Z & P Commission Minutes 5-31-83 f. A regular meeting of the Hopk1ns Zoning and Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, May 31, 1983, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Present were Chair Eddy~ members Folk, Janke, Kirscht, Lavin and Tickle. Also present were City Manager Craig, City Eng1neer StroJan, Community Development Director Kerrigan, and Assistant Community Development Director Norris. Item: Case No: 83-13 4-141 Action: Case No: 83-14 145-306 Action: Case No: 83-17 312-333 Action: Case No: 83-18 334-377 Action: . Case No: 83-19 378-445 Mrs. Lavin moved and Mr. Janke seconded a motion that the minutes of the Apr1l 26, 1983 meeting be approved and signed. Motion carried. Hear1ng on an application by Ginkel Construction for a Conditional Use Permit for construction of a two building, 101 unit apartment complex on Hiawatha Avenue west of the Hiawatha Court apartments continued from the April 26, 1983 meeting. Mr. Ginkel reviewed the proposal with the Commission and stated that he had been working with Jim Benshoof, Traff1C Consultant, regarding the concerns of the area in regard to increased traffic in the neighborhood. Mrs. Lavin moved and Mrs. Tickle seconded a motion recommending to the Council approval of a resolut10n for a Conditional Use Permit for construction of a two building, 101 un1t apartment complex on Hiawatha Avenue contingent on "No Right Turn" - "No Left Turn' slgnage and al1gnment of the driveways and apartment newsletter to suggest traff1c movement around the project. Motion carr1ed unan1mously. Hear1ng on an appl1cation by Sixth Avenue Partnership for a var1ance for front and sideyard requirements for an add1t10n to the existing building at 5 - 6th Avenue South, continued from the April 26, 1983 meeting. Eugene Maxwell reviewed the request with the Comm1ssion. Reports from the City Engineer and Police Department were reviewed. Mr. Wied, resident, spoke against the request in regard to liquor too close to the residential use. Mr. Folk moved and Mr. Kirscht seconded a motion recommending to the Council denial of the variance as this was an extreme variance and no hardShip was evident. Motion carried. Mr. Janke voting nay. Hearing on an application by Darrel McAnnany and Richard Dillon for Waiver of Plat to subdivide Lot 26, Prestons Interlachen Park into two parcels in order to fac1litate transfer of easterly 2 feet of Lot 26 to Lot 27, Prestons Inter- lachen Park. Mr. McAnnany explained the request to the Commission which is the result of a preV10US action of the Commission for a variance to enlarge a garage. Mrs. Lavin moved and Mr. Kirscht seconded a motion recommending to the Council approval of a Resolution for Waiver of the Plat. Motion carried unanimously. Hearing on an application by Knox Lumber Company for a Conditional Use Permit to construct an accessory building in an Industrial District. Mr. Jim Brown of Knox Lumber explained the proposed accessory building request to the Commission. Mr. Kirscht moved and Mrs. Tickle seconded a motion recommending to the Council approval of a Resolution for a Conditional Use Permit for an accessory build1ng 1n an Industrial District. Motion carried unanimously. Hearing on an application by James Lindberg for Gethsemane Church for a variance to construct a Sign to exceed the maximum square footage by 48 square feet on each side and a variance to construct the sign in the front yard setback. Mr. James Lindberg explained to the Commiss1on the request for the sign and the placement of said sign due to the church having an address on Minnetonka Mills Road and the church fronting on Highway No.7. f Zoning and Planning Commission minutes of May 31, 1983 continued. Mr. Janke moved and Mr. Folk seconded a motion recommending to the Council approval of a Resolution for a variance to place a sign in the fron~ard setback and a variance for the surface area. Motion carried. Chair voting nay. Hearing on an application by U-Hau1 Company of MN for a variance to locate a propane tank in the front yard setback at 502 East Excelsior Avenue. Mr. Oon Ogil explained the request to the Commission and stated that they have tried the tank in various locations on their property and that this is the most workable location for their business. Res1dents of the area spoke against the tank being placed on the property in any location. They are concerned about the safety for the area. Mrs. Lavin moved and Mr. Janke seconded a motion recommending to the Council denial of the request as there is no hardShip unique to the property. Hearing on an application by Richard Doolittle for a Concept Review for a coin operated self-service, 3 bay car wash to be added to the existing car wash at 1821 West Excelsior Avenue. Mr. Doolittle, owner, and Mr. Benshoof, Traffic Consultant, explained the proposed expansion plans to the Commission. Mr. Ooolittle presented a list of names of residents in the area that were in favor of the expansion. Residents also spoke against the expansion which would create increased traffic in the area and would involve evening hours of operation. The City Engineer suggested that the 74' curb cut on 19th Avenue be divided into four separate cuts. The overall concensus of the Commission was that the proposed expansion was not favorable due to increased traffic, variance needed for stacking of cars. Mr. Dan Damschen of 28 - 19th Avenue North asked to be contacted if there is any further action regarding the car wash. Item: Discussion on landscape ordinances of various communities. 1481-1667 Action: Case No: 83-20 446-678 Action: Case No: 83-21 679-1478 The Commission was favorable on having some kind of check 1jst or ordinance. Mr. Kirscht will put together some type of proposal for landscape guidelines. Item~ Proposed changes to ordinance relating to non-conforming uses. 1668-1728 The Commiss10n would like to see samples from other communities in regard to this issue at the next meeting. Item: Report from Ci~ Manager regarding possible vacation of Milwaukee Street. 1730-1805 It was the decision of the Commission to hold a hearing on the proposed vacation of Milwaukee Street at the June 28, 1983 meeting. Notice to be published and the proper people notified. Item: Council requested that the Planning and Zoning Commission study the ordinance 1806-1866 granting variances to see if it can be changed to give more latitude and flexi- bility so that it will be more applicable to some cases. Mr. Kirscht suggested that the City purchase ordinances of neighboring cities so that they have them available for comparisons. Staff to check with other communities, those comparable to Hopkins such as St. Louis Park, Edina for the June meeting. Item: Mr. Kerrigan suggested to the Commission that a change in the ordinance is also necessary in regard to Day Care Nursery. It was decided that the item be discussed at the June meeting. , Zon1ng and Planning Comm1ssion minutes of May 31, 1983 continued. Item: Information letter from Napco attached to the agenda was discussed. The Commission still wants a total development plan for the landfill site. Item: Ms. Eddy is to have information regarding "Effective Meetings" available at the next meeting scheduling a one-half day session at City Hall for the middle of July. Mr. Folk moved and Mr. Janke seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Action: MEMBERS: ATTEST: Jeanne Eddy, Chair t , '" DATE: May la, 1983 TO: Mayor & City Council . FROM: Jim Kerrigan SUBJECT: Pines Trailer Court Improvement Plan During the last several weeks the city staff has been working with the owners of the Pines Trailer Park to formulate a plan which would facilitate the placement of units wider than 12' in the Park. As a result of these meetings we have arrived at a Plan and timetable for implementation which seems mutually acceptable to all parties involved (see attached). This plan addresses the majority of concerns the City and Fire Depart- ment have as relates to the Pines, while at the same time not being so severely restrictive as to make it difficult for the Park owners to implement. If the Council feels the Plan is acceptable, action can be taken on the variance request to locate a 14' wide unit in the Park. For approval of the variance a determination of hardship would have to be made, which it appears could be based upon the following circumstances. .t 1. The Pines, because it is an existing Park, has certain design limitations because of Park location, street layout, etc. 2. 12' wide mobile homes are no longer manufactured, except for custom orders ~- Also in granting the variance the following items should be addressed: 1. Should be given to the Park*as a whole, rather than the applicant and the specific 'site requested. 2. Should be a variance to allow any width unit into the Park (providing it meets the requirements of the Plan) and not just the 14' wide unit for which the application has been made. 3. Conditioned upon the owners of the Park signing a contract to be drafted by the City Attorney which states that they agree to comply with the Improvement Plan and what legal action will be in the case of non-compliance. (See attached draft agreerrent) * It should be noted, the application for the variance has been changed from the original applicant to the owner of the Pines. This action is in response to commentary of previous Council meetings on this matter. The owner has paid the fee for the application with the previous applicant receiving a refund. t - 't TllIIe Period for Canpliance IMPOOVEl4ENT PLAN - PINES TRAILER COURI' RmUlREMENT 2 years 2 years 6 M:>nths 120 days Imrediately 120 days 6 M:>nths File with the Cl.ty a site plan. 'Ihe plan wl.ll specl.fy in sufficient detaJ.l, in scale, the locatl.on of all plots, streets, off-street parking areas, yards and other infonnation as re:JOOsted. Any changes or amendments to the site plan Y.Ould be required to be hIed and approved by the Cl. ty . Each plot containing one unit shall have at a minimum the following requireIreI'lts: a. 2' front setback from street or roadway b. l~' rear setback fran lot line for existing dwellings Wl.tlu.n the Park, 3' for new units noved into the Park. c. 5' side-yard setback fran lot line. No structures or parking or noveable property shall be allCMed in any setback. All setback areas shall be main- tained as a green space. One side-yard may be reduced to not less than 2' provided la' distance separation is maintained between adjacent dwelling units and their accessory structures and parking areas . Streets within the park shall be 15' wide and designated a fire lane with no parking. Entire 15' width shall be maintained free and clear of snow and other obstructions inpeding access A maintenance code of dwelling units shall be enforced by the owner of the Park. SUch code shall be subject to review and approval by the City. All nobile hares noved into the park shall oomply with the requirements of Minn Statute Sections 327.31 through 327.34. All nobile hares noved into the park shall bear the seal of approval as stated in Minn Statute Section 327.32. Application for dwellmg unit nove-in shall be submitted to the City of Hopkins Inspection Depart:Irent for approval prior to the actual nove-in. An occupant of any dwelling nnit wishing to undertake any inproverrent to a structure or construct an accessory building or structure shall first receive written approval of the park owner and building pennit fran the City Inspection Depar1::1rent. Each plot contal.Iling a dwelling nnit shall at least have a concrete or asphalt off-street parking area for one vehicle. Such parkmg area shall be a nunirm.lm of 9' x 20', not less than 2' fran any dwelling and not located in any lot set- back. For any lot on which off-street parking is not to be proVl.ded, off-street parl<mg space meeting the above requirerrents shall be provided witlun 150' of the unit l.t is designated to serve. Besl.des the al:x:>ve parking reqw.re- rrents, the owner of the Park shall also provl.de off-street I . Page 2 - 6 MJnths Inmediately Inmediately Inprovement Plan - PUleS Traller Court 5/12/83 parkmg eqmvalent to 1/2 space per dwelling unit. All other ccmron parkJ.ng areas shall be ooncrete or asphalt. A site plan detailing locations of parking spaces shall be filed wJ.th the City. All parking shall be pro~rly J.dentified "for parking only". The Park shall rreet all other applicable present and future requirerrents of Minn Statute Sectl.on 327, applicable rules and regulations of the Departrrent of Health and M1.nn ,State Fire O:x1e. All units presently located in the Park shall be required to ccnply WJ.th all the requirerrents above within the tine period detailed. All units noved into the Park subsequent to the acceptance of this nnprovem::mt plan shall carply with all these above requirerrents at the ti.Ire of nove-in.