Hop~lns C1ty Counc11
1010 F1~st St~eet South
Hop~lns. Mn.. 55~4~
Dea~ Counc11 Membe~s.
The C1ty Center- Development Co~po~at1on boa~d of d1~ecto~s
has ~ev1ewed John St~oJan's analys1s of the oppo~tun1tles to
put mo~e pa~~lng on the Welcomall. Add1t1onal pa~~lng on the
mall would 1nc~ease the downtown pa~~lng supply. p~ov1de
conven1ent sho~t te~m pa~k1ng fo~ the bus1nesses adjacent to
the mall. and potent1ally 1nc~ease pedest~lan t~aff1c on the
It 1S CCDC's ~ecommendat1on that par~]ng spaces be added to
the mall 1n th~ follow1ng manne~ cons1stant w1th the plan
p~epa~ed by John St~oJan.
a.4 spaces on the south slde of Excelslo~ between 12th
and 11th Avenues
b.~ spaces to both the no~th and south sldes of Excels1o~
between 11th and 10th Avenues.
c.~ spaces to the no~th slde of Excels1o~ between 10th
and 9th Avenues.
d.~ spaces to the no~th slde of Excels1o~ between 8th and
7th Avenues.
e.~ spaces to the no~th and 4 spaces to the south sldes
of Excels1o~ between 7th and 6th Avenues.
Th1S ~esults 1n a total 1nc~ease of 19 pa~~lng spaces.
We would futhe~ ask that spec1al conslde~at1on be glven to
f1nd1ng some way to add ~ spaces to the no~th slde of
Excels1o~ between 9th and 8th Avenue. Ne1the~ the no~th no~
the south slde of Excels1o~ between 9th and 8th Avenues have
any pa~~lng spaces at present o~ unde~ the p~oposed change.
Even ~ spaces would p~ovlde ~n lmpo~tant sho~t te~m pd~~lng
supply fo~ the buslnesses on th1s bloc~.
To maXJml=e the ut1l1ty of the pa~~lng spaces on Excelslo~
we as~ that the pa~~lng. at least between 11th and 7th
Avenues. be posted w1th a 30 m1nute t1me llmlt. Thls wlII
encou~age 1tS use fo~ lts 1ntended pu~pose as sho~t te~m
Vev1n Loc~e
CCDC D1~ecto~
August 23, 1983
Hopklns Clty Councll
1010 Flrst Street South
HopkIns, Mn.. 55343
Dear Councll Members.
The CIty Center Development CorporatIon board of dIrectors
has revlewed MIke TaIts requested reVISlon of the 10th
Avenue park1ng lot Improvement plan w1th Gordon Anderson and
John Strojan. None of the posslble plans for improvIng Talts
parcel plck-up area seemed to solve the pedestrian and car
movement problems completely. The board felt however, that
the plan whlch created a narrow lsland to separate the
parcel plck-up lane from the parklng lot access drlve and a
sldewalk adJacent to the eXlsting parcel pick-up was the
best solution. CCDe recommends this revislon of the 10th
Avenue parklng lot lmprovement project.
Kevln Locke
eeDe Director
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