A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota was held
on July 14, 1983 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 3:00 p.m.
Present were Mayor Miller,Councilmembers Milbert, Shirley, Lavin and Anderson.
Also present were City Manager, Craig, City Clerk Renne, and (acting) City
Attorney Jerre Miller.
Item 83-99
Disposition of the property on the west side of Shady
Oak Lake.
Mrs. Lavin moved and Mayor Miller seconded the motion
to turn down the offer made by Clayton L. Miller,
Bruce Kociemba and Phil R. Sandin. A poll of the vote
was as follows: Mr. Anderson,Nay ; Mr. Shlrley, Nay;
Mr. Milbert,Nay ; Mrs. Lavin,Aye ; Mayor Miller, Aye.
The motion failed to carry.
Mr. Milbert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motion
to accept the contract offer made by Clayton L. Miller,
Bruce Kociemba and Phil R. Sandin, in the amount of $285,000.
, Mrs. Lavin moved an amendment to the motion that the
contract be changed to include a contract for deed.
There was more discussion and no second to the motion.
Mrs. Lavin withdrew this motion to amend.
Mrs. Lavin moved an amendment to the motion that the
present purchase agreement be sent to the City Attorney
for redrafting for clarity and an inclusion regarding
a contract for deed. Mr. Shirley seconded the motion
for an amendment. A poll of the amendment was as follows:
Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mr. Milbert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr.
Anderson, Aye; Mayor Miller, Nay. The amendment to the
motion carried.
A poll of the motion as amended was as follows: Mr.
Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Milbert, Aye;
Mrs. Lavin, Nay; Mayor Miller, Nay. The motion carried.
Mrs. Lavin moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motion to
adjourn. The motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
CL 7/ ~ /<~~'
Jean H. Kaeding, Secy tI
? Jr2)f!lJt
A rpr;ular meet~ns of the Counc~l of t'lP. City of Ho;:>l<ins, E~nnesota was
held at th.. c~ty l;a11 at 7:30 1'.11'. o'clock on Tue<;clay, July 15, 1952.
}'l!l'lbers present were Danlof'IG. !~]bert, "..sely, and Zakar~asen, also
City Attorne~' ..1utney, c~ty J"anager '('aylor, and c~ty F.npn..er !,.aska.
}'ayor Perbl.X was absent.
Dahlbf!:rg moved, l:~lbert seconded, that Russell Zakar"tasen be appowted
cha~rman pro tem. carr~ed.
Dahlber~ 1I"0ved, !!~lbert seconded, that b~lls as presented be paid from
the follovnnZ funds:
G":.'!l~r, F1ii1D
~594 Fi~st National Bank of Ho~k~ns -oh t.lJlJolcwE Tax Ded. ~734.99
5595 Treasurer, state of 1"~eso1:;l ~etire~ent Fund Ded. 250.96
5570 Rural Henne,in County Nu!'s:!..n~ Part pa~~ent of ~voice 500.00
5571 Hel'1l~r Drebenst~dt Full settle"!ent 60.00
5572 ~ennepin County Payment fo~ deed 1.00
5573 post~aster of Hopkins Envelopes 73.52
5596 Club Cafe Pr~soner i:eals 13.45
5597 :ederal Laborator~es, Inc. Police Sadge 3.54
5598 Gardner Hardware Co. P,l"creation Supplies 30.90
. 5599 ::illstafson a'1d FuY.a Electri<'al :'1ork ll5.42
5600 Ed Ryan, Sheriff, Henn. cty. 2 at '::ounty Jail 22.50
5601 HennE'p~n County iiev~l"w Printing 2.80
5602 Ho,kins F~re Department Calls & Telephones 135.00
5603 Hopkins Drug store D1)T & Sprayer 2.94
5604 Hopkws Ins'lrance Agency Insurance PremiUlll 45.94
5605 Y.~nn Servic-e Service 4.00
5606 F. J. Kucera, ~.D. Health Officer 100.00
5607 ";:'1. H. }~cCoy Gasoline 1613.00
5608 llil1er-Davis Company Office Supplies 106 .30
5609 llinnesota 1~umcJ.pa1 Fquip. Co. Garbage Tr'lck 6,750.00
5610 Northwestern ~'at. Eank, Hopkws '::ountJ.n~ ~eter Yoney 52.00
5611 ~ennep~n County ~enew Publication 8.10
5612 ",v. R. L. Taylor, Treas. Pett1 Cash Items 41.70
Salaries 1st :;: of July 2,209.73
Hourly Payroll Last t (\f June 2,412.47
ROAD t, BRIDGE F!.1}ll)
1516 First Nat~onal Ba'1k of Hopk~ns 1{J. tholding Tax Ded. $ 256.60
1517 Treasurer, State of Hinnesota Fet~rement F\Uld Ded. 98.83
1498 John ~ Frances Loo~s Highway Easement 4~.45 ;:.
1499 '.'fa 1 ter -!c Gertrude Lundgren H~~hVlay Easement 45.45
1500 Clarence & Gwendolyn He~ecks P~gP~icLY Fase~ent 45.45
1501 Iva~-~ Yabel F~sh H~~h'vay Fasement 115.45
1502 Henry & Lulu Knutson ~2ghway FpsE'ment 45.45
1503 Luc~lle H. Presto'1 Highway Easement 4S.45
1504 Dean !. Jeanne La'}o,," Highway Easement 45.45
1505 Eurdett~ &. Bl!th !.Iann H~ghway Ea~ement 45.45
1506 Orville & Dorothy Underwood Htr,hway Ease~ent 45.45
1507 J,lil ton & ~:ary ',1J.lllams HJ.ghvmy Easement 45.45 ./
1508 E.lof & Ca therwe Dan~elson H~ghway Fasement 45.45
519 Justus L~'1lber Co. 2 ~acks cement 2.40
1520 Republ~c Creo5otin~ Co. Road Tar 1,6)8.68
1521 Earl Sewall Contractor Blacktop 1.777.72
Salaries 1st! of Ju'1.y 798.08
Hourly Payroll Last ~ of J\Ule 635.46
1200 First NatJ.onal ~ank of Hophns With01ding Tax. Ded. 76.60
1201 Treasurer, State of J,lJ.nnesota Ret~r...ment Fund Ded. 12.36
1202 Leef Bros., Inc. 2 Shop Towels 9.00
1203 Nept,Ule J'eter Company \{ater Jleters 577.50
1204 \;. R. L. Taylor, Treas. Pett{ ':;R!.'h ItelllS 9.20
Sal'\r~es 1st '" of July 541.19
Hourl~r Payroll Last i of June 172.79
t... --l
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["illS 3\nuriittlrr H,/I;rn,,~ F~::, df/l"'/
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....or.t"'r J.. :='r')~'c~, F- sinc.le mnr., 1'lie. Lucile n.
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?IEcto~~ ~I '~~rlp ~n~~n,
',r 1/1' "
of the County of P.ennepin
pa7 t 1 e B of the first pa,.t, and
and State of ~~~n::le~ota
Vil1e.ce of Ha:p:d.m:, Lt :.~lliC~T.lnl cortlorf\ti c,:l,
of til-l' County of H~nnepin ..
pari y . of the second part,
J.ji nne so ta
and State 01
Wllnrssrtf). That the SI1lCl pad ifl1 c-f th!" filst pa7'f, 171 CQn.'lU]C7'atwn of the sum of
One Dollar ($l.()/"I) a:1d oth~r val'Uable co:-~sie.eration.E, - - - - - - - - - DOLL.1.R".
to t1:.e:n ill hone] pald'by the sall] p(lrt y of flle second pal't, the l'reclpi 7,()hc7'Cof IS hen])!1
a{'klI0Idl'Jl~ed, de hereby GIant, BargaIn, Qurtclalm" and Cont'cy 1L71to flU' SOli] pa7.t y of O,{'
SCool/ d pa rt, its succe B BC1li1 t!'.y,Jr. and a ,~s; gns, F01 ev{'r, Zf.%T..,::r;b;~:;f;1'.JU::b'j:::>:'rI'Y.'Y.{:flt"'i'i'Y.lI::r:,.~tu.trd;.xbgi.n~xa.7(N.
1Jy.t,~::tJ2:)'.1a :(;UYJYj:'?i':"oT"v" ~~- ..-,... ..;-:...... ....:-"..;. .h.,:,. ;:.:Ji;;.:rl:-$~11f.7:c;p:;tt{IDU'.$l1t.~:'l1,,_~..yt11i-11;7('f.~ 1.JJJ.'if4''li.~~~-U:;,f;;
T~p rig~ts, pri~il~ges and ease~ents hpreir~~tpr s~t forth OVEr and acros~ all
th~ tracts or ~arcell1 of l~ld lying and beil~ in the Co.~ty of Hennepin and Stat~ of
Minnesota, as follo~s to-w~t:
The Northerly Sevpnt~en (17) feet of Lots One (1) to Eleven (11), inclusive,
of rreE'to:l1 s"'oIn";erlachp.D Parl:, Hennpnin County, IHnr.er,o ta, accordi:~b to the nlat
thereof on fil~ anc of record in the office of th~ F.erlstr?r of Titlps of said
I .
1. The 'Oernetua1 ri{;nt, 'Ori vilege and eaBernent~ to con~truct and maintain se\"er ana.
"'atE'r 'Oines a~e ILains, over, under and across the northe~l;y Seventepn (li) feFt 0:
I pech of s?id lots.
2. The right, ~rivilege 'flUe'. easern~r;.t, for a 'Period of fh:e,(5) J.eFr~ frort! aud aftpr
the date of this instTUmpnt, to use the northerly Spventeen (17) feet of Raid lots for
streFt and highway purposes by the widening of Excelsior Avenue and, in t~e event that
the vi1leg~ of Hopkins during se.id five: (5) ypar neriod does BO \o'idpn ExcE'lsior .A.vE'r.ue
end use said Seventef'n (17) feet for such -PUI'!'oses, this high\..ay paSFIilPnt shall therf'-
after be 'Derpt'tuaL HOlo'ever, in the event thp.t the village of HOl,kins doE'S ....iden said
~cplsior Avenue within said five:(5) year period and exercises its easecent for road
nuroosP6 over and acroes said Sf'venteen (17) foot strip of lanc1, thp villB.{:e of Ho'O::1n:;
shall ~F.y to the owner of each of said Lots One (1) to EleVEn (11) inclusivp the ~~
0: Yorty-fiv~ dollars and forty-five Cf'Dts ($U5.45) , the olo'nprshin therf'of to bp'
determinf'~ according to the rpcords in the office ~i tr.f' Ref,i~trnr oi TitlFs of
nenne'Oin County a.t the tiIllP that the vil12.ge commences conc;truction of the highw'::
across said Korth Seventeen (17) feet.
\CD ~,abr anb to j,(lolb tbr ii>amr, T(J~ethcr with all the
un.to bel 01/ IJI1l g or 111 an.ywu;e appe1lammg, to the saLu peLl t y
a.nd aSSI~1Ib, Forever
herecllfa1llLl tb u1Id appU1 tenanccs OLe'C-
of the beeuncl pa, f$. ts successorsla:~:l;
3ln \Ccgtimonp WbrreoC. J'll~ sOIa parties
ha1ll1 e the zlay nml ]lC07' firsl above W/'liten,
/~.{, ~'L/J::~ t~~
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WHEREAS, on August 15, 1947, Lester A. Boyce, a single
man, and Lucile H. Preston, a single woman, ~ranted to the VillaGe
(now City) of Hopkins the right, privilege nnd easement, for a
~erlod of five year~ from and after said 15th day of August, 1947,
to use the l~ortherly Seventeen (17) feet of Lots One (1) to Ele ven
(II), inclusive, Preston's Interlachen Park, for street and high-
way p~rposeB by the widening of Excelsior Avenue, and
WHEREAS, said easement further provides that in the event
the V:.l1af;e (now City) of Hopkins during said five year period doos
50 widen Excelsior Avenue and use said seventeen (17) feet for such
tp purposes, said easement shall thereafter be perpetual; NOW, THERE-
BE IT nr.SOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins
that said Excelsior Avenue be widened across the northerly Seven-
~een (17) feet of said Lots One (1) to Eleven (11), inclusive, of
Preston's Interlachen Park,' in said City, and that the City
Engineer is hereby instructed to con~ence construction of said
Excelsior Avenue over and across the Northerly Seventeen (17) feet
of said lots forthwith.
ADOPTED a.t a regular meeting of the Council of the City
01' Hopl:i:ls, Honnepi:l COU:lty, H~n!lc:lotn, this ]rd d::l7 0:: June,
A. W. Elmquist,
Secretary of the Council
Frank N. ~hitney,
Ci ty Attorney
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