RESOLUTION 83-3075 CITY OF HOPKINS . Hennepln County, Mlnnesota RESOLUTION NO. 83-3075 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a Resolutlon of the Clty Councll No. 83-3066, adopted the 19th day of Aprll, 1983, flxed a date for a hearlng on the proposed improvements of Tenth Street South and Feltl Court from Eleventh Avenue to Eleventh Street South by the lnstallatlon of sanltary sewer, watermaln, storm sewer, secondary road, street llghtlng and landscaping for OPUS II, and the total estlmated cost thereof belng $407,477.00, and WHEREAS, all property owners whose property lS llable to be assessed for the maklng of these lmprovements were glven ten days publlshed notlce of the councll hearing through two weekly publlcatlons of the requlred notlce, and a haarlng was held and the property owners heard thereon on the 17th day of May, 1983. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: 1. Such lmprovement lS hereby ordered as proposed In the Councll Resolutlon No. 83-3066 adopted Aprll 19th, 1983. 2. That John StroJan, Clty Englneer, lS hereby deslgnated as the Englneer for these lmprovements and he shall prepare plans and speclflcatlons for the maklng of such lmprovement. . Adopted by the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns, Mlnnesota, this 17th day of May, 1983. J. SCOTT RENNE, Clty Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, Clty Attorney ,