Agreement- Luverne Fire Equipment19 82 by and be t,acen I ivel tie Fr Fclu 11)111 rat C onian�_, c'c��_I�orat tots of t nver�ne dz nne �o t� party of the first part, Engineer; AG! 1; 1 t1IIIS AGRI;{, inrdc <inci entered into th,s THIS CON consists of the following component parts, all 01 whicl, are as fully a part of this contract as though herein set out verbatlii, or 11 not attached, as if hereto at t ached, 1. The advertisement for bids for the work, labor, services and material which the contractor is to furnish; 2. The instructions to bidders and the general conditions as prepared and furnished by the City Engineer, 3. The detailed specifications a.s preparnu and furnished by the City driy of _I�'(hrcctr hereinafter 1clerrc to as the 0)11 ttrac, tor, and the City or Ilophin5, a Municipal Corporation in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, party of the s: cond part, hereinafter referred to as the City \VITNESSL`l1i That the Contractor, in oonsidel<3tion of the co"crrant and agreements of the City, hereinafter set iorlh, and for the suer and price of QaeTllunclrcd 11re y inc�"�u�and_Ic�u� °�Iuncl� c �i r Yty 1 c :�aut_nc� l�`f� Dollars hereby agrees to asseinble, manu lac tan e, tuinish and deliver 111e apparatus as follows One complete 1500 GPI fire apparatus, built on a 19S? Ford Model IBS -9000 chassis, designed to carry a total of Seven men which fire apparatus is to he built according to the attached specifications and to include an enclosed top nu—tinted pwfiiti panel all in strict, coni ormity with the specifications therefor ailcl the proposal of the Contractor based thereon. Said delivery to be made to the City of IJo ,lc 3 nS at Hopkins, ?4i nnesol a 4 rile 1,i of the cant factor, 5 Any modification or chalrg,es 3H the Lerfi'N or the contract or bid, or adds Lions to or ck ions r0P1 the Lurount of character of the 'xorl; Ahi c:h is to be 1x13 ic,nn d, winch may h a;;ree'd to in writ I rl,' 1V 11 C'r raei,r31• nTld the Ci1V. Delivery 01 the apparidir by Dr i ve- A- -Way shall be made within about 120 working days after the approval of this ConttacL properly signed, subject to causes beyond the c:oritrol of party of the first part and subject to the receipt or 1110 chassis n1 t hc' T,uverne 1 ac1 ory The Contractor agrees 10 abide by the provision of Minnesota Statutes Section 181.59. IN WITNESS WIHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year 1Lrst above written. Approved as to form this day of February, 1982 Laverne Fire Equipment Company By By By City Attorney CI1'Y OF ITOPKINS Mayor City Manager