MinutesA regular meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held on Tuesday, February 16, 1982 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. Present were Mayor Miller, Counci] members, Arimond, Lavin, Shirley and Hilbert. Also present were City Manager Craig; City Engineer Strojan; City Clerk, Renne; Public Works Operations Director, Beecher, Asst. Engineer, Anderson; Assistant Director of Community Development, Ann Norris, and City Attorney, Joe Vesely. Reel 172 side 2 MINUTES: Mr. Hilbert moved and Mr. Shirley seconded the notion to approve 4 the minutes of the February 2, 1982 meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mr. Hilbert, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried. 8 11 12 40 42 600 Bids: 700- 718 Item: 82 -21 -G 720 750 Action Mrs. Armond moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the motion to approve the consent calendar. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Arimond, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mayor Hiller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Milbert moved and Mrs. Arimond seconded the motion to approve and authorize for payment the expenditures in the amount of $225,078.58, dated February 16, 1982, warrant 635. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mr. Hilbert, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs. Armond, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. After a lengthy discussion, with input from several residents of Hopkins who expressed their particular problems with the garbarge system, Mr. Milbert moved and Mayor Miller seconded the motion to try correcting the problems in the three areas which were discussed, and perhaps after a three month trial period evaluate the system again. Mrs. Lavin amended the motion to include that while the City is in this trial period, a letter be sent to each household who has a 300 gallon garbage system asking if they would prefer to have a 90 gallon garbage can, such letter also specifying the cost involved in making this change. The motion was seconded by Mr. Milbert. On the amendment the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs Armond, nay; Mayor Miller, nay. The amendment to the motion carried. as A vote on the motion, as amended was /mellows: Mrs. Arimond, nay, W. Shirley, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried. Mr. Shirley moved and Pt. Milbert seconded the motion to accept the bid of 55 /month per unit from Waste Technology for quarterly pickup and removal of bulky trash. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs. Arimond, nay; Mayor Miller, yea. The Motion carried. This item was withdrawn by Mr. Craig, since the above motion has taken care of this item. Item: 81- 202 -R Resolution No. 81 -2985 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE 760 786 AND SALE OF REVENUE BOND PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 474, MINNESOTA STATUTES, TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO BE LOANED TO JOHN B. STANDAL FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT W. Hilbert moved and Mayor Miller seconded the motion to adopt the resolution. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Arimond, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mayor Miller yea. The motion carried unanimously. Cont. Minutes of the February 16, 1982 Council Meeting, continued. page 2 Item: 82 -27 -E 791 821 Item: 82 -22 -W 824 109 Action Mr. Shirley moved and Mayor Miller seconded the motion to approve the increase in wages as proposed by the City Manager. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Arimond, nay; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried. Item: 82 -23 -W 1982 City Manager's Wages 109 236 Action: Mr. Milbert moved and Mrs. Arimond seconded the motion to continued this item to the next meeting. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, nay; Mr. Hilbert, yea, Mr. Shirley, nay; Mrs. Armond, yea; Mayor Miller, nay. Motion did not carry. Mrs Hilbert moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the motion to increase the City Manager's wages to $38,100 as recommended by Mayor Miller. A poll of the vote was as tollows: Mrs. Arimond, nay; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried. Item 82 -27 -Z Recommendation from Zoning Planning regarding flood plain density credit. Action: Mr. Hilbert moved and Mr. Shirley seconded the notion to 238 250 refer this item to the City Attorney for drafting an ordinance. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs. Arimond, yea, Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. Item 82 -28 -E Engineers Report regarding sufficiency of Cambridge Street 251- 261 for #17 Bus traffic. Action: Item: 82 -29 -R 262 300 Action: Item: 82 -30 -R Action: Mr. Hilbert Roved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the motion to approve the reduction to the 1982 budget due to state aid cuts as outlined by the City Manager. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Arimond, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; W. Milbert, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. 1982 Supervisory Wage proposal Mrs. Armond moved that with the exception of the secretary, the increase in wages for 1982 be $2,000 across the board. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Milbert moved and Mrs. Arimond seconded the motion to order an engineers report on this item. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Arimond, yea; Mr. Hilbert, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. Resolution 82 -2999 A RESOLUTION DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND AUTHORIZING AND ORDERING CONTRACT FOR REPAIRS OF CITY WATER WELL #4" Mr. Milbert moved and Mr. Shirley seconded the motion to adopt the resolution. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs Lavin, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs. Armond, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. Resolution 82 -2998 "A RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE BY REMOVING CERTAIN INFECTED ELM AND /OR OAK TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS Mr. Hilbert moved and Mrs. Armond seconded the motion to adopt the resolution. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Arimond, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The notion carried unanimr ously. cont. Minutes of the February 16, 1982 Council meeting, continued. page 3 Item: 82-31-R 307 310 Action: Item 82 -32 -E 311 362 Item 82 -33-0 363 414 Action: Item 82 -34 -L 1 Action: Request by Lee Cooper, City Superintendent of Traffic Services for consideration of certain traffic control changes. (letter attached) Mrs. Arimond moved and Mr. Hilbert seconded the motion to authorize Police Department and Engineering Department study and report. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs. Arimond, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. Request by Hennepin County for a permanent easement for highway purposes on city garage property at 17th Avenue and County Road 3 to construct a right turn lane in conj- unction with traffic signal agreement previously approved. Mr. Milbert moved and Mrs. Arimond seconded the notion to authorize Mayor and City Manager to sign the easement. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Arimand,yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mr. Milbert, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea;'Mayor Mueller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. Ordinance #82 -502 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1030 OF THE 1977 HOPKINS ODDE OF ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO GARBAGE, RUBBISH, SANITATION, LITI R AND STORAGE REGULATICUS Mr. Hilbert moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded a notion to fill in the blanks to read: $6.00 per month per unit with back in charge of $4.40 per month, and accept for first reading. A poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mr. Hilbert, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs. Arimond, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. At this point in the meeting, Mr. Hilbert left the meeting. Memo to the Hopkins School District 270 School Board from the Council regarding school closings. Mrs. Arimond moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the motion to send this memo to all members of the School Board of District 270, and that the menu be delivered so that the members have this memo before their meeting of Thursday, February 18. Mr. Shirley moved and Mrs. Lavin seconded the nation to amend this motion to send a copy of this memo to the Superintendent of Schools, also. On the amendment the poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Arimond, nay; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The amendment carried. On the notion, as amended the poll of the vote was as follows: Mrs. Lavin, yea; Mr. Shirley, yea; Mrs. Arimond, yea; Mayor Miller, yea. The motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Lavin roved and Mr. Shirley second the motion to adjourn. Time 11:30 p.m. Mtn carried. Jean ,eding, Secy to Coutjcil