MINUTES ~ . 1 '-' . A regular meeting of the Hopk1ns Zoning and Plann1ng Comm1ssion was held on Tuesday, March 29, 1983, at 7:30 p.m., 1n the Council Chambers of the C1ty Hall. Present were Chair Eddy, members Berg. Folk, Janke, Kirscht and T1ckle. Also present were City Manager Craig, City Eng1neer Strojan, Community Development Oirector Kerrigan and Assistant Community Development Director Norr1S. Item: Mrs. T1ckle moved and Mr. Janke seconded a mot10n that the minutes of the February 22, 1983 meeting be approved and slgned. Mot10n carried. Case No: Hear1ng on an appl1cation by Spagensk1 Transfer/John Anderson for a 83-07 variance to allow a housing unit w1th1n the Pines Mobile Home Court 13-594 which exceeds the width specif1ed 1n Ord1nance 427.33(L). Mr. Ke1th Simons, attorney for Spagenski Transfer, and Mr. Anderson expla1ned the conditions regard1ng the request for a var1ance to allow the 14 foot un1t to be placed at the P1nes. Mr. Kerr1gan reviewed a preV10US request from 1979 at the P1nes Court to allow a double wide unit, and the concerns of the C1ty to upgrade the court for the health and safety of the residents w1thin. The owner was asked to present a plan to the C1ty for up-dat1ng the court to allow larger un1ts. No contact was made. Ivan Sh1Sh, manager of the park, stated that they would be 1nterested 1n working with C1ty staff on such a plan but at the present t1me they are unable to work w1th the present codes and ord1nances because they confl1ct. Residents from the park spoke both for and aga1nst the 14' wide un1t. Mr. Berg moved and Mrs. T1ckle seconded a mot10n recommend1ng to the Counc1l approval of the var1ance to allow the 14 foot w1de unit in the park. Mr. Folk, Mr. Janke, Mr. Kirscht and Ms. Eddy voting nay. Mot10n fa1led. ~ Case No: Rev1ew of solution for screen1ng plan along County Road 73 and the north 83-04 property llne for the proposed MGM L1quor Warehouse at 5th Street North 606-785 and County Road #73. DaV1d Schulz of Dolph1n Construct10n and Mr. Roberts, arch1tect, presented the plan to the commission for drainage of the area, he stated that the County d1d not want any landscaping along County Road #73, sod only, and that a 3'8" cedar fence would be installed on the property line w1th some plant1ngs on the north and south ends of the slte. Mr. Berg moved and Mr. Janke seconded a mot10n recommending to the Council approval of the drainage and landscape plans as rev1sed. Mot10n carrled unan1mously. Item. Rev1ew of F1nal Plat of Opus 2 Nlnth Add1t10n. 786-925 Case No: 83-05 931- 1543 Mr. Worthington rev1ewed the plat w1th the commission. He stated that the dr1ves and landscape will be rev1sed at the t1me of appl1cat10n for a Condit10nal Use Permit. Mr. Folk moved and Mr. Kirscht seconded a mot10n recommend1ng to the Councll approval of the Final Plat of Opus 2 N1nth Add1t10n. Mot10n carried unan1mously. Hearing on an applicat10n by Chapel V1ew Inc. for a Concept ReV1ew for proposed construction of 56 congregate care dwell1ng un1ts 1n a four story bU1ld1ng east of the nursing home at 615 M1nnetonka Mills Road. Mr. Dan Moll, architect, and Mr. Roger Jewett of Chapel V1ew Inc. presented the plans for the proposed construct10n of 56 congregate care dwell1ng un1ts to be built in conJunct10n with the nurs1ng home. Drainage of the rroperty w1ll have to be stud1ed and a varlance for room Slze. They have rret with the neighbors and there are no unfavorable objections to the proJect. Mr. Robert F1sher of 306 6th Avenue North asked 1f the zon1ng ~ " , ' ." . J Minutes of the March 29, 1983 Zoning and Planning Commission meeting continued. "-" Case No: 83-06 1544- 1640 was proper for the proJect, asked that the storm water sltuation be looked at and did anyone know what effect the project would have on the values of the homes 1n the neighborhood. The Commission looked favorably on the concept. Hearing on an appl1cation by Charles Saunders of 232 Jackson Avenue North for a variance for construct10n of an accessory building Wh1Ch exceeds the aggregate area specified in Ordinance 427.08 of the Zon1ng Ordinance. e '- Case No: 83-08 1646- 1837 Charles Saunders explained to the Comm1SS10n their desire to build a garage for enclosing cars and a work shop area. Mr. Folk moved and Mrs. T1ckle seconded a motion recommending to the Council denial of the variance as there is no hardship. Motion carried unanimously. Hearing on an applicat10n by Flash Cube Stores for a variance from the off-street parking requirements for a photo processing kiosk on the Hopkins Bowl park1ng lot. Mr. Floyd Child, lessee of the kiosk, explained the request to the Com- mission. Case No: 83-10 1839- 1928 The Commiss10n stated concern over the stacking of cars and use of the parking area. The area 1S very congested at the present time. Mr. Folk moved and Mr. Kirscht seconded a motion to continue th1S case and Case No. 83-09 application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of the kiosk to the April 26, 1983 meeting and the appli- cant is to return with a detailed site plan which is to be reviewed by staff. Motion carried. Hearing on an application by Joseph Gravalin of 11 East Wayside Road for a variance to construct an accessory building which encroaches on the side yard setback. Mr. Gravalin explained to the Commission his intent10ns to build a new garage, use existing attached garage for additional living space. He presented a list of neighbors who are in favor of his request. Mr. Folk moved and Mr. Berg seconded a motion recommending to the Council approval of a resolution granting a variance in the slde yard setback for construction of a garage due to the location of the house on the lot and water problems on the site. Motion carried unanimously. Item: The Commission reviewed the Five Year Capital Improvement Program with Mr. Craig. The following changes were recommended to the Council: Item 3 - 11th Avenue vaiduct - completion in 1985. Mrs. Tickle abstained. Item 6 - Bike trails - refer to Park Commission for comment. Item 11 - Water Tank Renovation - move 75,000 to 1985 and 30,000 to 1986. Item 15 - 50.000 move to 1984. , ' Item: Discussion on landscap1ng. The Commission w1ll review landscape policies of other suburbs at t"eir next meeting. Item: Mr. K1rscht asked that staff look into the signage at Blake Road & Excelsior Avenue such as portable slgns, streamers, banners, etc. and straighten out the problem. -, , & I ~ "' f MInutes of the March .:'9, 1983 10nlng and PlannIng LOlIllllIsslon meetIng contInued . Mr KlrsLht moved and Mr Folk seconded a motIon that the meetIng he ~dJourned MotIon carrIed 12 45 a m MEMBERS ATTEST Jeanne Eddy, ChaIr