HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF HOPKINS , Hennepln County, Mlnnesota NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Clty Councll of the Clty of Hopklns wlll meet In the Councll Chambers of the Clty Hall at Hopklns, Mlnnesota, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on September 20th, 1983, to pass upon the proposed speclal assessments for the lmprovements of certaln streets, avenues, hlghways, alleys and thoroughfares, all more partlcularly descrlbed In Exhlblt A. hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof. The proposed assessments are on flle for publlC lnspectlon In the . offlce of the Clty Clerk at sald Clty Hall. Written or oral objections will be consldered and heard at sald hearlng. An owner may appeal an assessment to dlstrlct court pursuant to Mlnnesota Statutes Sectlon 429.081 by servlng notlce of the appeal upon the mayor or clerk of the Clty wlthln 20 days after the adoptlon of the assessment and flllng such notlce wlth the dlstrlct court wlthln ten days after serVlce upon the mayor or clerk The total cost of each of sald lmprovements are set forth In sald Exhibit A. and unless otherwlse stated hereln, the Clty wlll pay no part of . any of such assessments. J. SCOTT RENNE, Clty Clerk JOSEPH C. VESELY, Clty Attorney Publlshed In the HOPKINS SUN, August 31st, 1983 and September 7th, 1983. , . . ~ , E X H I BIT A 1. Ornamental street llghtlng on Althea Lane, Herman Terrace and Sweet Brlar Lane between Mlnnetonka Mllls Road and the south llne of Hobby Acres, total cost of the proJect belng $24,546.06 of WhlCh $18,409.55 lS proposed to be assessed to Lots 1 thru 8, lncluslve, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 9, lncluslve, Block 2; both ln Kloss First Addltlon; Lots 1 thru 9, lncluslve, and Lots 13 and 17, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 25, lnclusive, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 18, lncluslve, Block 3; all ln Campbell Addltlon to Hopklns and $6,136.51 to be pald from the General Fund. 2. Installatlon of flashers and warnlng slgns on Second Street Northeast (Honeywell) total cost of the proJect proposed to be assessed belng $5,776.76, to the followlng descrlbed propertles: Block 1, 2 and 14, also Lots 1 thru 21, lncluslve, Block 3, lncludlng adJacent vacated alleys and vacated streets, vacated streets subJect to road, West Mlnneapolis Center. 3. Curb, gutter and drlveways on Excelslor Avenue from Adams Avenue to Monroe Avenue North, St. LOU1S Street from Monroe Avenue North to Jackson Avenue North; North slde of County Road #3 from 5th Avenue South to the rallroad; Washlngton Avenue South from Mllwaukee Street to 3rd Street South, total cost of the proJect to be assessed being $14,518.54 to the followlng descrlbed propertles: Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 1, Town Terrace; Tract A, Reglstered Land Survey No. 1465; and southeasterly 20 feet of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 12, West Mlnneapolls Center, except road, Tracts A, B, C and D, Reglstered Land Survey No. 1143, also Lots 8 thru 18, Block 23, West Mlnneapolls Center, also Lot 1 thru 10 and the north 26 feet of Lot 11, Block 33, West Mlnneapolls Center, also all of Blocks 25, 26, 30 and 31, West Mlnneapolls Center, also that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sectlon 19, Townshlp 117, Range 21 lying south of West Mlnneapolls Center and west of Reglstered Land Survey No. 1143, also that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Sectlon 30, Townshlp 117, Range 21 lYlng west of Registered Land Survey No. 1143, and north of 3rd Street South lncludlng the vacated streets and alleys adJolnlng the above descrlbed tracts of land, except roads. 4. Sanitary sewer on the easement on the west slde of the Hopklns Arches to serve the Massey Ferguson (Medallst Sport Club) property, the total cost proposed to be assessed belng $28,343.96 to the followlng propertles: Tract M and that part of Tracts P and L, Reglstered Land Survey No. 561 lYlng northeasterly of a llne runnlng from a pOlnt on the northwesterly llne of sald Tract P a dlstance of 66.79 feet southwesterly from the most northerly corner of sald Tract P to a pOlnt on the southerly llne of sald Tract L a dlstance of 770.15 feet east from the most westerly corner of sald Tract L, also that part of Lot 91, Audltors Subdlvlslon No. 239 lYlng east of a llne running from a pOlnt on the north llne of sald Lot 91, a dlstance of 31.21 feet west from the most easterly corner of said Lot 91 to a pOlnt on the southeasterly llne of sald Lot 91 a distance of 29.96 feet southwesterly from the most easterly corner thereof; also that part of Tracts P and L, Reglstered Land Survey No. 561 lYlng southwesterly of a llne runnlng from a pOlnt on the northwesterly llne of sald Tract P a dlstance of 66.79 feet southwesterly from the most northerly corner of sald Tract P to a pOlnt on the southerly llne of said Tract L a distance of 770.15 feet east from the most westerly corner of sald Tract L also that part of Lot 91, Audltors Subdlvlslon No. 239 lYlng westerly of a llne runnlng from a pOlnt on the north llne of sald Lot 91 a dlstance of 31.21 feet west from the most easterly corner of sald Lot 91 through a pOlnt on the southeasterly llne of sald Lot 91 a dlstance of 29.96 feet from the most easterly corner thereof, all ln Reglstered Land Survey No. 561. 5. Unpald utlllty bllls at the followlng locatlons: 1701 Excelslor Avenue West, Lots 13 thru 15, lncluslve, Block 16, West Mlnneapolls Thlrd Dlvlslon, total cost belng $142.00; l18-l9th Avenue South, North 70 feet of east 168 4/10 feet of that part of the Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter lYlng west of center llne of 19th Avenue South and south of aline runnlng west at rlght angles from sald centerllne at a pOlnt dlstance 350 3/10 feet north along same from the north llne of C.M.St. P rallroad rlght-of-way, except road, Section 23, Township 117, Range 22, total cost belng $221.22. I . , , 6. Tree removal at the following locatlons: 3l2-llth Avenue North, Lot 10 and south 1/2 of Lot 9, Block 97, West Mlnneapolls Second Dlvlslon, total cost belng $252.60; 22l-l3th Avenue North, Lot 16 and north 25 feet of Lot 15, Block 91, West Mlnneapolls Second Dlvlslon, total cost belng $278.60; 27-l4th Avenue North, Lots 1 thru 24, lnclusive, also all vacated alleys lYlng wlthln Block 72 and the west 1/2 of the adJacent portlon of 13th Avenue vacated, Block 72, West Minneapolls Second Dlvlslon, total cost belng $295.40; 4l-l6th Avenue North, Lot 24, Block 8, Glbbs Flrst Addltlon to West Mlnneapolis, total cost belng $182.60; Berg~und and Johnson property located In the Southwest corner of Hopklns descrlbed as the west 1/2 of Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter In Sectlon 25, Townshlp 117, Range 22, total to be assessed being $1,136.60. 7. Violatlon of Ordlnance No. 80-473 - False Flre Alarms at the followlng locatlons: 1019 Excelslor Avenue West, Lots 13 thru 15, lncluslve, Block 69, West Minneapolls Second Dlvlslon, total cost being $102.00; 10 Suburban Square, Cornmenclng at the northeast corner of Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter, thence south 300 feet along the east llne thereof, thence west at rlght angles dlstance 284 feet, thence north at rlght angles to a pOlnt dlstance 200 feet south at rlght angles from the south line of Lot 20, Block 2, Glnkels Oakrldge Addltlon, thence east parallel wlth sald lot llne to center 11ne of County Road No. 61, thence southeasterly along sald center llne to the east llne of the west 1/2 of the Southeast Quarter of Sectlon 23, thence south 33.5 feet to beglnning, except road, Sectlon 23, Townshlp 117, Range 22, total cost belng $101.50. l5~9th AVenue North, Lots 15 thru 17, lncluSlve and the south 10 feet of Lot 18, Block 67, West Mlnneapolls Second Divlslon, total cost belng $549.00.