RESOLUTION 83-3089 a . . " CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepln County, Mlnnesota RESOLUTION NO. 83-3089 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, by Resolutlon No. 83-3085 passed and adopted by the Councll on July 5th, 1983, the Clty Clerk and Englneer were dlrected to prepare proposed assessments of the costs of improvlng varlOUS streets, avenues, and thoroughfares In the Clty of Hopklns, all as more fully descrlbed In Exhiblt A. hereto attached and attached to Resolutlon No. 83-3085 and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, the said Clerk has notlfled the Councll that such proposed assessments have been completed and flled In hlS offlce for publlC lnspectlon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. A hearlng shall be held on September 20th, 1983, to pass upon such proposed assessments, and at such tlme and place, all persons ownlng property affected by such lmprovements and assessments wlll be glven an opportunlty to be heard wlth reference to such assessments. 2. The Clty Clerk lS hereby dlrected to cause a Notlce of the Hearlng on the proposed assessments to be publlshed at least two weeks prlor to the hearlng, and he shall state In the Notlce the total cost of each of such lmprove- ments,. Passed and adopted by the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns, thlS 16th day of August, 1983. J. SCOTT RENNE, City Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER, Mayor JOSEPH C. VESELY, Clty Attorney l . . ~ E X H I BIT A 1. ProJect 82-01 - Sanltary sewer on the easement on west slde of the Hopklns Arches to serve the Massey Ferguson (Nautllus) property, the estlmated cost proposed to be assessed belng $17,780.47. 2. ProJect 82-04 - Ornamental street llghts on Althea Lane, Herman Terrace and Sweet Brlar Lane, total estlmated cost belng $28,828.00 of which 75% lS proposed to be assessed to benefltting propertles and 25% to be pald from General Funds. 3. ProJect 83-01 - Crosswalk at Honeywell, estlffiated cost proposed to be assessed belng $5,980.00. 4. ProJect 78-28 - Concrete curb, gutter and drlveways on Excelslor Avenue from Adams Avenue to Monroe North (Red Owl); North slde of County Road #3 from 5th Avenue to the abandoned CN&W Rallroad rlght-of-way (Town Terrace Apts.); Washlngton Avenue South from Milwaukee Street to 3rd Street South (Super Valu); the estlmated cost proposed to be assessed belng $17,977.25. 5. Unpald utlllty bllls at the followlng locatlons: 1701 Excelsior Avenue West, total cost being $142.00; 118-19th Avenue South, total cost belng $221.22; 6. Tree removal at the followlng locatlons: 312-11th Avenue North, total cost belng $252.60; 221-13th Avenue North, total cost belng $278.60; 27-14th Avenue North, total cost belng $295.40; 41-16th Avenue North, total cost belng $182.60; Berglund and Johnson property located ln Southwest corner of Hopklns, total cost belng $1,136.60. 7. Vlolatlon of Ordlnance No. 80-473 - False Flre Alarms at the followlng locatlons: 1019 Excelslor Avenue West, total cost belng $102.00; 10 Suburban Square, total cost belng $101.50.