Automatic sprinklers ISO COMMERCIAL RISK SERVICES, INC. 12 S SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 161213388200 CHARLES S WRIGHT. CPCU MANAGER August 23, 1984 Mr. George Magdal, City Fire Marshall 1010 1st Street South Hopkins City Hall Hopkins, MN 55343 Dear Sir: We offer the following ~n answer to your telephone inquiry of this morning. . Our rat~ng schedule is very much aligned ~n favor of automatic sprinkler systems when a property or fire insurance rating d~vision as defined by our ratirig schedule is fully sprinklered with an adequate water supply. In those cases, the rate credits are normally very substantial. This is almost always the case whenever commercial and manufacturing occupancies are concerned. However, there are a small number of exceptions. We are willing to promulgate tentative rates on nonsprinklered properties in your community contemplating the installation of automatic sprinkler systems. These applications may be instituted by anyone of our affiliated companies, insurance agents and insurance brokers or by the property owner. It usually works best if the insurance company, agent, or broker is the one generating the request as they are usually able to discuss and explain our rates to their cl~ent. The informat~on outl~ned in th~s letter is for the purpose of developing a f~re insurance rate. It is not for the purpose of making property loss prevention or l~fe safety recommendat~ons, and none are made. If we can be of any further ass~stance, please feel free to call or write to us any time. Yours very truly, 1J~ ' CiJ LL T. G. R;a:a-- Supervisor Survey Services tgr:ah A SUBSIDIARY OF INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE INC ISO COMMERCIAL RISK SERVICES, INC. . 12 S SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 1612' 3388200 CHARLES S WRIGHT. CPCU MANAGER August 23, 1984 Mr. George Magdal, ~ity Fire Marshall 1010 1st Street South Hopkins C~ty Hall Hopk~ns, MN 55343 Dear Sir: We offer the following ~n answer to your telephone inqu~ry of this morning. Our rating schedule is very much aligned ~n favor of automat~c sprinkler systems when a property or fire insurance rating division as defined by our rating schedule is fully sprinklered with an adequate water supply. In those cases, the rate credits are normally very substantial. This is almost always the case whenever commercial and manufacturing occupancies are concerned. However, there are a small number of except~ons. We are will~ng to promulgate tentative rates on nonsprinklered properties ~n your community contemplating the installation of automatic sprinkler systems. These applications may be instituted by anyone of our affiliated companies, insurance agents and insurance brokers or by the property owner. It usually works best if the insurance company, agent, or broker is the one generating the request as they are usually able to discuss and explain our rates to the~r client. The information outl~ned In this letter is for the purpose of developing a fire insurance rate. It is not for the purpose of making property loss prevent~on or llfe safety recommendations, and none are made. If we can be of any further ass~stance, please feel free to call or wrlte to us any time. Yours very truly, 1J~ ' Ci, 1 ~ ~ T. G. R;a:r Supervisor Survey Services tgr:ah A SUBSIDIARY OF INSURANCE SE RVICES OFFICE INC