the parties based upon the financ1al
contr1but1on of each.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties have set their hands.
1. To encourage retention of potential corridors for
transportation within the member cities.
2. To research the alternative future uses for such
transportation corridors.
3. To review proposals made for transportation use of
said corridors.
4. To determine the impact of such proposals on the mem-
ber mun1c1palities collectively and individually 1n
the follow1ng categories:
Development (Housing, Commercial, Industr1al)
Transportation systems
Cost to member municipa11ties
Commun1ty Demographics
5. In cooperation with other agencles reV1ew feasibillty
of proposals submitted.
6. To recommend courses of action to member municipalities.
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