MGM HaM. LIQUOR WAREHOUSE INTERNA TONAL, INC. , 1124 Larpenteur Avenue West, 5t Paul. MN 55113 (612) 487-1406 May 9th, 1983 Attn: C1ty Clerk C1ty of HopkJ.ns 1010 1st St. So. Hopkins, MN 55343 Dear Mayor and City Councillors: To follow up our letter dated February 25th, 1983, M.G.M. Liquor Warehouse, Inc. would 1J.ke to reJ.terate that we would lJ.ke to transfer our current off-sale liquor l1cense for the M.G.M. store located at 1589 HJ.ghway 7 to 459 17th Ave. No. 1n the city of Hopkins. :A At th1s t1me we ant1c1pate movJ.ng into the new bU1ld1ng on or around August 15th. We shall, of course, conf1rm thJ.s date W1th you nearer the time. We understand from the C1ty Clerk, Mr. Renny, that 1t w1ll be possible to obtain from the C1ty Council a letter conf1rffi1ng that our license will be transferred at the t1me we commence to operate out of the new bU1ld1ng. Thank you for your cooperation in th1s matter. Sincerely, M.G.M. LIQUOR WAREHOUSE INTERNATIONAL, INC. Terrance J. Maglich Pres1dent TJM/cg