ORDINANCE 83-527 .. CITY OF HOPKINS Hermepm County, Mulnesota 0rd1nance No. 83-527 . AN ORDINllNCE lIMENDING CIll\PlER V, SECTICN 500:00 OF TIlE CITY OF IIPKINS 1977 axE OF ORDnlllN:ES m: LIQUOR LICENSE FEES AND VARIWS LIcmSE FEES BE IT ORDAINED by the Cl.ty Councl.1 of Hcpk1JlS as fo11a.1s: That Chapter v. Sectl.cn 500:00 of the "1977 Code of Ord:mances af.theCl.ty of Hopk1JlS "be ani l.S hereby arrended as to those certa1n l1.oense or peD1Ut fees m the SubdJ.Vl.Sl.cn mllDers herem appeanng, as fo1101rls: SuIxl. No. Type of LJ.oense COndJ. tl.CI'ls Fee AMUSEMENl'S .101 BJ.ngo-Gambl1.ng (Specl.a1 7 day) $50.00 per year $175.00 .102 Ba.il1.nq Alleys per alley $15.00 .103 Dance Halls (Publ1.c) per day $30.00 per year $150.00 .104 Juke Boxes per year $55.00 .105 f1echanl.ca1 J\musement DeVl.ces & Pl.I'lha11 maclunes each $90.00 .10Sa plus 1JlVestl.gatl.an fee l.f four = ltOre at ane locatl.an $250.00 .106 Pool and Bl.11l.ard Tables 1 to 6 tables $85.00 each additl.cna1 table $10.00 .107 It:>l1er Skatl.nq Rlnks per year $100.00 BEER .111 3.2 non-mtala.cant an sale 1 day $10.00 .112 3.2 non-mtala.cant an sale per year $550.00 .112a plus l.nl. tl.a1 investl.gatl.on fee $750.00 .113 Off Sale per year $50.00 BUSINESSES .114 aefuse Co11ect=s per year $45 plus $8 veluc1e e .115 Auctl.oneer per year $180 per day $30 .116 Bw.ldmg MJlTers per year $40 .117 Car Wash per year $65 .118 Car Wash - oom or.erated per year $65 .119 Cl.garettes vendl.ng maclunes per year per maclune $30 Cl.garettes not by maclune per year $30 .120 Gasol1.ne Statl.cns per year - fust pulp $35 each addJ. tl.ana1 purrp $10 .121 Petroleum Storage Bulk per year $90 .122 ~ Bl.ke aenta1 per year $65 .123 fobtor Street Vendor per year $75 .124 fobtor Veluc1e - sale of Class A $365 Class B $210 .126 Peddlers & Hawker - velucular per year $80 .127 Scavenger per year $35 .128 TaXl. Cabs per year - each cab $20 .129 TaXl. Cab On. vers fust year $30 each renewal $10 .130 Gas Burner, 1JlSta11atl.cn of per year $25 .131 0l.1 Burner, in'lta1latl.oo of per year $25 FNl'ERTAINMENT .132 Carmva1 and Cl.rcus IlWIlJIlIIl\ 3 days $190 each addJ.tl.onal day $60 .133 Skatl.ng Rlnks per year $50 .134 'Iheatre - 1egl.tl.mate 1st 3 consecutJ. ve perfomances no fee per year $50 .135 Theatre - llD\7l.e per year 1st Auditonum (700 seats = ltOre) $375 per year 1st Auditorl.um (less than 700 seats) $170 per year add1. auchtorl.um sane b.ll.1dmg $80 Drl.ve-m restaurants Food rranufacturers and dl.stnl:utors: 10,000 sq. ft. or less 10,001 sq. ft. ani larger Itmerant Truck or other velucular food vendor (Separate peDlll.t reqw.red each load plus mspectl.on charges) SuIxl. No. FOOD .140 .142 .143 .144 .145 . .146 .147 .148 .149 .150 Type of LJ.cense MJ.lk Catermg Food Veluc1e Bakery Food Velucle aeadl.1y perl.shab1e food veluc1e Vendl.ng machme- packaged food Vendmg maclune - unpackaged foods Vendl.ng Machl.nes- others Retal.1 candy shop - 10tlen operatl.nq m connectl.OIl Wl.th another food establ1.slmmt Itl.nerant food estabhshnent For grocexy, confectl.onery stores & soft dnnks: .151 .152 M=at markets and butcher shops: Food estabhsl1rents, mc1udl.ng restaurants, cafes, dmmg roans, caterers and boardmg houses: $20 per scheduled Fl.re Dept. duct mspectl.on, Plus .153 .154 .156 LIOUOR INl'OXICATING .167 .168 .168a .169 .169a .170 .171 .172 .172 a Club LJ.cense Off Sale Investl.gatl.on fee On Sale Investl.gatl.on fee Sunday Sales Set-Ups, CamuSSl.oner's peDlIl.t Wl.ne LJ.censes, On Sale Plus l.nl. tl.a1 l.nvestl.gatl.on fee ANIMl\LS .174 Dogs -2- COndJ.tl.ons per year per year per year per year per year per year per year per year per year 10,000 sq. ft. or less More than 10,000 sq. ft, l:ut not ltOre than 15,000 sq. ft More than 15,000 sq. ft 5,000 sq. ft. or less More than 5,000 sq ft. 2,500 sq. ft or less More than 2,500 sq. ft., l:ut not ltOre than 5,000 sq. ft More than 5,000 sq. ft. per year per year per year per year per year per year Fee $10.00 $115.00 $40.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $15.00 $40.00 $55.00 $75.00 $105.00 $40.00 $55.00 ~75.00 $105.00 $160.00 $95.00 $75.00 $170.00 $80.00 $550.00 $200.00 $750.00 $7,500.00 $750.00 $200.00 $300.00 $600.00 $750.00 per year $6.00 For any kennel, covermg all aruma1s kept durmg the year. $85.00 No fee shall be reqmred fran any Humane Socl.ety or Vetermary Hospl.ta1. IJTpcundl.ng Fees (1st offense) $15.00 ~ charge 2nd and succeedmg offenses shall be number of tl1Iles anl.llla1 lr'pOUllded m calendar year, t:ures fee. Transfer tag $2.00 DaJ.1y Boardl.ng fees per current ccntract .175 Sl.dewalk benches and other sl.dewalk or boulevard occupatl.on per year $20.00 .176 Saunas and Massage Parlors per year $900.00 .176a Plus 1Jll.tia1 mvestl.gatl.on fee $750.00 OOI'EIS , HJl'EIS AND ICOGING musES .181 fbte1s, hotels and Ialgmg Houses per year/per umt $3.25 .186 Swll1llll.ng Pool Oltdoar (per year) $90.00 Indoor (per year) $135.00 '::. '. ... ) -3- Subd. No. Type of LJ.cense Condl. tl.ons ~ ~ .229 Tanporazy Sl.gn5 $15.00 . CITY ~lATER PmllTS .603 Water tum-off per valve $20.00 ~ .707 Concept PeVl.ew (to be awhed to C.U.P appl1.catl.on) $35.00 RmISTRATIOO' .800 Peddlers and Sol1.Cl. tors $10.00 .801 Transl.ent ferchants $20.00 Fl.rst read at a regular meetl.ng of the Cl.ty Councl.1 of the Cl.ty of HqlInns held September 6, 1983, and fmally read, approved, adopted and ordered pubhshed at a 5peCl.a1 meetmg of 5al.d Councl.1 of 5al.d Cl.ty on Septart,er 20, 1983. J. scu:rr RENNE Cl. ty Clerk roBERr F. MILLER Mayor JOSEFH C. VE'SELy Cl.ty Attorney