RESOLUTION 83-3064 CITY OF HOPKINS , Hennep1n County, M1nnesota RESOLUTION NO. 83-3064 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a Resolut1on of the C1ty Counc1l No. 83-3059, adopted the 1st day of March, 1983, f1xed a adate for a hear1ng on the proposed 1mprove- ment on Althea Lane, Herman Terrace and Sweet Br1ar Lane between M1nnetonka M1lls Road and the south llne of Hobby Acres by the 1nstallat1on of ornamental street 11ght1ng thereon uS1ng Opt1on II, C1ty owned and operated, the total estimated cost thereof be1ng $28,828.00, and . WHEREAS, all property owners whose property 1S llable to be assessed for the mak1ng of th1S lffiprovement were glven ten days publ1shed not1ce of the Counc1l hearing through two weekly publ1cat1ons of the requ1red not1ce, and a hear1ng was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 19th day of Apr1l, 1983. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: 1. Such improvements are hereby ordered as proposed 1n the Counc1l Resolut1on No. 83-3059. Benef1tt1ng property owners shall pay seventy-f1ve percent (75%) of the cost over a ten year per10d and the C1ty of Hopk1ns shall pay twenty f1ve percent (25%) out of the General Fund. 2. That John StroJan, C1ty Eng1neer, 1S hereby des1gnated as the Eng1neer, for this improvement and he shall prepare plans and spec1f1cat1ons for the mak1ng of such 1mprovement. Adopted by the C1ty Counc1l of the C1ty of Hopk1ns, M1nnesota, th1S 19th day of Apr1l, 1983. J. SCOTT RENNE, C1ty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, C1ty Attorney .