1983 MINUTES .' A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota was held on September 20, 1983 ill the Councll Chambers of the City Hall. Present were ~1ayor M1.11er, Council members Mi1bert, Shirley, lavin and Anderson. Also present were City Manager, Craig; City Engineer, Strojan; Assistant Cc.mnunity Developnent 4 Director, Norris; Adrnir;istrative Intern, Genellie, Fmance Director, Schedler ;;md acting City Attorney, Jerre Miller. - ~ MINUTES: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Shirley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the September 6, 1983 meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: Additional M1.sc. 1983 licenses (see list) ACI'ION: Mr. Milbert moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the motion to approve the licenses as listed. A poll of the vote was as follCMs: Mrs. lavin, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. BILlS: Mr. Mi1bert moved and Mr. Shirley seconded the motion to approve and authorize payment of the expenditures dated September 20, 1983, warrant number 673 in the a:rrount of $235,468.61. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. BIDS: Bids for Data Processing Software & Fquipnent. ACI'ION : Mr. Milbert moved and Mr. Shirley seconded the motion to authorize staff to negotiate a contract with Computoservice of Mankato. A poll of the vote was as follCMs: Mrs. lavin, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motlon carried unanimously. At this p:>int in the meeting the Mayor moved to the hearing on CNIV Rate Adjustment. HEARING: CNIV RATE ADJUSTMENT ACTICN : Mr. Shirley moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the motion to approve Ordinance ~o. 83-528 for the first reading. (AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS AMENDING THE CABLE CD1MUNICATIONS FRANCHISE ORDINANCE NO. 81-486, EXHIBIT B, PARAGRAPH I, SUBPARAGRAPHS Al, A3, B,C,D,E AND HI and Hr TO CHANGE THE RATES AND CHARGFS FOR INSTAIJATION, MONTHLY RATES, CONVERl'ER, RECONN:EX:TION, EXI'RA OUTLEI'S, CCM-1ERCIAL RATES, PM SERVICES AND PREMIUM SERVICES AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFF'EX:.rIVE TIME OF THIS ORDINANCE.) A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. MiJbert, Nay; Mrs. Lavm, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. BIDS: Bids for the 1983 Audit ACTION : Mr. Anderson moved and Mayor M1.11er seconded the motion to accept the recarmendation of the Finance Manager and engage the fllIIl of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. at a fee of not to exceed $10,500. A poll of the vote was as follows:Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motlon carried unanimously. PERMITS: Request by Minnegasco for pennit to install 2" gas rrain on Fdgemoor Drive to serve House #820. ACTICN: Mr. Mi1bert moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the motlon to grant the request. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mrs. lavin, Aye; Mayor M1.11er, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. - page 2 "Minutes of the September 20, 1983 Council meeting" PERMITS cont. Request by NortlMestern Bell for pennit to place buried cable on lake Street N. E. to serve Ginkel Creek Point Aparbnents. ACTION: Mr. ~son moved and Mr. Mi1bert seconded the motion to grant the request. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. laVln, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Request by Northern States Power Canpany for pennit to place pole in alley at S. E. corner of lot at 53 Van Buren Avenue South to serve 59 Van Buren Avenue South. Mrs. Lavin moved and Mr. Mi1bert seconded the motion to grant the request. A poll of the vote was as follavs: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Milbert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. 'Ihe rrotlon carried unanimously HEARING: Proposed special assessments (list attached) ACT1ON: Mr. Anderson moved and Mrs. lavin seconded the motion to adopt ~ esolution 83-3096 approving the special assessments. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mr. ~ti1bert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor M1.11er, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. At this point in the meeting, Mr. Mi1bert left the table. Item 83-128 Ordinance No. 83-527 "AN ORDINANCE N1ENDING 82-527 CHAPTER V SECTICN 500 OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS 1977 CODE OF ORDINANCE: REGARDING LIQUOR LICENSE FEES AND VARIOUS LECENSE FEES." ACI'ION: Mrs. Lavin moved and Mr. Shirley seconded the motion to approve the ordinance for second reading am order publlShed. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye; The motion carried unanimously. At this point in the meeting Mr. Ml1bert returned to the table. Item 83-136 Conversion of NSP owned street lights to High Pressure Sodium. ACTICN: Mr. ~ti.lbert moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the motion to concur with the NSP program to convert the lights. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. lavin, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. MiJbert, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unaIlJ.1IDusly. ~ Item 83-137 Re-evaluation of the stop signs in the Park Valley area. ACTICN: Mr. Milbert moved and Mrs. lavin seconded the motlon to order an engineer's rep:>rt. A p:>ll of the vote was as follows: Mr . Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mrs. lavin, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Item 83-138 Mayor's appoint:Irent of Sheila Block to the Park Board to replace Jolane Carlson - Tenn to exprre 6/30/84. ACTICN: Mr. Milbert moved and Mrs. lavin secomed the motion to approve the appointment. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mr. Milbert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motlon carried unanimously. Item 83-139 Petition and letter from residents on east side of 600 block of lOth Avenue South to extend alley. - Mr. Milbert moved and Mrs. lavin seconded the motion to adopt Resolution 83-3097 ordering an engineer's rep:>rt. A p:>ll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shlrley, Aye; Mr. MiJbert, Aye; Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Page 3 "Minutes of the September 20, 1983 Council meeting" Item 83-140 Application for rehab loan by Suburban Chevrolet ACJ2ION: Mr. !.J!ilbert mgyed and rA'rs. Lavin seconded, the motion to approve the loan, based on a canmitment by Tan Grossman to improve the rear of the building. .......... A pOlf"of-tfie vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; ~rr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Milbert, Aye; Mrs. LaVln, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Item 83-142 Applicatlon for rehab loan by Drs. Sabre, Smith & Hersrran. ACTION: Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Milbert seconded the motion to approve the loan based on a carmittment to tie in the new addition with the existmg building by erecting a mansard roof all around. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mr. Milbert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Item 83-121 Report on Parking ramp, furnished by Walker, Inc. ACTICN: Mrs. Lavin moved and Mr. Mi1bert seconded the motion to continue this i tern to the next meeting. A p:>ll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mrs. lavin, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Item: 83-140 Renaming of Downtown Park ACTICN: M3.yor Miller moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the motion to rename the park Arimond Park in memory of Eugenia Arimond, fonner Councll member. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson, Nay; Mr. Shirley, Nay; Mr. Mi1bert, Nay; Mrs. lavin, Aye; Mayor Miller, Aye. The motion failed to carry. Mr. Mi1bert moved and ~trs. lavm seconded the motion that a plaque be placed in the park in ccmremoration of Eugenia Arimond. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, Aye; Mr. Mi1bert, Aye; Mr. Shirley, Aye; Mr. Anderson, Aye; M3.yor Miller, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. AnJOURNMENI' : Mr. MiJbert moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motion to adjourn. The motion carried. ReSpectfurly ~tted,. ~~d ~~~~/ ~~- Kaeding, S~-~O ~Jmcil ~4 Robert F. Miller, Mayor .