f!T()Uffl f!Taxi re~
7570 HIGHWAY 65
PHONE 780-1161
April 6, 1983
Mr. W1111am Craig
C1ty Manager
1010 1st St. So.
Hopk1ns, MN 55343
Dear Slr:
Town Tax1 1S request1ng a rate change on our meters from
90~ to $1.00 per mile, the flag drop from 85~ to 95~, and the
wa1t1ng t1me from $10.00 to $12.00 an hour.
The last meter change we had was 1n the Fall of 1979,
almost 3! years ago. We have held out as long as we could in
chang1ng our rates. Even at the requested rates we w1ll st1ll
have lower rates than the C1ty of M1nneapol1s. The M1nneapol1s
cabs have been at $1.10 per m1le for a couple of years.
The c1t1es of Bloom1ngton, M1nnetonka, Crystal, Robb1nsdale,
Golden Valley, St. LOU1S Park, and Columb1a He1ghts have all
approved the rate change.
Please put th1S request on your next counc1l agenda.
Thank you for your cooperat1on.
Respectfully yours,
Steven A. Harvey,
Town Taxl, Inc.