EXHIBIT A . . E X H I BIT A 1. ProJect 82-01 - San1tary sewer on the easement on west s1de of the Hopk1ns Arches to serve the Massey Ferguson (Naut11us) property, the estimated cost proposed to be assessed be1ng $17,780.47. 2. ProJect 82-04 - Ornamental street 11ghts on Althea Lane, Herman Terrace and Sweet Br1ar Lane,total est1mated cost be1ng $28,828.00 of wh1ch 75% 1S proposed to be assessed to benef1tt1ng propert1es and 25% to be pa1d from General Funds. 3. ProJect 83-01 - Crosswalk at Honeywell, est1mated cost proposed to be assessed being $5,980.00. 4. ProJect 78-28 - Concrete curb, gutter and dr1veways on Excels10r Avenue from Adams Avenue to Monroe North (Red Owl); North s1de of County Road #3 from 5th Avenue to the abandoned CN&W Ra11road r1ght-of-way (Town Terrace Apts.); Wash1ngton Avenue South from M11waukee Street to 3rd Street South (Super Value); the est1mated cost proposed to be assessed being $ 17,977.25