Hopklns Clty Councll
1010 F1rst Street South
HOpY1nS, Mn.. 55343
Dear Counc11 Members.
The C1ty Center Development Corporation board of dlrectors
has reviewed John StroJan"s analys1s of the opportun1t1es to
put more park1ng on the Welcomall. Add1tional parY1ng on the
mall would increase the downtown parY1ng supply. prov1de
conven1ent short term parking for the bus1nesses adjacent to
the mall, and potent1ally 1ncrease pedestr1an trafflc on the
mall .
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It 1S CCDC"s recommendat1on that park1ng spaces be added to
the mall 1n the following manner consistant w1th the plan
prepared by John StroJan.
a.4 spaces on the south side of Excelslor between 12th
and 11th Avenues
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b.2 spaces to both the north and south sldes of Excels10r
between 11th and 10th Avenues.
c.2 spaces to the north side of Excels10r between 10th
and 9th Avenues.
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d.2 spaces to the north side of Excels10r between 8th and
7th Avenues.
e.3 spaces to the north and 4 spaces to the south SIdes
of Excels10r between 7th and 6th Avenues.
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Th1S results in a total 1ncrease of 19 park1ng spaces.
We would futher ask that special cons1deration be glven to
find1ng some way to add 2 spaces to the north slde of
Excels10r between 9th and 8th Avenue. Ne1ther the north nor
the south slde of Excels10r between 9th and 8th Avenues have
any parYlng spaces at present or under the proposed change.
Even 2 spaces would provide an 1mportant short term parlIng
supply for the bus1nesses on this block.
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To maX1mIze the ut1lity of the parkIng spaces on Excels10r
we as~ that the parY1ng, at least between 11th and 7th
Avenues, be posted with a 30 mInute tIme lImIt. ThIS w1II
encourage ltS use for 1tS Intended purpose as short term
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KevIn Locke
CeDC DIrector
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Hop~lns CIty CouncIl
1010 FIrst Street South
HopkIns, Mn., 55343
Dear CouncIl Members.
The Clty Center Development Corporatlon board of dIrectors
has revlewed Mike Talts requested reVISlon of the 10th
Avenue parklng lot lmprovement plan w1th Gordon Anderson and
John StroJan. None of the posslble plans for lmprov1ng TaIts
parcel pIck-up area seemed to solve the pedestrlan and car
movement problems completely. The board felt however. that
the plan whlch created a narrow Island to separate the
parcel pick-up lane from the park1ng lot access drIve and a
sldewalk adjacent to the eXlst1ng parcel picl-up was the
best solution. CCDC recommends th1s reV1Slon of the 10th
Avenue park1ng lot lmprovement proJect.
fc,eV1n Locke
CCDC DIrector
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