List of election judgesELECTION INFORMATION Election Judges are selected through a list of Judges names who have served the City at other elections. When a vacancy occurs a name is selected from a list of available people willing to serve as Judges. The only people eligible to serve as Judges must be registered to vote in the City and planning to vote as a registered Republican or Democrat. Both parties provide us with a list of names to choose from. There must be an equal number of Democrats and Republicans acting as Judges in each precinct. In the event of an unequal number there will be one more of either party. You need not be registered in the precinct that you serve as .a Judge in. The law reads that each precinct must have at least three Judges. The number of Judges for each precinct is determined by the number of people voting in each precinct. The Primary does not have the number of voters voting that a General Election does so we have cut down the number of Judges serving in each precinct for the Primary. Barbara Nelson Chairperson Gerry Flemming Mary Swatosch Marian Heidorn Gail Courtney Dorothy Hammill (3) Democrats (3) Republicans 1980 number of judges (7) 1982 (6) PRECINCT #2 Harley Hopkins School Registered Voters 1002 Jean Husnik Chairperson Gertrude Dwyer Marilyn Oliver Debby LaBounty Jane Sellner Dorothy Bren Chairperson Ethel Beecher Chairperson Rosalie Willemsem Shireley Burgstahler Dora Hendrickson Ruth George Carol Frane (4) Republicans (3) Democrats 1980 number of judges (7) 1982 (7) PRECINCT #4 Katherine Curren School Registered Voters 1062 Kathryn Croushore Chairperson Margaret Heinen Ella Anderson Solveig Anderson Luana Tower Martha Thurn City Hall Roz Gilliam Sheila Anderson (1) Democrat (1) Republican PRIMARY ELECTION JUDGES SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 PRECINCT #1 Zion Lutheran Church PRECINCT 4 #5 United Methodist Church Registered Voters 1138 Registered Voters- 710 Adelyn Luther Chairperson Mildred Seim Adeline Pederson Kathleen Kopesky Peggy Reilly (3) Republicans (3) Democrats 1980 number of judges (7) 1982 (5) PRECINCT #6 Alice Smith School Registered Voters 894 Julie Mason Chairperson Mitzi Erdman Mary Shirley Ann Whelan Louise Hemker Diane Helgeson (3) Republicans (2) Democrats (3) Democrats (3) Republicans 1980 number of judges (8) 1980 number of judges (7) 1982 i it (5) 1982 it (6) PRECINCT #3 City Hall PRECINCT 467 Library Registered Voters 1491 Registered Voters 562 Gen Winter Chairperson Maryls Eidam Ann Gummow Geneva Maas Dorothy Shaw (2) Republicans (3) Democrats 1980 number of judges (6) 1982 tt it (5) PRECINCT X68 Westbrooke Registered Voters 1500 Fran Lofthus Chairperson Delores Zipoy Pat Ronayne Phyllis Tornquist Gretchen Stroemer Ruby Olson (3) Democrats (3) Republicans 1980 number of judges (7) (3) Democrats 1980 number of judges (8) 1982 (6) (3) Republicans 1982 It (6) PRECINCT 9 Oakes Park Registered Voters 898 (3) Democrats (3) Republicans Pat Anderson Chairperson 1980 number of judges (8) Gloria Johnson Chairperson 1982 (6) Jean Nelson Irene Knox Nicki Sindt Ethel Payne