ZONING AND PLANING COMMISSION .,... "'\0 Date: January 18, 1983 To: Zomng and Planning C<xmuSSlon ~.'rom: SUBJECT : Wllham P. Cralg, Cl ty M:mager Five-year Capl tal Inproverrent Program Each year, it has been my practice to furnish you with an outline of a Five-year Capltal improvement program, at the January rreeting. The plan gives II distant early warnrng" of necessary proJects and expensive equiprent replacement (vehicles are handled on a separate replacerrent schedule). The Capital Improvement Program also glves the advisory policy-mak1.ng authorlty of the city an opportunity to plan and direct long-range inprovements, beyond the narrow scope of the annual budget process. The program ltself, hCMever, has no legal force - the flnal word belongs to the Councll through nonnal budget and vote procedures. 1. Alleys - It has been city practice to pay 20% of the cost of concrete alleys from general tax revenues. Seventy-eight concrete alleys have been rnstalled since the program began in 1965 i about bo.o dozen asphalt alleys of varying condition rercain, and a handful of unpaved alleys. x 2. Seal Coat - The Cl ty trys to rraintain a regular schedule for sealcoatlng paved streets with asphalt and crushed stone, Slnce experience has shavn that the cmef cause of pavement fallure is water penetration of the asphalt surface. The Clty has been rraintaining the six-year sealcoat lnterval, and thus must average six mles of sealcoat per year to keep current. 3. 11th Avenue Viaduct - This proJect lS conta.l.ned on the approved flve-year State Aid Funding plan, and is posed in that plan to be fully funded by 1989. This CIP forsees the construction phase by 1988. 4. lEconstruction of 11th Avenue South and 7th Street South - Tlus lS another ltem fran the five-year State Aid Plan. The reconstruction wlll be necessitated by the shifting of peat sOlls under the existing roadway. The reconstruction wlll be only done ln the spots necessary, since the funding avallable cannot pay for redoillg the street, and the vast rnajorlty of the streets naned are ill good condition. 5. County }bad 18 - Based upon County estimates of City contributions necessary to keep the project on schedule. Apparently,City payments will prillcipally involve site dramage. 6. BJke Trails - This program has been on the CIP for sane years as seed rroney - funds to be used to match grants, etc. Unfortunately, grants are at a lCM ebb. /~_ 7. Shady Oak FDad - Since ~ suspect that the County lntends to lll'prove Shady Oak sare day, ~ need to note possible expense on the "distant horizon". Perhaps when the crosstown is extended, the volurre on Shady Oak wlll no longer rrerit a project. 8. M1.lwaukee Avenue - This project, wluch would upgrade Milwaukee fran a black top super - driveway to a State Aid standard industrial street, would be contingent upon a decision beUlg reached to continue to rralntain th1s as a street. 9. lEconstruct 17th Avenue - This pertains to one small sectlon of 17th wluch has subsided over the years, and can no longer be effectlvely patched with asphalt. The effected concrete sectlons should be rerroved and replaced. - 1 - ." ..... . 10. Seventh Street Extenslon - Tms project would provlde effectlve access to the p::esent landfill property, and potentlally the Napco property contalned wlthln Minnetonka. It nay or nay not connect Wl. th Srretana Road, depend1ng upon the planned unlt developnent fmally approved. 11. Water Tank lEnovatlon - The r-bhne tank was thoroughly recoated ill 1977, and the Blake tank ln 1978. Such work lS usually scheduled for 7-year lntervals. 12. lDop L1nes - Although rrost of the lme "lOOpillg" to boost water pressure and volUlre wlll be cCllpleted thls year, 1 t appears that flCM from the blg treatment plant ( belund Elno Park) could be inproved by installatlon of an adfu tional main fran there to hlghway 7. 13. Stonn Sewers - By policy, Council has devoted $65,000 annually from taxes to the stann seW2r fund. 14. .5 Hlllion Gallon Tank - Tlus has long been a part of the over-all water system improvement plan, lnCreasillg overhead storage by 50%. The year selected lS sorrewhat arbltrary, and could be changed. The tank would be constructed at the Elno Park treatment plant slte. 15. Elrergency power #4 - At present, none of the city wells have an emergency generator for power outages, although #5 runs on natural gas and #4 has a direct drlve dlesel which is regarded as unreliable and dangerous. A generator for the #4 well site would be a Wlse lnvestrrent, and could possibly be cycled to operate the treatrrent plant also. 16. Public WOl:kS Garage - It has been proposed to canplete the garage cCllplex by renovating the older structures in phases, through the years 1983 to '850 These expenses would be funded Wlth the lnterest fran the PIR fund prlncipa1. 17. Tree Program - Orr tree loss rate seems to have stabihzed, but at a mim..mum we must contillue to rerrove diseased trees as they are found, or the dlsease wlll overcane all the trees in a very short tllIle. 18. Iem:>del Police Statton - The superintendent has sane ldeas to l.TI1prove the fuspatch area, and have a 24-hour public entry point Wlthout leavillg the main door open. The design and cost of the project lS not fixed. 19. CBD parklng lots - The sum listed is approxlIllately half of your dCMntCMn redeveloprent area lncare, and could el ther be expended for pay-as-you-go projects or as repayrrent of a rondo The speclflC project or proJects selected WJuld be subject to the usual revlew and approval process. It does appear that the tnre is at hand for lIDprovement of our dCMntCMn parkillg. . This explanattcn lS necessarlly brlef; as usual I am avallable to an~r questlons, and will make presentatlon at pubhc rreetillgs as necessary. Ideally the Camusslon will be able to forward thls to Councll by late February, so that they nay revlew, arrend, etc. prior to 1984 budget preparation. Respectfully suJ::mi tted, -:~~) ~ Willlam P. Craig, Cl ty r.1anager - 2 -