AgendaHOPKINS CITY COUNCIL FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:30 pm II UNTILI THE STA TEOF THE C N COUNCIL ME T NG II Schedule: 7:25 pm - HRA Meeting 7:30 pm -City Council Meeting Work session after close of regular City Council meeting I. CALL TO ORDER II. OPEN AGENDA -PUBLIC COMMENTS/CONCERNS (Public must fill out a Speaker Request Form. Three minute limit for each person) III. REPORTS 1. Zoning and Planning Commission 2. Park Board IV. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of July 18, 2006 City Council Meeting 2. Minutes of July 18, 2006 Work Session at conclusion of regular City Council Meeting 3. Minutes of July 25, 2006 City Council Work Session 4. Ratify prior month's disbursements 5. Approve appointment to Zoning and Planning Commission, Robert Hatlestad; (Memo) 6. Approve appointment to Human Rights Commission, Gail Lewis-Miller; (Memo) 7. Approve 2006 HMEA Contract; (CR2006-088) - Genellie Vote: Youakim Thompson V. NEW BUSINESS Rowan Halverson Maxwell 1. Rezoning 9020-9092 Excelsior Boulevard; (CR2006-86) -Anderson Vote: Youakim Thompson Rowan Halverson Maxwell 2. Concept Review, variance 17 Eighth Avenue; (CR2006-87) -Anderson Vote: Youakim Thompson Rowan Halverson Maxwell 3. Closed door discussion, billboards; (Memo) -Anderson VI. ADJOURNMENT QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CALL THE RAZZLE LINE - 939-1421 (The Razzle Line is the City of Hopkins voice message system)