Resolutions Mn/DOT 21232 (9-~O) 61970 CITY OF HOPKINS . RESOLUTION NO. 84-3138 BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Hopkins enter into Agreement No. 61970 w1th the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to-wit: to provide for payment by the C1ty to the State of the City's share of the costs of the storm sewer facilities, concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway pavement, concrete walk and turf establishment construction to be performed upon and along the north side of North Service Drive from County State Aid Highway No. 73 to Robinwood Lane within the corporate City limits under State ProJect No. 2706-141 (T.H. 7=12). . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute such agreement. CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota County of Hennepin City of Hopkins .. I hereby certify that the foregoing copy of the resolution presented to of the City of Hopk1ns meeting thereof held on the 17th 19 84 , as shown by the minutes of Resolution is a true and correct and adopted by the Council at a duly authorized day of Mav said meeting 1n my possesion. 5, Sc-v-t\" ~ City Clerk .. ~ ,t!' ~. '-. ~ , - Councilmember Anderson introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-3137 AMENDING A HOUSING PLAN TO INCLUDE A PROGRAM FOR THE ISSUANCE OF HOUSING REVENUE BONDS AND AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF SAME TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL AND THE MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY WHEREAS, pursuant to the Minnesota MunIcipal Housing Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "Act"), a City is authorIzed to amend its housing plan (the "Housing Plan") to carry out programs for the financing of housing for elderly persons; and WHEREAS, the Act requires adoption of an amendment to the Housing Plan after a public hearIng held thereon after publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least thirty days in advance of the hearing; and WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins (the "City") has on thIS date conducted a public hearing on the amendment to its Housing Plan after publication of notice as required by the Act; and WHEREAS, the amended Housing Plan includes a program (the "Program") for the issuance of housing revenue bonds to finance a housing development for the elderly known as Chapel View ResIdences; and WHEREAS, the Act further requires submission of the amendment to the Housing Plan to the Metropolitan Council for its review and comments, and submission of the Program to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (the "MHFA") for its approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. That the amendment to the Housing Plan of the City, including the Program, is hereby" in all respects adopted. 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to submit the amendment to the HOUSIng Plan to the Metropolitan Council, and to submit the Program to the MHFA, and to do all other things and take all other actions as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the Program in accordance with the Act and any other applicable laws and regulations. .." ,"1c ~~ . - Adopted by the CIty Council, the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, this l7th day of May, 1984. SIgned Mayor Attest: City Clerk The motIon for the adoption of the foregoIng Resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Anderson and upon vote being taken thereon the followIng voted in favor thereof: Lavln, Anderson, Ml1bert, Ml11er Shlr1ey abstalned. and the following voted against the same: Whereupon the Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. .. . t ~ , EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 462C, MINNESOTA STATUTES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING A MULTI- FAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT; GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE DEVELOPMENT AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY'S HOUSING PLAN TO INCLUDE A PROGRAM FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH REVENUE BONDS ~ CITY OF HOPKINS AMENDMENT TO 462C HOUSING PLAN AND PROGRAM FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT (CHAPEL VIEW RESIDENCES, INC. PROJECT) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "Act"), the City of Hopkins, Minnesota (the "City") has been authorized to develop and administer programs of multi-family housing developments under the CIrcumstances and within the limitations set forth in the Act. Minnesota Statutes, Section 462C.07 provides that such programs for multi-famIly housing developments may be financed by revenue bonds issued by the City. The City has received a proposal from Chapel View Residences, Inc. (the "Corporation"), that, pursuant to the authority found In the Act, the City approve a program (the "Program") for the fInancing of the construction by the Corporation of an approximately 80,000 square feet, four-story housing facility for the elderly (the "Project"). The Project will be an additIon to the eXIstIng Chapel View Care Center, located at 615 Minnetonka MIlls Road in the City (the "Care Center"). The Project will contain 56 housing units -- 10 efficiency, 43 one-bedroom and 3 two-bedroom apartments ("Housing Units"), to be rented to the elderly. It is estimated that rents for the Housing Units will be between $400 and $930 per month. Rent will include all utilities other than telephone. The Project may share some of the systems of the Care Center, such as the heating system. Tenants In the Project may, on a case-by-case and per diem basis be supplied with nursIng or housekeeping services from the Care Center. The Project will be constructed with f1re-resistant prestressed concrete with a brick exterior facing similar to that of the Care Center. Wherever possible, accessibility to the handicapped will be considered in the construction of the Project. The construction of the Project is to be funded through the issuance of one or more series of up to $3,370,000 in revenue bonds issued by the City (the "Bonds"). It is proposed that the Bonds be sold publicly through an underwrIter and that the Bonds will include some form of credit enhancement, such as additional collateral, insurance or a letter of credit, in order to provide favorable interest rates. Following construction of the ProJect, the Corporation will own and operate the Project as a multi-famIly resIdential rental project for the elderly. The proposed apartments are planned as an alternative to residence in a nursIng home for elderly in the area who still have some capability for independent lIving but need certain supportive services. The Project will allow the residents to be as active and involved as poss1ble for a longer per10d of t1me, as compared to a nurs1ng home, by giv1ng the 1nd1v1duals the opportun1ty to use the capab111t1es they have in an 1ndependent sett1ng w1th the supportive services they need ava1lable. Th1S 1S in contrast to the institutionalized sett1ng of a nursIng home where certaIn capabil1t1es of the elderly are lost because they cannot be used. However, the Care Center w111 be ava1lable on a prior1ty basis when deterioration of a resident 1n the ProJect 15 such that nurs1ng home care 1S needed. There 15 no other fac111ty 1n the area that has th1s concept of serV1ce. The use of tax-exempt bonds for the Project w1ll allow more affordable non-subs1dized rental units for the elderly in the C1ty. Elderly housing, due to the phys1cal care requ1rements of the elderly, their soc1al needs and the proxim1ty of supportive services desired, should be new construct10n, such as the Project, designed and built to accommodate their spec1al needs. The Project w111 also increase the var1ety of hous1ng types and costs in the C1ty. The Project, by prov1d1ng alternat1ve hous1ng for the elderly, should result in add1t10nal s1ngle-fam1ly housing becoming ava1lable to younger and larger famil1es. The Project will meet the needs and objectives of the C1ty and the publ1C by caring for the needs of the ag1ng in the best 11festyle available at the least expense poss1ble. The C1ty, in establish1ng th1S Program has considered the information contained in the Housing Plan, 1nclud1ng part1cularly (i) the availabil1ty and affordabil1ty of pr1vate market financ1ng for the construct10n of mult1-fam1ly hous1ng un1tsi (i1) the ava1lab1lity and affordabil1ty of other government hous1ng programsi (ill) an analys1s of populat10n and employment trends and projections of future population trends and ,future employment needsi (lV) the recent housing trends and future hous1ng needs of the C1tYi and (v) an analysis of how the Program w1l1 meet the needs of persons and fam111es res1d1ng and expected to reside in the C1ty. The City, in adopting the Program, has further considered (i) the amount, timing and sale of Bonds to f1nance the construction of the Housing Un1ts, to fund the appropr1ate reserves and to pay the cost of issuancei (i1) the method of mon1toring and implementat10n of the Program to 1nsure compliance with the C1ty'S Housing Plan and 1ts objectivesi (111) the method of administering, serv1c1ng and superv1s1ng the Programi (iv) the cost to the City, 1nclud1ng future adm1nlstrative expensesi (v) the restr1ctions on the multi-family development to be financed under the Program; and (vi) certaIn other 11m1tat10ns. The City, 1n adopt1ng the Program, considered the potential f1nanc1al 1mpact of a bond 1ssuance on affected public agencies. In addition, the C1ty rev1ewed the method of marketing the Program. Such review 1ncluded the exam1nation of the equal 2 opportunity for partic1pat10n by: (i) minoritiesi (1i) households with incomes at the lower end of the range that can be served by the Programi (1ii) households displaced by publ1C or pr1vate actioni (iv) families w1th childreni and (v) access1b111ty to the hand1capped. The Project will be construed and f1nanced pursuant to SUbdivisions I and 4 of Section 462C.05 of the Act. Subsection A. Defin1tions The follow1ng terms used 1n this Program shall have the following mean1ngs, respect1vely: (I) "Act" shall mean M1nnesota Statutes, Section 462C.OI, et seq., as currently 1n effect and as the same may be from time to time amended. (2) "Bonds" shall mean the revenue bonds to be 1ssued by the C1ty to finance the Program. (3) "City" shall mean the City of Hopk1ns, County of Hennepin, State of M1nnesota. (4) "Corporat10n" shall mean Chapel View Res1dences, Inc., a Minnesota nonprof1t corporat10n. (5) "Housing Plan" shall mean the City of Hopkins 462C Housing Plan, adopted on April 19, 1983, sett1ng forth certa1n 1nformation required by the Act. (6) "Housing Unit" shall mean anyone of the apartment units located in the Project, occup1ed by one person or family, and containing complete l1ving fac111t1es. (7) "Land" shall mean the real property upon which the Project will be situated. (8) "Program" shall mean the program for the financing of the Project pursuant to the Act. (9) "Project" shall mean the mUlti-family housIng development for the elderly cons1st1ng of approx1mately f1fty-six (56) Hous1ng Un1ts to be constructed by the Corporation on the Land. Subsect10n B. Program for F1nanc1ng the ProJect It is proposed that the C1ty establish th1s Project to construct fifty-six (56) Hous1ng Units to be owned by the Corporat~on, at the price and upon such other terms and cond1t1ons as may be agreed upon in writing between the City and the Corporation. To do th1s, the C1ty expects to issue one or more 3 ~ series of Bonds, the proceeds of which will be loaned to the Corporation for construction and initial financing of the Project. It is expected that a Trustee will be appointed by the City to monitor the construction of the Project and any payments of principal and interest on the Bonds. The cost of a credit enhancement item will be borne by the Corporation and payable in addition to the princIpal and interest on the Bonds. It is contemplated that the Bonds shall contain a maturity of thirty (30) years and will be priced to the market at the time of issuance. It is anticipated that the Bonds will be issued in June, 1984. The City will hire no additional staff for the administration of the Program. The City intends to select and contract wIth a trustee experienced in trust matters to administrate the Bonds. Insofar as the City will be contracting with underwriters, the trustee, and others, all of whom will be reimbursed from bond proceeds and revenues generated by the Program, no administrative costs will be paid from the City's budget with respect to thIS Program. The Bonds w111 not be general oblIgation bonds of the City, but are expected to be paid from properties pledged to the payment thereof, which may include a credit enhancement item such as insurance or a letter of credit. Subsection C. Local Contributions to the Program It is not contemplated that any additional financIng or contributions will be needed for the completion of the Project, or for the operatIon of the Program. Subsection D. Standards and RequIrements Relating to the Financing of the Project Pursuant to the Program The following standards and requirements shall apply with respect to the operation of the ProJect by the Corporation pursuant to this Program: (1) Substantially all of the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds will be used to provide funds for the construction of the ProJect, which will provide approximately fifty-six (56) residential units. The funds will be made available to the Corporation pursuant to the terms of the Bond offering, which may include certain covenants to be entered into between the CIty and the Corporation. (2) The Corporation will not arbitrarily reJect an application from a proposed tenant because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marItal status, age or status wIth regard to public assistance or disability. 4 ~ . (3) No Housing Unit may be in violation of applicable zoning ordinances or other applicable land use regulations, including any urban renewal plan or development district plan, and including the state building code as set forth under Minnesota Statutes, Section l6.83, et seq. Subsection E. Evidence of Compliance The City may requIre from the Corporation or such other persons deemed necessary, at or before the issuance of the Bonds, evidence satIsfactory to the City of the ability and intention of the Corporation to complete the ProJect, and evidence satisfactory to the City of compliance wIth the standards and requirements for the making of the financing established by the City, as set forth herein; and in connectIon therewith, the City or its representatives may inspect the relevant books and records of the Corporation in order to confIrm such ability, intention and compliance. In addition, the City may periodically requIre certification from either the Corporation or such other persons deemed necessary, concerning complIance wIth various aspects of this Program. Subsection F. Issuance of Bonds . To finance the Program authorized by this Section, the City may by resolution authorize, issue and sell one or more series of its Revenue Bonds in an aggregate principal amount estimated to be up to $3,370,000. The Bonds shall be issued pursuant to Section 462C.07, Subdivision I of the Act, and shall be payable primarily from the revenues of the Program authorized by this Section. Subsection G. SeverabIlity The provisions of this Program are severable and if any of its provisions, sentences, clauses or paragraphs shall be held unconstitutional, contrary to statute, exceeding the authority of the City or otherwise illegal or inoperative by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions. Subsection H. Amendment The City shall not amend this Program whIle Bonds authorized hereby are outstanding to the detriment of the holders of such Bonds. 5 ~ '. CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 84-3131 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING INDEPENDENT ~~NAGEMENT STUDY OF METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION WHEREAS, many mun1cipal off1cials, throughout the metropolitan area about the operations of the Commission, and bus1nessmen and other persons have expressed grave concern Metropolitan Waste Control WHEREAS, in recogn1t10n of such concerns, Governor Rudy Perp1ch commendably appo1nted an able and representative Governor's Citizens Commission to review the MWCC, and WHEREAS, such commission conducted an extens1ve investigat10n of the operations of the MWCC and of public perceptions of 1t, and WHEREAS, such commiss10n, on f1ndings and recommendations Minnesota, and December 29, 1983, to the Governor of reported the State 1ts of WHEREAS, such recommendations included a recommendat10n for the conduct of an independent management study of MWCC, and WHEREAS, the Associat10n of Metropolitan Munic1pal1t~es, Association of Metropolitan Area Managers, the Suburban Authority, and others concurred in the recommendat1on that an 1ndependent management study be conducted, and the Rate such WHEREAS, it appears that the state planning off1ce has undertaken in1t1al steps towards obtaining such an independent study, and WHEREAS, the aforesa1d organizations have expressed their interest in prov1d1ng representation on a committee Wh1Ch would help to formulate the work program for such study, to monitor its progress and to evaluate its conclusions, and WHEREAS, 1t is critical to the credibility and acceptability of any such management study that it be an independent study, rather than a study done under the supervision and control of the MWCC, and WHEREAS, such commission recommended a number of measures requ1ring leg1slative action, but 1t now appears that the Governor's office has chosen not to support any such leg1slative action at th1S t1me, and WHEREAS, the compromising or abandon1ng of the concept of an 1ndependent management study, espec1ally when coupled with a lack of leg1slative act10n, would constitute a severely damaging blow to the hopes and expectations of those who have been work1ng in good faith to establ1sh a higher level of confidence in the MWCC, #--r NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of HOl'KTNS , as follows: I. This council strongly endorses and urges the conduct of an independent management study of the MWCC as recommended by the Governor's Citizens Commiss1on to reV1ew the MWCC. 2. This counc11 believes that such study w111 have maximum value only if it is an independent study formulated and conducted through the use of an adv1sory committee broadly representative of the mun1cipalities in the metropolitan area. 3. This council urges the Governor of the State of Minnesota and other appropriate officials to take whatever actions may be necessary to 1nitiate such an independent study at the earliest poss1ble date. 4. Let a copy of th1S resolut10n be transmitted to the Governor of the State of Minnesota, the chairman and members of the Metropolitan Waste Control Commiss10n, the cha1rman and members of the Metropol1 tan Council and the members of the Minnesota State Legislature representing this city. J. SCOTT RENNE City Clerk ROBERT F. MILLER Mayor JERRE MILLER Acting Clty Attorney -2-