r, '
01- _I..
198 :.
Hopi Ins Cl ty Council
1010 Fll~st Street South
1-IDpl l ns. !"In.. ~:!~ ~'1:,
Dear COllnc J I ~/I(-?Inbers"
Tlip CJ I:y Lc>nt8r- DE'vC?lopment COI'-poratlof. bC!r'1l' cJ of chn:?("tol~~~
has revIe\.o'Jed MIle reuts rp.Cjw?stecl re',ISLOfl of the 11-}tI1
Avenue parllnq lot lmprovement plan WJth Gordon Anderson and
John stroJan. None 0+ the pOGsJble pl~ns for lmprOVJnq Talts
parcel pJcl-up area seemed to solve the pedestrIan and car
movpment problems complp.tely. The board felt however. that
the j..ll an whJ ell r:n?c\tecJ ... nan'-(,)~\1 1 sl rmd to separo<.tc? the
parcel pLcl-up letnp. from the parllng lot acce<:,s dl'-lvE' and a
SJ dewal ~ ,""'.dJacent to the e,:l stl ng pat-cel pl Cl--llP ltJas the
IH:?st <sDllltLC!I1. r;CDC IrC?cf!mmefldc, thLC:, rP-VL<:=,LOI1 c)f the 10th
AVE'nue parlIng lot Improvemant proJect.
~ eVJ n Lad e
CeDC D1. r E'C tor
p .
August :~9. l e18-':;
Hop ~ In's C I t Y COl.ln c. J 1
l ("I 1 () F: I Ir 5 t r:; l:i' C-?C" t SOU 1..11
HopllnS. Mn.. 55~4~
DC?dr COlIne l l 1'1co'ml )\:'~r c~.
ThE' CJty Center Developmp~t CorporatJon board of dlrec~ors
has revIewed ,John S'LroJan's c:"\nalysl~J of the oppllrtuflLtlf2S t(J
put more par~Jng on the Weleomall. Addltlon~l par lIng on the
fIl,,;.ll \.o'JCIuld Lncn='.':\<=',E"' thc' clO\o'Jl"ItCMI1 parllng SllppJ~", prCJv1clp
conven1ent short term pari lng for the busInesses adjacent to
thE' mall. and potent1~lly InCreaSE' perlestrlAn traffIc on the
maJ J .
It JS CCDC's l'f:?cOmiTH'lldcitlL"ln ttlcd_ pcw-lJng SpAi"E:!c~ be added to
the fIlall In the followIng manner conslstant WJ th the plan
prepcil'-ed by ~John Stir oJ an.
a. 4 ~;paces on the south SJ de ot 1::,:ceJ SJ or beb'Jeen 1 :2th
ancl ]lth (-ivenu€'~,
b.:2 span"'s to both the nOI~th and south sJdes of f- :celC:lol-
between llth and 10th Avenues.
e.:2 '-Jpac(:!~; l:o the rlorLl-, c"J c1e of F,:ec"l ~~l or tlatween l()~h
r\nd 9t h Ave:-nue's.
cl.:2 spaces to the:? nor-th SJ de of E:,:cf-?ls-,I Ol~ hal:wee:>n BLh and
7th Avenues.
e. -.:; spaces to the north ~nd 4 space~~ tD the south S L fles
of F':n:'".JsLrJr beh'H?en 7th and 6th A'/E'mle5,"
Thls results In a toted InCt-ease of 19 parllnq spaces..
vJe l^JOulcl futt1er asl trlat speclal cOn5,ldE!r21tlon be gIven tel
flndlnq somf? l^JAY to ac.ld ',; spaces to the north SIdE"' of
E:::celSltlr bt?t\o'J\?E'n 9th clncl 8th PlvE'nuC?.. j\!elthp.l~ thE! north new
the south SIde of E:,cel E-~J elr tH:?t\o'JeC?n 9trl and 8th l0tve:>nu8s haVE!
any parllng '--;p,':\C!?S at prE"5ent CII~ umlE?r tliC':.' pl-O~lll'Spd eh."\nge..
Even :2 ~paces WOLtl d pr-uvJ de an 1 mpol-tcint shor 1.. term pcir lIng
supply for the bUsJrIE'ss:e's on thIS blocl..
To ma~:l(nl;:e the utJ II ty of the pad Ing spacE's on E:."c:el ~;IClr-
lAIC? ~isl that the par II nq" .=Ii: l e,':\st between II th and 7th
Avenue~;" bE? posted Wl th a ~I) iTlLnute tl me II ml t.. rill'':; WI II
encoLwaqE' Its use for Lt':, Intended purpose '::\'5 shlJt-t i"f?rm
parol J ng..
Page ~
I eVln Locle
ceDe DlrE'ctor