PINE M ABLIE HOME COURT . , e Date: June 17, 1983 To: Mayor & City Council From: Jim Kerrigan Enclosed is the most recent agreement from the Pines Mobile Home CODDnunity per their variance request. I recei~ed this agreement on June 16, 1983 and have not been able to review its contents with the City Attorney prior to the sending of the City Council packet. I intend to me~t and discuss any legal concerns on Monday or Tuesday. e InLRnD June 16, 1983 Mr. Jim Kerrigan CCmnunity Developnent Director City of Hopkins 1010 First street South Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Re: 'the twelve requirements raised by Fimtus Opitz regaroing older hanes noving into 'the pines M:>bile Hane Camtunity. Dear Jim, We have received the twelve points listed in Karla Wahl's June 16, 1983 letter that were suggested by Finnus Opitz and we will agree to include them in the parks ~es and regula~ons. Sincerely, ? ~ K'. r-n.2Z..-o Richard K. Mathews, Partner THE PINES IDBILE HGm c:a.MJNITY ~4?Z/R~ Earl M. Richardson, Partner THE PINES M:>BILE HGm CCM-IJNITY RKM/mlk cc: Karla R. Wahl, P.A. InLRno RERLTY Inc. 5200 Willson Road. Suite 401. Edina. Minnesota 55424 I (612) 926-8200 RfSlDENTIAL · COMMERCIAL · LAND SALES · APPRAISALS · MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE · PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · INSURANCE ~ f , ' .. KARLA R. WAHL. P.A. ATTORNEY AT LAW TELE~HONE .elZI 33Z'88.. LAW CENTE" BUILDING leas "A"K AVENUE MINNEAI"DLIS. MINNESOTA SS404 June l6, 1983 Mr. Jim Kerrigan Community Development Director City of Hopkins 1010 First Street South Hopkins, MN 55343 Re: pines Mobile Home Community Dear Jim: Enclosed find an Agreement between the city of Hopkins and the Pines Mobile Home community which has been executed by the Pines. Please note that this Agreement will be null and void unless executed by the City on or before June 30, 1983, as we discussed. It should be noted that opitz has advised me of various requirements that he wishes to have made to older homes moving into the park. The items which were discussed with opitz are as follows: 1. That any home moving into the park must meet the definition of a manufactured home found in Minnesota Statutes 5327.31. 2. Any home manufactured prior to the Ansi or HUD requirements and requiring retrofitting pursuant to the 1983 legislation will have the eleetrical work done by a certified electrician. The prospective tenant of the pines will provide a certificate by a certified electrician that he or she performed the work. 3. The Hopkins City Fire Marshall will inspect the home to determine whether the home has been retrofitted to meet the smoke detector and fire extinguisher requirements in the mobile home act. 4. opitz will inspect the home to see if it meets the requirements for egress windows under the mobile home act. . " Mr. Jim Kerrigan -2- June l6, 1983 5. Any wood burning stove located in the home must either be listed or approved for placement in a mobile home or contain a certificate from a supplier or manufacturer that it is suitable for placement in a mobile home. 6. The hot water heater cabinet must be lined with fire resistant gypsum board. 7. The furnace cabinet must be lined with fire resistant gypsum board. 8. The home must be blocked according to state code. 9. The home must have a ground vault interrupter in the bathroom. 10. All plumbing fixtures are to be vented in accordance with mobile home specifications. ll. The minimum size for water supply lines will be one-half inch od or three-eighths inch ide 12. The home must meet inspection by appropriate officials from the City of Hopkins or the prospective' tenant must provide certification to the City that the above items have been performed by a licensed and bonded building inspector. These items are being reviewed by the park. Those items which are acceptable to the park will be included in the park's rules and regulations. Very truly yours, 7[~ 1 ~f-(,JcJ~ Karla R. Wahl KRW/brh Enclosure cc: Pines Mobile Home Community .;;,. " . e AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO THE USE AND OPERATION OF THE PINES 110BILE HOME COMMUNITY IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS WHEREAS, the P1nes Mobile Home Commun1ty, a Minnesota l1mited partnership (here1nafter referred to as the NPines"), owns certa1n property located at 2012 Excelsior Avenue West in the City of Hopkins, Hennep1n County, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, sa1d property is presently used as a mob11e home park, and \fflEREAS, the Pines has appl1ed for a Var1ance from part of a Hopkins zoning ord1nance which regulates mobile home parks, and, WHEREAS, the C1ty of Hopkins (hereinafter referred to as the "City") has concerns for the health, safety and welfare of the residents located with1n the Pines, and WHEREAS, the P1nes and the City have reaches an agreement wh1ch a~complishes the objectives of the Pines and the C1ty, NOW THEREFORE, 1n consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth in th1s Agreement, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The Pines shall submit to the City on or before July 1, 1985, an accurate, legible plot plan of the park indicating the locat1on of the mobile home plots, the streets within the park, the existing and planned park1ng areas, in sufficient detail to show compliance by the Park with this Agreement. Said plot plan shall not preclude the park from alter1ng and adjust1ng the boundary 11nes for each plot with1n the park as may be needed, from time to time, to meet the set-back requirements of the State Board of Health. 2. On or before July 1, 1985, each mobile home plot oonta1ning amob11e home in the P1nes w111 conform to the following set-back requirements: (a) A min1mum d1stance of two feet from the front of the mobile home and the street or roadway adjo1ning the mob11e home plot. " '< (b) A distance of three feet betw en the r ar of 4It exist1ng mob1le homes. To the ext nt poss1ble, the park will seek to have a rear set-back of the mob1le home from the plot 11ne of one and one-half feet. (c) A distance of ten feet between the sides of the mob11e homes. (d) A d1stance of three feet from the rear plot line for any new mob11e home moved 1nto the park. 3. The City shall undertake such acts as may be necessary to assist the P1nes in the performance of the prov1sions of Paragraph 2 of th1s Agreement; provided that the C1ty shall have no obligation to undertake any act against a resident of the P1nes until the Pines has given written notice to the tenant of what act10ns are needed to be done by the res1dent for the Pines to comply with this Agreement and the resident fails to take the action required by the Pines' written notice. The Pines shall not be 1n breach of this Agreement because of the failure of a resident of the Pines to perform an action necessary for the Pines to comply with this Agreement; prov1ded that, the Pines has given the resident written notice of what act10n(s) must be performed. 4. Streets with1n the park shall be fifteen feet wide. Streets within the park will be designated as fire lanes with no parking perm1tted on any part of the street. The Pines w111 implement these requ1rements effective November 1, 1983. 5. Part of the existing streets within the park will be blocked off as .off-street. parking arceas with the approximate space of nine feet in width and twenty feet in length and located two feet or more from a mobile home. These parking spaces shall not be considered as part of the streets within the park. One off-street parking space shall be provided and assigned to each mob11e home w1tn1n 150 feet of the mobile home. Said parking space w111 be designated by the Pines on or before September 1, 1983 -2- , . to ach mobile home. The Pines shall pr vide additi nal off-street parking of ne-half space per mobile home. 6. On or before July 1, 1984, the P1n s will complete pav1ng common parking areas w1thin the park. Parking areas shall be paved 1n either concrete or asphalt. 7. On or before July 15, 1983, the P1nes shall subm1t to the City Inspection Department proposed changes to the park's rules and regulations relating to lot and exter10r home ma1ntenance. On or before September 15, 1983, the City shall advise the Pines of 1tS approval or of any changes or additions to the change in the park's rules and regulations. 8. The city shall grant the request for a var1ance to the Pines and shall not apply Sect10n 427.33(1) of the Hopk1ns Zon1ng Ord1nance to.the Pines as long as the P1nes complies with the terms of th1s Agreement. 9. It 1S specifically understood and agreed that neither this Agreement nor any acts taken by the Pines relating to this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any of the rights of the Pines or as an admission that the C1ty has jurisdiction to enforce this Agreement. This Agreement shall not be considered as an adm1ss1on by the P1nes of a v10lat1on of any law, ordinance or of any wrong-d01ng. 10. Th1s Agreement shall be binding on the P1nes and her heirs, successors and assigns as long as the Pines is operated as a manufactured home park and upon the City and its assigns. This Agreement shall be null and void unless executed by the City on or before June 30, 1983. Dated: June 16 , 1983. PINES MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY a limited partnership By r;~ K >",~ R1c ar Mathews, Partner Bya~/~41~~ Earl Richardson, Partner CITY OF HOPKINS -3-